
Outbreak: The First Cases

In a world struck by a deadly pandemic, a mysterious disease is rapidly spreading that endows the infected with incredible powers, but at a great cost. As the virus continues to spread, the infected individuals begin to lose their minds, becoming monstrous and uncontrollable, making them a danger to themselves and those around them. A small group of uninfected individuals forms the Meta Advance Human Army, to fight against the spread of the pandemic and to uncover the secrets behind the outbreak. They quickly realize that the virus is not a natural occurrence, but rather a man-made bioweapon created by a rogue government agency. As the team races to find a cure, they discover that the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg. The agency responsible for creating the virus is planning something even more catastrophic, and it's up to the Meta Advance Human Army to stop them before it's too late. As they navigate a world on the brink of collapse, the team must fight not only against the infected but also against a corrupt government and the sinister forces behind the pandemic. With each passing day, the stakes get higher, and the team must work tirelessly to save the world from destruction. Outbreak: The First Cases is a thrilling tale of survival, discovery, and betrayal, that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

KiyoAsahiKaishi · sci-fi
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18 Chs

: The First Cases

Kekaw Land had always been peaceful, but that was about to change. People were getting sick, and it was spreading fast. The symptoms were strange, unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. The media dubbed it the "Outbreak," and people were scared.

meanwhile, the infected also start to notice they have some abilities but they slowly losing their sanity .they feeling just like become like living puppets to this disease

everything started to fall apart, the government of Historia cannot handle this situation everything starts to become more havoc and the military was also in disarray because they cannot handle the situation

The scene change to one of a man who is standing his name is

Kiyoshi was just an ordinary high school student living in Kekaw Land. He had never been interested in politics or world events; he was just trying to get by and finish school. He was walking home from school one day when he heard the news on the radio.

"The first cases of the Outbreak have been reported in Kekaw Land," the announcer said.

Kiyoshi was shocked. He had never heard of anything like this before. He was worried about his family and friends and didn't know what to do.

As the days went by, the situation in Kekaw Land worsened. The number of infected people was rapidly increasing, and there was no cure. Kiyoshi's school was closed, and people were advised to stay indoors.

One day, while Kiyoshi was trying to get supplies for his family, he saw a group of people in strange uniforms. They had an emblem on their clothes that he had never seen before. They were carrying weapons and seemed to be looking for something.

Kiyoshi tried to avoid them, but they saw him and approached him.

"Hey, you," one of them said. "What are you doing out here? Don't you know it's not safe?"

"I was just trying to get supplies for my family," Kiyoshi said.

The group looked at each other, then at Kiyoshi.

"You seem like a decent kid," the leader said. "We could use someone like you. You want to help us out?"

Kiyoshi was hesitant. He didn't know who these people were or what they were doing.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"We're the Meta Advanced Human Army," the leader said. "We're here to fight the Outbreak and find a cure. We need all the help we can get."

Kiyoshi thought about it for a moment. He wanted to help his community and make a difference. Maybe this was his chance.

"Okay," he said. "I'll help you."

The group gave him a uniform and a weapon. Kiyoshi felt a sense of pride as he put them on. He was part of something important, something bigger than himself.

Little did he know, he was about to be thrust into a world of danger, secrets, and betrayal. The Outbreak was just the beginning.

The world is not at peace but there is also hope for humanity.

and who is This MAHA organization and what is their purpose to invite kiyoshi to their cause?