
51. Meeting

Anna push-pulls herself out onto the deck first with Dean close behind her. Castiel is much slower to move. He has no idea what the council's decision is going to be and that whole sense of not knowing is terrifying. Having hope hurts and there is little that he can do to have any effect on their decision now. All that is left for him to do is to wait and pray fervently to mother-sea that somehow he’ll be allowed to stay with Dean.

He watches from the shadows of the covered part of the boat while Dean helps Anna back into the water. Through his connection with Dean, Castiel can see everything that he does. There are shapes beneath the surface, half a dozen fin-kin or more, and none of them are putting their faces out of the water. Castiel can't recognize any of them with Dean's poor human sight and the waves distorting colours and bodies and faces.

“Are you going back in the water?” Dean asks as he turns around to face him.

(No. I want to stay here with you.) He shakes his head, hugging the fold of his tail to his chest while Dean sits on the nearest chair to pull off his shirt and pick at the bandage over his shoulder.

“They saying anything to you yet?” Dean tilts his head, looking at Castiel while he peels the bandage off.

Castiel turns his attention to the kin-connection, listening to the many voices. (Anna is giving her own report about you. I believe she's corroborating everything that Balthazar told them on the swim up from the colony.)

“Good things?”

(I don't know.) He rests his chin on the fold of his tail, watching Dean kick off his shoes. (I'm only being told the subject, not the content. They're purposefully blocking me from the conversation.)

“That makes sense, I guess. You're too close to it to be included, huh?” Dean moves from the chair to the floor, sitting close enough that Castiel can reach for him now. He allows Dean to pull him over, sliding easily into his lap to sit tucked against his chest.

(I suppose. If I knew what they were talking about, I might be able to tell you things that you could use to correct your behaviours or hide things from them when they look into your mind.) He shrugs and turns his face into Dean's neck, his skin warmed by his time in the light of bright-pearl. (It doesn't matter, though. I've done all that I can and all that's left is to wait for whatever happens.)

Dean's arms circle his waist loosely as kisses get pressed to his temple. “It'll be okay. We're prepared for any outcome, aren't we?”

(No, I'm not.) He pulls away sharply, hands curling into fists against Dean's chest. (Depending on their decision, I'll either have everything that I want, or I'll lose my family, or I'll lose you. It's -)

Castiel is cut off with a kiss he isn't expecting. It's just a simple press of lips that sends his thoughts stuttering to a halt. One of Dean's hands comes up to cup the side of his face, fingers light against the base of his side-fan before he leans back against the seat again.

“Don't worry about it, Cas.” Dean murmurs, pulling him forward for another kiss. “Just wait. There's no point letting it upset you right now when you don't know what the outcome will be.”

He lets Dean distract him with kisses for a few moments before he moves to sit like they were before. (I can't help it. I want to keep my family and I want to keep you.) His fingers find the sensitive scabs of the bite from last night on Dean’s shoulder and Castiel traces along the swollen edges, not actually touching it. The mark is too new for him to touch it directly yet. (I'm not sure if I'll be able to let you go again. It'll hurt too much and I just got you back.)

“It'll work out.”

(You keep saying that, but do you really believe it?)

“Sorta yes, sorta no.” Dean shrugs and smoothes his hand down his sides until he can play with his adipose-fin like Castiel usually does. “Part of me is pretty damn pessimistic about the whole thing because nothing has ever really worked out for us before, but another part of me wants to believe it's all going to be fine because we've been through enough and we deserve it. It's actually really annoying to be thinking like this, like I can't decide if I'm hopeful or not.”

Castiel huffs the closest thing to a laugh he can give right now. He doesn't know what else there is to say or do, and they're just waiting for the council to call him to the water. They might call Dean in too and if they do that then Castiel will absolutely refuse to leave Dean's side. There's every chance that Lucifer or Raphael or someone will try to drown him simply because he’s human and Castiel won't allow it to happen. If anything, he'd rather that they both stay on the boat while the council scours Dean's mind for signs of deception.

When the pull happens through the kin-connection, Castiel flinches hard enough that it startles Dean and he sits up. “They're calling?”

He nods and only holds tighter, forcing his tail behind Dean to wrap securely around his waist. Dean doesn't complain, but it does make it harder for him to stand and carry Castiel to the back of the boat. Rather than lower him into the water, or simply dropping him over the side of the boat, or even jumping into the ocean like he did before, he places Castiel gently on the small wall that separates the swim-deck from the rest of the boat. Castiel has to regretfully uncurl from around him, letting his tail drop to the swim-deck and fold there.

While Dean gets the bag of things that he brought, Castiel turns his attention to the kin-connection – more specifically, to Michael and the council. He puts the thought out carefully, hiding his worry of how they will respond. (How do you want to speak to Dean?)

(From there is fine. Your two-tails doesn't have to come in the water if he doesn't want to.) Michael's words are flat, his emotions wiped clean from the kin-connection.

Gabriel and Lucifer are no different, but Raphael's animosity is scalding and he's not even bothering to hide it. Metatron, however, is nearly radiating boredom – but Castiel can see him watching through the waves, his face closest to the surface out of everyone. He's always been interested in knowledge and stories, learning every legend and song the colony has. Since the end of the war, he's been listening to the history of the fang-fin and the stories they have. That gives Castiel a small burst of hope. If Metatron is interested in Dean and the stories that he could share and all the new information he would learn, then maybe he will be more likely to agree that their relationship is a benefit to the colony.

