
Outlet of My Desire (BL)

[Warning: This story contains Shounen-Ai elements at the beginning, which will develop into deep BL. There are some torture and BDSM scenes. Please continue to support the development of the characters!] Forbidden love, conspiracies, slavery, teenage life that is far from ordinary, the forbidden hobbies of wealthy children, escapes, money games, wars, and even... the world of magic. Respati is not gay, but he is specifically attracted to a popular student at his school named Sha. However, their lives are very different. Sha is a famous student who has many friends and is very kind. Meanwhile, Respati, although quite attractive physically, is shy, doesn't have many friends, and is a bookworm. Until one day, a fate that Respati never expected brought their lives together. Little by little, the reality is revealed about what big things a perfect teenager like Sha hides in his life. Also, a series of bad things had to happen in Respati's life. Who is Sha's true identity? What has Respati done to become an enslaved person for other people's satisfaction? Can they break through everything they have believed in and unite in the end? #Fantasy #Reality #Story

stormseye · LGBT+
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6 Chs

The Boy I Hate is a Different Boy

Why do I have to experience this? Where will this annoying teenager take me? Does he want revenge because I hate him? Wait a minute, how does he know I hate him? What will he do to me?

DRAP, DRAP, DRAP. No matter how many things Respati thinks about, it doesn't change the fact that now he is walking fast with Shakarta, the demigod who everyone loves. And logic doesn't find any good reason for everything that happens.

"Wait a moment!" he said softly when he suddenly realized something. A slight oddity that he had not noticed before. What kind of strange situation was he in now? He, Respati, who is just a nerdy teenager, is walking with a school star whom many people admire.

Why is the situation this calm? Respati could only ask in his heart. Why did no one notice Shakarta's strange movements? Is it because he is Shakarta? At that time, Respati felt like he and the child beside him were invisible.

Is this a miracle that Shakarta can do? He makes other people do whatever he wants.

"Where are we going? Why did you dump that girl and ask me to go instead? I don't want to get involved with your perfect life, Shakarta!" said Respati.

"Just call me Sha," said Shakarta.

"Sha? Why?" asked Respati.

Shakarta glanced at Respati behind him and smiled in amusement. He said, "Did you know? My actual name is not Shakarta. I mean, my name shouldn't be Shakarta."

"You have such a good name, and that shouldn't be your name? What do you mean?" Respati asked.

"My name should be Zhakarta, but the officer who typed my birth certificate made a mistake, so in the end, I had to live with the name Shakarta. So stupid, right?"

Upf. "Ha ha ha," laughed Respati, who was trying to restrain himself. He didn't expect that a perfect human-like Shakarta, meaning Sha, also had a ridiculous story in his life. Looks like he's trying to show that he's just an ordinary person, Respati concluded.

While pointing at Respati, Sha said, "Well, that's it, bro. I like it when you laugh."

Respati immediately closed his mouth and returned to his cold, unfriendly look. He asked, "Did you say that to all your friends?"

Sha replied, "Of course not. What for?"

"Then why did you tell me?" Respati asked.

"So you can be more relaxed and not overthink the strangeness you are experiencing. Everything will be clear in time," answered Sha.

Respati thought, so he noticed the strange thing we were experiencing. Does that mean he caused all this to happen? Or is he the same as me? Who doesn't know why this all happened?

"Have you had lunch?" Shakarta asked while glancing at his Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Selfwinding watch. When they met before, he wasn't wearing it.

"Not yet. I've been resting in the student health room since the second break," answered Respati without thinking. How can a high school student use an object worth more than half a billion rupiah and walk around as if he were nothing?

Or could it be that Sha doesn't know that his watch can be used to buy a house in the capital? Again, Respati could only think without understanding.

"We'd better go eat first before going there," said Shakarta, making his own decision again without telling Respati what he wanted to do.

Well, because I also don't feel like doing anything, it feels okay to do something different from usual. Once in a while, Respati's mind began to accept whatever the teenager in front of him was doing to him. Without exception.

Uh, but?

"Where are we going?" Respati asked when Sha suddenly pulled his wrist harder.

Well, that doesn't mean it's terrible, either. But what does this annoying kid want? He really can't stop thinking.


Not long after, the two arrived in front of a small cafe on the side of a not-that-big road. Only two cars can pass.

"Haahhh?" Respati looked at the cafe with a face of disbelief. He never expected a gentleman with a tall and big body like Sha to take him to lunch at a cute cafe with brown and pink paint and various little girl-style decorations.

Without saying anything, Respati intended to turn around to walk back to the bus stop. What kind of man does Sha think he is to eat at a place like that? Terrifying.

Griett. Sha immediately held Respati's backpack, which made him unable to continue walking. "I'll tell you the reason inside. Now, let's go in first because I'm hungry."

"Seeing all the beautiful colors and women's accessories made my appetite disappear instantly. I also don't want to be looked at strangely by other people for eating at a place like that with men," said Respati.

However, Sha didn't care. He continued to drag Respati's backpack into the cafe. "That's enough. You'll go back on your word once you try the food."


"Hi, Shakarta," said a waitress who stood to welcome guests near the door.

"Is there an empty table upstairs?" Sha asked.

"Um, there is. For two people," answered the short woman. She glanced at Respati, standing behind Sha, trying to hide his face. "You don't usually come here with other people, Shakarta."

"He said he wanted to try the parfait at this cafe when I told him how delicious your food was. The usual one, please, and what would you like to order?" Sha asked, pointing to the menu on the ordering table.

"Black coffee," answered Respati without caring.

The waitress immediately put on a confused face when she wanted to type the order on the computer. "…"

Shakarta said, "Forget the order. I ordered two parfaits and my favorite cupcake."

"Okay," the waitress answered while typing the order: tick, tick, tick.

Sha then dragged Respati by the wrist again to go upstairs. There were two empty seats for two people—one near the window and the other against the wall on the right.

Considering a seat in such a gloomy location, everyone would prefer the one near the window, right? Respati thought that as he subconsciously stepped into the seat near the window. At least three people occupied the other centers on this floor. "This seems like a pretty comfortable place to go with friends. Why do you always come here alone?" he asked, looking behind him where Sha was no longer there.

"Psst psst psst," Sha hissed from his seat on the edge of the wall, swinging his arms.

"I thought someone like you would prefer to sit near the window," commented Respati as he pulled up a chair at the table.

"I don't like being in a place where I can easily be seen," replied Sha.

Respati immediately frowned. He asked, "Is it okay for someone like you to say something like that?"

"The real me and what you all see outside are very different, Respati," said Sha, lowering his face. This is not usually done by a dominant alpha who can dominate anyone and get anything quickly.

"Does that have anything to do with what you're doing to me now?" Respati asked.

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