
Outerworldly Wagabonds

Outerworldy Wagabonds is an Anthology series were i wrote lore to all kind of vtuber, friends. The trick in the book is, there is an overarching story while the guest has their own stories too. You, Dear reader i want you to have a experience of storytelling that i love and want to learn some day. This book has different type of chapters: - OG, the writer's own story, with plot and characters focused on that chapter - Legacy, chapters that existed before the idea of this book - OVA, this chapter will be a Ao3 for certain reason. (don't worry it won't be a lot of this) - Guest, the usual chapter, the main character will be indicated by the name of the chapter. (The chapters aren't in chronological order, that a puzzle journey too.) This is all a fan project, for Vtubers (and my friends) to partake in an adventure. And for me to practice and get more visibility.

Niel_Darkad · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Ahri Foxy - Guest Chapter

Cryohean's perifery

Monolith grove

There is nothing here, other than the frozen beast of forgotten times. Leviathan, Skyserpents, halcyions, frostbite demons. These are more, those that have been listed are the citizens of monolith grove. All enclosed in a giant icespike. still, unmoving but not dead.

"It sooo cold." - Ahri Foxy


"I wonder how the world looks. It was a long time ago when i last saw it. Too long for it to be countable."

On the grayest day, on centuries of uneventful happenings. Something finally happened. The ground started shaking. The pillar, her prison. Cracks have started to show up.

"Huh?" - Ahri Foxy

A distant growling reached Ahri's ear. The shaking of the ground got stronger and stronger, becoming an earthquake.

The crack on her jail spread even more. Something that Ahri didn't feel for a long time, as much as the last time she saw her home. The very slight feeling of HOPE. She watched the crack spreading, weakening the monolith.

This bethroned ground has opened.

One hellish, earbleeding noise escaped from literal hell.


Ungodly, an abomination crawled under the depths of Naraku.

"Wha... What was that sound?! I have never heard of any that sounds like this."

While the ice monolith has distorted the voice, the threatening aura is fully there.

"Centuries past without any events. How is today different?" - Ahri Foxy



The cracks in the earthquake have stopped.

Ahri for the first time seeing it. A terrifying beast's face, as fearsome as a Bloodred Leviathan.

But strangely, it looked as if it wasn't alive or more it wasn't, a fully organic lifeform. It seemed too mechanical.

That beast crushed her monolith. With several others.

The crack almost reached her. The increasing HOPE she got from the thought of freedom.

Being still, captivated by merciless ice, all those times of eons. The idea of what she could do, after she was free from her pillar, had rushed her. All the while, a gruesome monster of a vehicle with many wagons ran very close to her.

"Wait... it is a train?" - Ahri Foxy

The beats of a machine landed, finally. However, its landing wasn't the best one. The movement dragged it miles further, toppling more monoliths.

At this point, there were so many ice pillars moved from their eternal slumber that even more broke and tilted, layed on the ground. The monolith groove is in ruins, barely any pillars have stayed. Ahri's cell of an ice column, keeping her hostage. Standing there, in shambles.

"Just a little more." - Ahri Foxy




The pillar broke into a million parts. Leaving Ahri as she couldn't be, free.

She fell to the ground. She had a hard time standing up, muscle sores weren't a helping factor.

A hand had reached her, with a warm voice.

"Here." - Ahri Foxy


"Let me help you." - Ahri Foxy

A girl, lend her a hand. Ahri accepted.

Two person was there, plus the train. One guy and one girl. The guy was in a red uniform, the shade was a bit odd, most of it was scarlet red, but in patches it was a darker red. His uniform is a mix of a train conductor and a military soldier. Scary, fear-inducing eyes coupled with sharp blade-like teeth. His appearance has very few similarities with a human, but still gives a feeling of a (once) human being.

"My name is Rider." - Rider

The other person, while wearing essential light armor, still dressed elegantly. As much as the armor let her. Long white hair, and an elegant air around her.

"Hi, my name is Persephone. You can call me Persephon too. This is Redlad called one too." Persephone

"Huh... Redlad?!" - Rider


"What is your name?" - Persephon


*Fwahhhhh* *Fwuh-fwaaaah*

"What is it Infernicious?" - Rider

"It said this [Put her crown up already! Don't you see that she doesn't have it in your head? Notice her and help her out already!]. Rider, did you see a crown here?" - Persephon

"Infernicious became very chatty. What happened? The crown? Hmmmm." - Rider

Rider picked up the crown from the ice rumbles, near to Ahri.

"Ohhh, I got it." - Rider

He put the crown on Ahri's head.

"Here. Look how beautiful she is, and even more with the crown." - Rider

"She really is nice, Rider. The crown gives her a royal beauty look." - Persephon

Ahri hugged them while saying.