(Castiel.) Gabriel gets his attention as he swims closer to the boat, his back-fan breaking the surface before he twists under again. (You need to sever the kin-connection with him. Only we will be in his mind for this.)

(I understand.) Castiel's hands curl into fists on his lap and he turns away to look over his shoulder at Dean until he joins him and they both move to sit on the swim-deck.

Dean has a blanket and the plastic bag with him. He drapes the blanket over Castiel to shield him from bright-pearl, making sure that even his tail is tucked under it and hidden in the shade. Castiel uses the time it takes for them to get settled to explain to Dean what he was just told.

“Yeah, I figured as much.” Dean sighs, sitting with his feet in the water.

There's no anticipation in the kin-connection, but there is also no dread. When Castiel prods at Dean's thoughts, he finds no barriers that would hide his emotions. His confusion gets him a smile and a shrug in response. “I shut down when it's time to do important stuff. Feelings just get in the way when I need to focus and carry something out.”

(Don't do that right now. They need to know that you're worried. If you feel nothing while they are essentially violating your privacy and your mind, it might be seen as a negative thing.)

“I'm not doing it on purpose, Cas. It just happens. They're in there, but it feels like they're deep down and hard to find.” Dean finds his hand under the blanket and squeezes it. “I'm not gonna do anything to fuck this up. They can go in there and do what they want. There's just one thing that I wanna know.”

Castiel tilts his head, brow furrowing. (What?)

“Should I give them these before or after?” He holds up the bag, eyebrows lifting in question.

He can't help the undignified snort of laughter. If that's all that's concerning Dean right now, then perhaps things really will be alright and Castiel is just over thinking everything as he sometimes has the tendency to do. Dean puts the bag between them and takes out a thin box that rattles, placing it in Castiel's lap. He also removes Castiel's belt and his weapons from the bag, putting that behind them. The rest of the bag is filled with a few other belts that have the loops for daggers and swords, like the one Dean just moved.

(You made them weapon belts too?)

“Well you said that the kelp ones rot away pretty quick. These'll last for a good long while.” Dean shrugs and takes out one of the belts. “D'you think they'll actually use them?”

(They might.) He takes the belt that Dean hands to him. (Metatron and Gabriel aren't fighters, so they might not accept these.)

“That's cool. I have the candy for Gabe. I have no idea what I could give to Megatron.”

(Me-ta-tron.) Castiel corrects him and Dean laughs for reasons he doesn't understand. (When he's the one in your head, offer him a story – not something about your past, but something like we would read in one of your books. He loves stories.)

Dean raises an eyebrow at him, but he nods before he looks out at the water. “Do you want to call them over so I can give them this stuff or what?”

(Let me check with them.) Castiel turns his attention to the links he shares with the others. (Dean brought gifts for the council – weapon belts like mine for those of you who want one.)

Michael is the first to swim forward, his hand rising from the water for the belt that Castiel is holding. Though his emotions aren't in the kin-connection, Castiel is certain that he will express at least a thanks when his mind is joined with Dean. He isn't surprised that Raphael refuses immediately and Castiel shuts out the oncoming angry tirade before it can even start. He doesn't need to listen to Raphael ranting about how Dean is only trying to bribe them.

What does surprise him is when Lucifer follows after Michael and accepts the belt that Dean holds out – even going so far as to pulse gratitude into the kin-connection with Castiel for him to share with Dean.

(He only wants one because I wore yours when I took it from you and I kept saying how much I liked it.) Michael allows a little amusement to edge his words. (It's more secure than kelp and I almost didn't want to give it back.)

Castiel smothers a laugh behind his hand and checks the bag. There are three more belts left and he's not surprised when neither Raphael nor Metatron swim forward for one. He's never seen Metatron touch a weapon, even when they were in the midst of a war. If Raphael ever accepts anything from Dean, Castiel thinks the shock might kill him. When Gabriel's hand sticks up out of the water, Castiel nearly does a double-take. Even though his brother has his own dagger and sword, he rarely carries them and Castiel isn't sure if he even knows how to use them.

(I'm not going to be the only one in our family swimming away from here without one. Gimme.) Gabriel flexes his fingers and Castiel rolls his eyes, dropping one of the belts into his waiting palm.

(I feel you should know that Dean brought something special for you.) Castiel points out, holding up the rattling box and shaking it just out of Gabriel's reach. (It's one of their foods. Sweet and tasty and just for you. He says it would be better if you ate it out of the water.)

Gabriel is silent for a moment before his tail twitches and his head breaks the surface. He holds his hand out again, reaching for the box. (Let me try it.)

Dean takes the box and opens it, shaking several hard, coloured pellets into Gabriel's outstretched hand. After spitting out the water in his mouth but not fully clearing his lungs, Gabriel lifts his hand to his lips and tilts the pellets into his mouth without hesitation. Castiel would be shocked if he didn't suspect that Gabriel wasn't trusting his belief in Dean. He can hear the crunch as Gabriel chews them from where he's sitting and he smiles at the burst of surprise through the kin-connection. It adds to the little pool of hope building in his chest.

Gabriel takes the box from Dean completely, swimming backward and away from the boat as he dips his head to breathe before spitting out excess water and shaking more contents from the box directly into his mouth. His happy noises are loud enough for even Dean to hear and Castiel turns a pleased smile to him, matched by the one pulling at Dean's lips.

“I think that went pretty well, don't you?”

Castiel nods, sending bright curls of hope into the kin-connection that makes Dean's grin grow. He glances down, gesturing at the bag. (What are we going to do with these extra ones? Raphael and Metatron don't want them.)

“What about Anna and Balthazar?”

He turns the question to his link with his siblings and unsurprisingly they both are more than happy to accept the gifts. As they slide back beneath the surface, fumbling to clip the belts around their waists, Castiel prepares himself for closing the kin-connection with Dean. There's nothing more for them to do to delay the inevitable and he can only hope that the searching they do doesn't hurt Dean. It occurs to him then that there is something he can do to dissuade them from doing that.

(Come with me into the water. Just for a few minutes.) Castiel looks to Dean quickly, reaching for his own belt. It will be necessary for what he is about to do.

By the time he has the belt properly cinched, Gabriel is finished the box and he tosses it back onto the boat. The moment that the belt is secure over his hips, Castiel shrugs the blanket from his shoulders and dives from the swim-deck. He lets the water fill his lungs and flow through his gills before he twists around to find Dean already lazily treading water above him. One pulse of warning is all Dean gets to notify him to hold his breath. The moment he's ready, Castiel pulls him down by his foot. Aside from his siblings and the council, there are a few guards – or perhaps just colony-kin who were interested in watching, it's hard to tell – who are also present.

Castiel opens the kin-connection to everyone. (Regardless of what you decide today, Dean is my mate.) He uses images in the link to draw everyone's attention to the scabs on Dean's shoulders, the tattoos on his legs, and the kiss-bruises scattered over his body. His hand goes to the hilt of his sword and he makes sure they all see him do it as he flares his fans as wide as they'll go and increases his glow to a threatening brightness despite how close they are to the surface. (If you hurt my mate, I will not hesitate to hurt you – whether you are from my birth-nest or a member of the council. This is the only warning I will give.)

While he lets that information sink in, Castiel drags Dean back to the surface for him to breathe. Dean shakes the water from his eyes and there's pride and awe filling the kin-connection as he pulls Castiel to him for a kiss that is as surprisingly hard as the grip on his hip. Dean's grin is wide and more than a little heated when he pulls back. (I love it when you get badass.)

(Not now.) Castiel gives him a halfhearted, disapproving glare. (Right now you should be deciding if you want them in your head while you're in the water, or while you're sitting on the swim-deck. I'll be at your side no matter what you choose.)

Dean looks back toward the boat, thinking while he bobs with the waves. (I think I'd rather be sitting. If they're going to be anything like it last night, I want something solid under me.)

(I would keep you floating if you stayed in the water.)

(Do you want me to stay swimming? I will if you want me to.) He looks back to Castiel, eyebrow raised.

If he must be honest, Castiel would prefer that Dean be on the boat as well. It would be difficult to keep him floating and safe from the others if Raphael or the guards attacked at the same time. He'd rather not risk it. There would be no guarantee that his siblings would help in the fight if it came down to that. Anna and Balthazar likely would, but it would still complicate matters.

Castiel helps Dean onto the swim-deck, accepting his offered hands when Dean turns around to pull him up behind him. The moment he's seated, Dean puts the blanket back over Castiel's head and tucks it around him again. Without caring about who might see it, Castiel takes Dean's hand and holds it tightly as he hesitantly withdraws from the kin-connection. He pulses as much warmth and hope as possible into the link before it closes completely.

Dean squeezes his hand tightly and leans more into his side. He's murmuring words Castiel recognizes, words that string together to keep him calm as his adipose-fins rustle weakly against the swim-deck. Castiel can only sigh and lean against him. Now all he can give Dean is silent support through this and hope no one is stupid enough to try and hurt his mate. At the first sign of actual pain – beyond the sting of force – Castiel will dive from the boat and destroy anyone you makes that mistake.

It takes more courage than he cares to admit to announce through the kin-connection that he is no longer linked with Dean. (He's ready.)

Gabriel swims forward first. He circles in front of the swim-deck a few times before he takes to floating just beneath the surface, face tilted back to watch Dean closely. A few heads – Anna and Balthazar, even Michael – break the waves to see the physical reactions too. Castiel knows the exact moment that the kin-connection is made. Dean sucks in a sharp breath and his fingers flex around Castiel's hand, his body going tense beside him. He keeps his eyes closed and ignores the soft, curious sound that Castiel makes.

It’s almost physically painful for him not to know what's happening. Dean doesn't move beyond the first reaction and his breathing remains steady. Even Gabriel barely moves. Only his adipose-fins ripple to keep him floating in place as he searches Dean's mind like Castiel never has. He's cut Castiel out of their link too. There's his presence, flickering brightly in the blank space of the kin-connection, but Gabriel is silent in the way that means Castiel is completely blocked from him – separated by walls as thick as their home trench is wide.

Dean relaxes the moment Gabriel recedes from his mind. Castiel makes the curious noise again. The only thing keeping him from reaching for Dean’s mind and establishing the kin-connection again is the beat of warning that Michael pulses at him, his side-fans flaring sharply and splashing the water.