"Thank you for releasing me from the pillar. For eons i finally free once again." - Ahri

"You're welcome, I guess" - Rider

"Can I ask where we are?" - Persephon

"This is the Monolith Groove." Ahri looked around, more to the landing site "Or what it is left of it."

Both Rider and Persephon looked pale.

"What is it?" - Ahri Foxy

"Say that these pillars didn't have a Leviathan in them!" - Rider


"Really" - Persephon

"No. The groove had Leviathans, Skyserpents and halcyons that were captured in the big frostbite."

"Rider, it was good to be with you." - Persephon

"I have the same feeling about you, Persephon." - Rider


"Your train thingy said that my first few answers flew over you. So... My name is Ahri, ex-ruler of Cryohean."

Ahri greeted them, while Rider and Persephon were searching for something.

"Aaaa... Guys, what are you doing?" - Ahri Foxy

"Our forever sleeping spots. I would rather sleep there than in a Leviathan." - Rider

"You two have a train that goes through dimensional layers. Why are you afraid of those?"

"We had one or two cases with Leviathans. It wasn't a pleasant experience." - Persephon

A chance has come to me.

"I have an idea. I will help you guys with the leviathans and I need help from you guys." - Ahri Foxy

"Where do you wanna go?" - Rider

He answered an instant, without further thoughts.

"The center of Cryohean." - Ahri Foxy

"We will take you there. Now hop in Infernicious." - Persephon


"This wasn't Infernicious! Hurry!" - Rider

Ahri, Rider and Persephon jumped into the helltrain.

In an instant, four Leviathan come fom the ground itself. Even one could swallow the hellish train.

"AAAHHHH!!!! Infernicious its time for us to depart, don't you think?!" - Persephon and Rider


The wheels gain an increase in rpm, friction makes the steel wheel screech.

"Rider, the Leviathan is blocking our way!" - Persephon

"How close are they?" - Rider

Persephon didn't need to answer, the problem replied.

*War cry*

One beast from the group of Leviathans intimidated Infernicius. Acting like a train is a living being too. It was meters away from Infernicious


The train shakes from side to side. The remaining beast pinned down Infernicious.


Ahri took steps to the door, as in the current state it is hard. The shakes from the giant Cryobeast made walking inside Infernicious a hard job.

"Ahri, wait wha...." - Persephon quickly jumped out of her seat and followed her. Not long after, Persephon tripped.


*War cry*

Leviathans are struggling to bite a piece out of Infernicious


Infernicious screamed from the pain.

Ahri ran to the door, pulling it open by force. As it opened, she leaned out. The scenery brought open is unique in nature. Beast who has been imprisoned by the current ruler of Cryohean, is now lively again. Minutes after they wake, they are in their prime. Fearful apex predators who have been frozen up deeply in pillars solely by being too powerful.

"I know how i could calm down Betsy and her friends." - Ahri thought.


"Betsy! They are not th...." - Ahri Foxy

Ahri couldn't continue, she was interrupted by a sound. It was similar to a big metal piercing into a living body. A sound of gushing

*Horrible Screech*

The leviathan which pinned down Infernicious, now wriggling. Spiderlike arms went through her body. 3 of them, holding in still that disarmed beast. The leviathan struggled to move, futile was it. By moving the spearlike spider, the arm just goes deeper and deeper. In a quick movement, Infernicious retracked his arms in a cursive motion, cutting up three cyrobeast of four.

Wheel reached an ideally high rpm. Infernicious Mout opened Singin once again it hellish screeching whistle.

Ahri felt that someone pulled her back to the cargo.

*Light thud*

She fell to the Infernicious' wagon floor, one of the many. She looked up and saw the one who pulled her back was Persephon.

"Are you alright?" - Persephon


Persephon had a puzzling expression for a sec, then immediately started to search for something.

"Huh? What is she..." - Ahri's thought

Ahri was about to reach up for her crown, which she thought was there.

"My crown?!" - Ahri's thought

She saw that Persephon putting something on her head.

"Here, Your crown. I wish I had understood earlier what Infernicious said. So are you alright?" - Persephon

"Yeah.." - Ahri Foxy

"What was this about?! What is this trai--"

"Ahri quickly, grab something! Something stable!" -Persephon



Infernicious's speed increased in neckbreaking tempo. Momentum made the helltrain elevate from the ground. Infernicious gave a jump to it as a plus. Gauging a hole in the fourth Leviathan.

It moved the head down, plunging itself to the ground. The movement that Infernicious takes had a take and a taste of a delphin. Hopping in and out of the water. Just instead of water, there are ground and ephimeral planes.