“That wasn't so bad.” Dean turns his head to give him an easy smile. “Did you know your brother can be kind of an asshole? He went straight for the memories about us first and he was stupidly happy about that. Were they really betting on us?”

Castiel doesn't understand everything in its whole. He knows a few of the words, but pieced together like they are doesn't make any sense to him. Dean laughs under his breath when Castiel tilts his head and frowns at him.

“Don't worry about it.” He dips his head to press a kiss to Castiel's blanket covered shoulder. “I'm ready for the next one.”

(I think Dean just said he's ready.) Castiel slips the thought into the kin-connection hesitantly, hoping that is what Dean really just said. It's the word he recognized, at least.

Metatron takes Gabriel's place as his brother twists and dives, rising again next to Anna and Balthazar with a sweet snail already at his lips. The twist at the corner of his mouth and the bright look in in his eyes gives Castiel more hope. If it hadn't gone well, if Gabriel didn't believe that Dean was good for the colony or for Castiel, then he wouldn't be looking as pleased as he does.

Or he could just be playing some kind of horrible trick to make him think that. Gabriel has always had the habit of being misleading. Right now, Castiel chooses to believe that he wouldn’t play with him during such a crucial moment.

There is no preamble or warning for when Metatron starts. Dean gives a loud gasp and he flinches hard against Castiel side, the hold on his hand going tight enough that it hurts. Castiel can feel the bones in his hand grind together and he hisses through his teeth, baring them at the scruffy, white face tilted out of the water. The heavy breathing against his shoulder is rough and broken with little noises that sound too much like pain for Castiel's liking.

He growls and his other hand goes to the hilt of his sword. Metatron is hurting Dean and Castiel will not allow it to happen anymore. Even though he is blocked from Metatron's mind in the kin-connection, Castiel has given plenty of physical warnings to let him know to stop. Before he can move, Dean twists and places an arm over his chest to keep him from diving into the water.

“No, Cas, don't.” He still sounds pained, but his body is more relaxed now. “It's fine. Just wait.”

(Don't interrupt, Castiel.) Michael warns him, swimming close to the side of the boat. (Metatron isn't done just yet.)

(He's hurting Dean!)

(It was necessary.)

Castiel's back-fans flare, pulling the blanket off his head as they catch in it. (I told you-)

(It was necessary, Castiel. Metatron is done with the pain now. Leave him be and he will finish sooner.) Michael's thoughts are hard and they're not the chastising of an older brother. They are the command of the colony leader and Castiel's fans fold submissively almost immediately. He’s been conditioned his whole life to respond to the leader of his colony under all circumstances.

“It's okay. I'm okay.” Dean repeats, pulling the blanket back up over Castiel's head. “Just wait.”

Waiting is making his stomach twist and worry tightens his throat to the point where it's almost too hard to breathe. Metatron is taking twice as long as Gabriel did before and Castiel doesn't know what he could possibly be doing that would take this long. Maybe Dean really is telling him a story? Castiel can hazard a guess at what Gabriel would have looked for when it comes to searching Dean's mind.

Gabriel deals out the punishments in the colony. When the council decides that someone is guilty of a crime, Gabriel is given the task of choosing an appropriate punishment by looking into the mind of the fin-kin – if he doesn't already know them well enough. He was the one who decided that Castiel would have a rotation-long exile and that is something that Castiel will never be able to thank him enough for. It was all the time needed for him to fall for Dean all over again.

When looking into Dean's mind, Gabriel should have been looking for his sins – for the things that make him feel the guiltiest and what he would deserve to be punished for. When it’s Michael’s turn, he will undoubtedly be checking for anything that he might consider a danger to the colony. The safety of the colony is paramount to the colony leader and Castiel is certain that that is what he will be focusing on.

With Metatron, Castiel has no idea what he'll look for. He’s the big question in all of this and it’s getting harder to hold still and not make him stop. Dean is still tense, but his breathing is even again and he isn’t squeezing Castiel’s hand so tightly anymore.

Castiel breathes a soft sigh of relief when Metatron ducks back beneath the waves, twisting out of sight. His attention is immediately devoted solely to Dean when he sags heavily into his side and Castiel puts his arm around his shoulders, making sure the blanket moves with him so Dean won't worry about bright-pearl’s light burning his skin. He coos soft noises until Dean lifts his head and gives him a tired smile. Castiel presses a kiss to his temple and runs his fingers through his hair. Physical comfort is one of the few things that he can give Dean right now.

“That was a hoot.” Dean mumbles, eyes closed as Castiel gently rakes his claws over his scalp, hoping to alleviate the pain in his head somehow. “Can Mike wait a little bit before he gives it a go? Shit – do you even understand that? Probably not. It’s too many words. Fuck – can Michael – wait – please.”

The last three words are ones that Castiel recognizes and knows and can easily determine what Dean is asking for. (Dean asks if you can wait until he's ready again.) He turns to look back at the water, surprised to find less bodies beneath the surface than there were before. Even the kin-connection has less minds in it and Castiel is almost appalled with himself for not noticing that they left.

(I will give him a few minutes while I speak with Raphael.) Michael leaves the side of the swim-deck, curving deeper to where the dark, blurry form of Raphael is waiting. (And stay out of his mind, Castiel.)

Rather than touching Dean’s mind, Castiel turns his thoughts to his other siblings and where they are currently amusing themselves with trying to attach Gabriel's kelp-woven bag of sweet snails to the gift-belt in one of the loops in place of a weapon. (Where did Metatron go?)

(He left with a few of the guards and Lucifer.) Anna answers, each word lined with boredom. (He wasn't comfortable with being so close to the surface, and Lucifer wasn't happy with leaving the colony unsupervised for so long.)

(I have the feeling that our big brother is going to take even longer than Metatron did.) Balthazar interjects and he sounds just as annoyed with having to wait around – despite there likely being nothing better for him to do. (I should have left with them.)

(I'm glad that you didn't.) Castiel touches his thoughts with the fond warmth he has for his siblings. (Thank you for staying with us.)

Balthazar's warmth answers and he swims away from where Gabriel is still fighting with getting the kelp to stay secured to the loop of string where a sword would hang. Castiel leans forward to dip his hand into the water and touch Balthazar's back-fan as he passes beneath them, even brushing against Dean's feet as he does so.

(You were the one who came after me before. You stayed with me and freed me and I haven't paid back that debt. Not to mention that you're my brother and my best friend.) Balthazar passes under them again, this time close enough to the surface that his back-fan breaks the waves. (I may not trust the two-tails, but I trust your two-tails. He's a good one.)

Castiel's smile is wide and bright when he looks back to Dean. Just knowing that at least one of his siblings likes his mate makes him very happy and he reaches up to tilt Dean's face toward him, pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. Dean makes a quiet noise and opens his eyes briefly before closing them again and pushing back into the kiss. It's soft, sweet and Dean looks happier for it when they pull away.

“Just the pick-me-up I needed.” Dean grins, gesturing out at the water. “I'm ready.”

(He's ready if you are.) Castiel touches gently at Michael's mind. He's still blocking Raphael almost completely. If he wasn't certain that there is a simmering hatred and rage on the other side of the wall that separates them, he would drop it entirely just to know what Raphael is thinking.

It still takes a few minutes before Michael swims up before them. In that time, Dean goes into the covered side of the boat to use the bathroom and he returns with a cup that he uses to scoop water and dump it over Castiel's tail, not caring if the blanket gets wet. Michael watches, raised enough out of the water that the waves brush just under his eyes, as Dean takes close care of Castiel's fans and fins, even pouring the water over his head and his arms to make sure even his skin doesn’t get dried out.

(He cares for you.) Michael comments quietly, letting the walls separating his emotions in the kin-connection slip just enough that Castiel can feel his pleasure. (Let us see if this would carry over to the rest of the colony.)

Dean drops the cup in surprise when the kin-connection is made. Castiel is only aware of the link being formed through his own connection with Michael. After that, he's cut out completely as Michael severs it and leaves Castiel with nothing but the others in his head. Gabriel is still mostly blocking him from his mind, but that's understandable. If they talk, Castiel might learn something he's not supposed to know about Gabriel's feelings or thoughts on the matter and that's not allowed. He needs to keep his thoughts private until he shares them with the council at the meeting they'll be holding back in the trench once Michael is done with Dean's mind.

Castiel doesn't even know if he's going to be allowed to stay with Dean after this. Will the council want him to go to the deeps with them and wait there until he's heard their verdict? Or will he be allowed to remain up here on the boat with Dean? Should Dean return to the house or will they want him to stay here until someone – Castiel or Anna or Balthazar, maybe – comes to give him their answer? There are so many questions and he can't ask them of Gabriel, and Michael is busy with Dean.

Like with Gabriel, Dean barely moves and his breathing is steady – although his forehead is wrinkled with a frown and his eyes are scrunched closed like he's concentrating very hard on something. Castiel would give almost anything to know what's happening in the link between them.

What are they talking about? Are they even talking or is Michael just digging and searching? Did Dean talk with Gabriel? He said so many words after Gabriel was done, words that Castiel didn't understand, and he's not sure if they did or didn't. What about Metatron? With how long that took, he hopes that Dean offered the promise of a story or something that Metatron would find equally alluring.

Unsurprisingly, Michael takes the most amount of time. By the end, Dean's hands are shaking where he's holding Castiel's and there's sweat on his forehead and in the curve of his throat. Castiel takes the extra effort to keep his tail hidden under the blanket as he turns to twist it around Dean's hips, pulling him to lean fully against his chest as he holds him through the last of it. When Michael is done, he doesn't move but Dean lets out a loud sigh of relief as he goes limp in Castiel's arms.

He feels the kin-connection open when Michael joins it again, though he remains separated from it. (We're done, Castiel. We will be return to the colony now, you included.)

(Can I say goodbye to Dean?) He doesn't want to, but he knows he has to.

Michael looks up at steady-blue, glancing toward bright-pearl. She's resting high in the sky and Castiel estimates that it must be around midday by now. (You may have an hour with him. Anna and Balthazar will remain to escort you back. The rest of the council and myself need to return to begin our meeting.)

(Thank you, Michael.) Even though he knows that Michael is talking to him as the colony leader and not his brother, he doesn’t keep back the surge of fond warmth he has for him. Castiel isn't expecting the walls to slip again and the warmth to be answered before Michael ducks beneath the waves. (What do you want Dean to do?)

(He may return to his home.)

Castiel bites lightly at his bottom his lip as he watches Gabriel, Raphael and the remaining guards join Michael. (How will he be told your answer?)