Inside Infernicious

"It it always this shaky?"

"When it moves around the world. It is just at the start and at the end like an airplane." - Persephon

"Isn't this a train?"

"It is more of a monstrosity." - Persephon


"Okay, Infernicious. But, you are mine and Rider little monster." - Persephon

"Brace for impact" - Rider


The train had landed. It shook everyone inside Infernicious.

*Gwar* *Rawr*

"What about this growling noise?!" - Ahri Foxy

"Infernicious still have a tiny infestation of Scarlanight spiders. I haven't dealt with them, yet."

"Scarlanight?" Ahri asked. She had never heard of it.

"Don't worry, those can't reach us." - Persephon

"Ahri, the road is clear to the center. How about if we have lunch at a nearby restaurant while we know each other better?" - Rider

"How fast is your train? If it didn't change, the closest that can be called a restaurant is at the center. The only liveable place in Cryohean. We are at the furthest edge of it." - Ahri Foxy

"We don't need a fancy building for us to go to a restaurant. Infernicious has a dining car. Me and Rider always eat there. The food could be strange for new people, but it is good." - Persephon

"I can't wait for an Otherside river soup." - Rider

"What is in that?" - Ahri Foxy

"Uhh.. The soup stock is made from veggies from Pandemonium and water from Styx. Pasta is made of... mhhhhm the Lichwheat from pandemonium." - Rider

"I didn't know any of this. How far have you gone?" - Ahri Foxy

"We'll have all the time while we eat. Let's go to the dining. I'm dying for a good imp stake." - Persephon

The group went to the restaurant of Infernicius.

From the Head car, it took two more to reach it. The first car, the Head car, was full of side windows, control panels, seats. Just like a normal train except the design was more like a hellish beast. After that, a living car and a storage car. Then their goal is the dining car.

The restaurant really looked like one. Elegantly decorated, well furnished.

"Wow, it looks soo good." - Ahri Foxy

"I have decorated myself. For Rider and myself, this place is important, so I made it look nice and pleasing."

The rider gave out the orders, then looked at Ahri.

"What do you like to order?" - Rider

Ahri looked at the menu. All kinds of dishes which sounded familiar were left unknown.

"Persephon, can you recommend me one?" - Ahri Foxy

"Sure". She scanned the list with her eyes, the lock on at one title.

"Fried Zelob with a fallen cerub. It tastes similar to lamb. A fallen cerub is a descendant of a cerub. Basically, cerub is a potato, it is just from Superioterra." - Persephon

"Ahri, can you tell us more about you?" - Rider

He asked the question that waited for the time they met. Her story.

"Yeah." - Ahri Foxy

"I was the ruler of Cryohean a while back. This plane was home to many artic fox, leviathans, serpents and humans, but they were in fewer number. Living in harmony. My times as Queen were wonderful, the city improved rapidly. Humans who lived in the city spend their time researching and exploring Cryohean's center. I don't know how they got here. I gave them a warm welcome. To a point in time, everything went well." - Ahri Foxy

Ahri took a break, a pause in her story. Rider got an idea where the story would go.

"Let me guess, a dragon appeared from nowhere?" - Rider

"Not exactly. A tall person with long white braided hair, blood red eyes, in a formal eastern uniform. He manipulated most of all Cryoheanin. Those who resisted immediately were frozen up to an ice statue. He bethroned me with my own folks. He locked up me and all the leviathans in an icepillar, at the furthest point from him. At the end, he froze everyone. Except from him, there wasn't a single soul left in Cryohean. Just ice." - Ahri Foxy

For Ahri, that time was the best. Now that she is free once again.

"I want to ask for your help, to reown my place. My kingdom, which was stolen from me."

"Do you know his name?" - Persephon

"He said that his name [Serpent]. A descendants of a Tatsu. He said that her [master] was banished from this world by a golden bird."

"We will help you, Ahri. You can count on us!" - Persephon

"I want to meet with that Serpent as well. It sounds like he will know that person that I met a long time ago." - Rider

"Inferniciuos! You know what to do." - Rider

Just as Rider said...


The speaker clicked once, then started to speak. It had a distorted imp voice

"Arrival at Cryohean's center in 45 minutes."

The group finished with their meal while they spoke to each other.

"Alright everyone. Go to the second car, we need to prepare for what is ahead of us." - Rider

"Let's beat some snakes!" - Persephon.

Infernicious rapidly closing distance with the center. While Rider, Persephon and Ahri are about to fight for a kingdom, to free it for the foreseeable future.

This chapter is for Ahri Foxy who was in the First patch of MondayLORE.


Check out her :)

Niel_Darkadcreators' thoughts