(We'll figure that out when our decision is made.)

The blurred shapes disappear as they go deep and the kin-connection is severed by all of them before Castiel can ask any more questions. Anna and Balthazar don't actually stay for long either, leaving the boat to hunt for something to eat. It's just Castiel and Dean again and he can't help but like it like that, even going so far as to cut out his siblings again so he can focus solely on his mate. Carefully, Castiel reaches for Dean's mind. He doesn't like how Dean flinches at the touch and he nearly withdraws, but Dean grabs at the link and pulls, forcing it open before it's fully formed.

Another sigh of relief passes his lips. (That's better.)

(Are you alright?) Castiel fills the kin-connection with concern and warmth and hope, tracing Dean's mind like his hands do his body, sliding in comforting touches everywhere.

Dean shrugs and tilts his head into the rubs of his fingers through his hair again. (A little worn out, I think. I don't want to do that again anytime soon. It's better when it's just you.)

Castiel smiles and presses a kiss to his temple again. (We have an hour to ourselves before Michael wants me to join the colony again in the deep. After that, he said you can return home and they'll figure out how they'll let you know their decision after it’s made.)

“Okay.” Dean nods slightly, slowly pulling his legs out of the water. (Let's get inside then. I don't want you out in this sun any longer than you have to be.)

He takes a little longer to get to his feet than he usually does, and he staggers badly enough that Castiel refuses to let him pick him up. Despite preferring it when Dean carries him, Castiel only lets him help him over the wall that separates the swim-deck from the rest of the boat. He push-pulls himself the rest of the way and waits for Dean inside the covered half of the boat while he cleans up the blanket, the bag and his clothing.

Castiel is waiting on the cushioned seat that lines the majority of the wall when Dean finally shuts the door. Using his bunched up shirt like a pillow, Dean lays down with his head away from Castiel and his legs stretched out toward him. With a 'come here' gesture of his hands and an image of what he wants in the kin-connection, Dean directs Castiel in how he wants him to lay with him. He lays over Dean, tail curling to twist around a leg as he rests his head on Dean's chest and tucks his arms along his sides.

(How was it?) He asks after a few minutes. (What did they look for?)

“Michael said I'm not allowed to tell you.” Dean murmurs, his arms resting over Castiel's shoulders, one hand heavy on the back of his neck. “He said you’ll be allowed to know after they’ve made their decision – if you still want to know by then.”

Castiel frowns against the warm skin of Dean's chest. He hadn't expected that. He thought he'd be allowed to find out from him at the least. Having to wait until the council comes to their decision could be hours, maybe even days. He doesn't know how long he's going to have to wait or how long it's going to be before he'll see Dean – or if he'll even be allowed to ever see him again.

“Stop that.” Dean mumbles, his hand squeezing tightly over the back of Castiel's neck. “You're just going to stress yourself out.”

(I don't want to lose you. Not again.)

(You won't.) He assures him, filling the kin-connection with warmth as his fingers start stroking down his spine. “Now don't make me say something stupid like how you'll always have me or whatever.” His voice turns teasing and Castiel lifts his head to see his smile. “I might cry.”

Castiel snorts and squeezes his leg in retaliation, pulling a laugh from Dean as his hand slides back up to his neck. The repeated touch to that spot reminds Castiel about the hickeys. The bruises might be gone by the end of the day if not by tomorrow morning and he's not sure when Dean will have the chance to renew them again. He presses a kiss to the nearest mark within reach on Dean's chest, allowing curls of desire to slide into the kin-connection.

That makes Dean's laughs stop rather suddenly and he lifts his head to look down at Castiel. “You wanna do that? Right now?”

He fills the kin-connection with the images of the hickeys in answer and the burn of Dean's thoughts immediately subsides. “Oh, you want to do that, not that.”

It takes him a moment to realize what Dean is referring to, the images he uses to translate his words are vague at best. Dean props himself up on his elbows and Castiel sits back on the curl of his tail to give him the room he needs to sit up himself. He turns to present his back and neck to Dean, looking down at his chest while he does so and touching the bruises that are already much lighter than they were yesterday. Castiel hates how quickly they disappear. He would much rather bear them permanently now that he's claimed Dean as his mate.

(Sorry.) Dean slips his apologies into their link as he puts his arms around Castiel's waist and presses kisses along his shoulder, working toward the back of his neck with the intent to renew the mark there. (If I could and if you wanted it, I'd give you something more permanent.)

(Of course I would want it.) Castiel keeps his chin to his chest and tries not to move when Dean nips lightly at the spot before he seals his mouth there and starts to suck. His fans flex at the feeling and he waits until Dean is done before continuing talking. (By fin-kin standards, you're my mate now. If it's possible, I'd like to be your mate by human standards as well. What would that require?)

Dean rests his forehead against the spot. “You'd have to be a registered citizen and everything to get the proper documents. But if you don't care about the bureaucratic bullshit, we could just have ourselves a little ceremony. Sam can officiate or something and we'll exchange rings or whatever.” He lifts one of Castiel's hands, his chin on his shoulder as he looks at his fingers, thumb rubbing where the webbing joins his skin. “Though I don't know how you'd be able to wear one.”

(It wouldn't be very difficult.) Castiel flexes his fingers, thinking about how Dean wears his mother's ring. (I would just have to cut the webbing away from the finger the ring would be placed on and let it heal around the ring. I have no intention of ever removing it and even if I ever did, all I would have to do is cut the webbing again.)

“That sounds painful.” Dean winces, covering his hand with both of his.

(It would be worth it.) Castiel shrugs and turns his head to bump Dean's cheek with his own. (But it would still be just a material symbol of our bond. Like how I already wear your necklace. You carry so many of my marks that are permanent and I have none.) He runs his tongue over his teeth, feeling the points and picturing Dean's teeth. (How do you feel about biting me?)

“That would be right up there with being as painful as cutting your webbing.” Dean frowns and he bares his teeth. (I don't quite have your chompers here.)

(It would be worth it.) He repeats, his adipose-fins rippling at the thought as anticipation starts to tremble under his skin. It would have to be a fairly deep bite for it to scar on him, and if it's not, it would have to be repeated a few times to stay – like the scarred markings of the council. (That. I want that.)

“Right now?” Dean leans away, taking his heat with him. “You're gonna bleed from it and you'll be going back in the water soon. What if it attracts sharks or something?”

(Anna and Balthazar will be with me and if you do it right now the bleeding will have stopped by the time I return to the colony.) Castiel twists back around to face him. (It will have to be deep. Are you able to bite that hard?)

Dean is chewing on his lip and he looks uneasy, eyes drifting over Castiel's shoulders. “I've never tried biting someone to break the skin. I don't like blood play and I've never done the whole 'marking' thing before you. It's just – I dunno? I could try, but I don't want to hurt you.”

(You won't.) He reaches out and closes his hand over the fresh scabs on Dean's shoulder. (Remember how you wanted this last night? You wanted to have it to show the council that you were serious about me. That's what I want too. Please, Dean?)

He shifts slightly and leans forward again to meet him for a brief kiss as he relents to the plea. (Where do you want it?)

(The same place as you. Generally that is what mates do.) Castiel smiles and tilts his head to bare the expanse of his shoulder and the curve of his neck. (Do it as hard as you can and if the scar doesn't hold, we'll do it again later until it does.)

Dean traces the area with his fingers first. “You sure you don't just want to wear a ring or something?”

(I want to do that too as a symbol for your culture. But I want this for the council and the colony to understand that I am yours as much as you are mine.)

He replaces his fingers with his mouth, finding the same place where neck curves into shoulder on Castiel's body that mirrors where he has his mark. Castiel forces himself to remain relaxed and he appreciates that Dean doesn't give him any warning before he bites. His teeth are blunt and it takes a much harder bite for it to break the skin, let alone to sink deep enough to scar. There's no cry of surprise or pain and Castiel digs his claws into the seat instead of into Dean, gritting his teeth to keep from making any noise.

Dean draws away sharply and spits on the floor, wiping his arm over his mouth and making a face at the taste on his tongue. If Castiel didn't already know that Dean dislikes the taste of blood, he might have been insulted by this reaction. His shoulder stings and there's blood smeared over the skin when he looks at it.

“Sorry, let me clean that and I've got some water proof bandaides in here somewhere.” Dean touches his arms gently before he gets up and starts going through the cupboards under the cushions.

Castiel doesn't mind. There's a heavy satisfaction seeping through him now knowing that he'll carry a physical mark of their bond. A purr rumbles deep in his chest as Dean sits next to him again, one leg folded under him as he opens the little white box and starts tending to the wound like Castiel did to his the night before.

“You're a bit of a masochist, aren't you?” Dean grins at him as he wipes away the blood and uses a liquid on it that stings and makes Castiel hiss, fans flaring in surprise.

He watches with interest as Dean lays a different kind of bandage over the mark. It's crinkly and not as soft on the top side as the one that he'd put on him last night. This one sticks to his skin on its own instead of needing the clear strips to hold down the edges. It's a little itchy, but Castiel can easily ignore it when he knows what's underneath it. The moment Dean has the box packed up and out of the way, Castiel slides forward into his lap and pulls him into a kiss that resonates with warmth and the purr that continues to rumble in his chest.

They get lost in kisses until Anna and Balthazar create the kin-connection with him, reminding him that the hour is almost up. Castiel groans and flicks at their minds with his unhappiness. Dean is warm above him where he's pressing Castiel into the cushions and his mouth is wet on his throat, tongue tracing his gills. There's a heat brewing in his gut and if they had another hour – half that, even – he'd be able to work that out and leave Dean satiated.

(I have to go.) He touches the thought to Dean's mind, leaving it full of his hate for having to leave now.

Castiel isn't expecting Dean to laugh and sit back with a smile. “Guess we should've tried harder for a quickie, huh? We'll save all that for next time.”

The kisses don't stop until they're out on the swim-deck, and even then they linger longer than they did inside, hands holding each other tightly. Castiel hates leaving when he doesn't know if or when he'll return. Even despite all his hope, Dean is of the same notion and he doesn't hesitate to fill the kin-connection with his reluctance to let go when he pulls away to let Castiel dive off the swim-deck.

(I'll be back as soon as I am able.) Castiel looks up at him from the water, his hands on the hard edge of the swim-deck. (Michael said to wait back at home for their answer.)

(What if I want to wait here?)

(You can, but I don't know how long it's going to be.)

Dean crouches, his elbows on his knees. “I'll wait here for a while. If I'm not here when someone comes up, then I'll be back at the house. How's that?”

(How long is a while?)

“A day? If the weather holds out, I'll stick around until it starts getting dark tomorrow. I'll spend the night out here and everything.” Dean shrugs and runs a hand through his hair while he looks up at steady-blue. “I've got a few notebooks stashed on the boat and I remember where I left off last night so I should be okay. Shit, I probably should've called Sam and Jess last night to let them know what's going on. I think I have a satellite phone on this thing, maybe I can reach them from here.”

(If you do get a hold of them, tell them I said 'hello'.)

“Sure thing. You stay safe down there and don't let them push you around.” Dean shifts onto his knees and bends over to meet Castiel for one more kiss. “Remember what I said.”

(I remember.) He smiles up at Dean before slipping beneath the waves and breathing water through his gills again. (Either myself or Anna or Balthazar will come up to tell you what's happening tonight.)

(Got it. Bye, Cas.)

Castiel fills the kin-connection with all the warmth he can before he lets it slip away completely. He has to fight the urge to keep checking over his shoulder as he follows his siblings back toward the deeps. The boat doesn't move and there's an ache in his chest at having to leave Dean behind like this again. Neither Anna, nor Balthazar, say anything about the bandage over his shoulder but they do glance at it repeatedly until Castiel relents and tell them what is under it.

It surprises him that they aren’t surprised by it, and he frowns at them when Anna swims happy loops around Balthazar, pleased that she’s won back the necklaces she owed him.

They're met at the edge of the trench by guards who escort him to the healers' caves again. According to them – which Castiel's siblings loudly object to – it's at Raphael's insistence that Castiel continue to be confined during these discussions. Even his weapons are taken from him again.

(He's convinced you're going to swim back to your two-tails and tell him all about the colony. I know he is.) Anna rages, beating her tail angrily as she swims ahead. (If he wasn't on the council, I'd give him a taste of my claws he wouldn't soon forget.)

(It's like he's acting as if he doesn't know you.) Balthazar is just as angry, his fury bubbling below the surface while Anna lets hers out. (You've always been the model soldier. You've always listened and done what's best for the colony and that's not going to change just because you've taken a two-tails as a mate. You're still you.)

Castiel agrees with them, but at the same time he can understand Raphael's decision. If he was allowed, he would much rather wait with Dean in the boat than stay down here. As it is, he's not going to complain. Perhaps keeping to Raphael's ridiculous rules will help to make him understand that Castiel isn't going to fight until he has to. If they don't give him the choice, Castiel will return to Dean. If they ask him to choose, Dean wants him to pick the colony to save them from having to move. It’s simple in theory, but Castiel isn’t actually sure of what he would pick if he actually faces that situation.

The healers put him to work grinding ingredients into paste to add to their salves. Castiel is more than happy to help. Keeping his hands busy keeps his mind busy and he doesn't have to think about what the council is doing or what Dean might be doing. He sometimes catches himself thinking about what Dean might have included in his first book and what he's going to be writing in the second and that serves to entertain him a little more.

By the time evening falls, the council still hasn't come to a decision. He's a part of the colony's main kin-connection when the announcement comes that they're breaking for the night to get some sleep. Castiel calls for Anna and sends her to Dean with a message about what is going on so far.

He would have asked Balthazar to go with her, but at that moment he’s busy helping the miners with a slight infestation of glow snakes in their caverns. They're vicious creatures with big teeth and glows to attract their prey like Castiel's colony has. They're not considered edible by fin-kin standards – not enough meat and too many bones - but they're slippery to catch, fun to hunt and they make good bait for bigger, better prey.

Anna returns to him as soon as she comes back to the trench. She carries a message from Dean. It's not very long, and Castiel is amused by the memory she shares of Dean sleepily looking over the edge of the boat while they talked, a blanket around his shoulders and his hair mussed.

(Apparently he was sleeping and I woke him up.) She explains as she snoops through the shelves and holes of the cave, looking at all the different ingredients. (He says that he spoke with his family and they wish you both the best of luck and they're mad at him for not calling sooner so they could have told you that directly.)

(I'm not surprised. Dean says I'm very distracting and he forgets to do things when I'm around.) Castiel is smug when he shares this and Anna rolls her eyes at him, flicking him with her tail as she swims by.

(He misses you and hopes the council makes a proper decision soon. If you're going to be using me as a messenger again tomorrow, I want to get some sleep now. Is there anything else that you need, little one?) She stops at the entrance to the cave, glancing back at him over her shoulder.

He shakes his head and curls himself comfortably in the corner he slept in the other night. (All I want is for the council to make the decision that lets me have my family and my mate.)

(I'll pray to mother-sea for you.) Anna ducks back over to him long enough to press a kiss into his hair before she leaves with a quiet ‘goodnight’.

Castiel hasn't stopped praying to mother-sea since he returned to the colony. All he has is his prayers and his hopes. It's a fitful night's sleep for him and Castiel feels wearier in the morning for it. He's itching to stretch his tail and swim properly. Staying cooped up in the cave is tiresome and reminds him too much of being in Lilith's cage. He could probably leave if he wanted to, at least to get a breath of fresh water out in the trench – but defying Raphael's orders now would be detrimental to earning his trust.

Later that day, no one is expecting to hear in the kin-connection a pulsing beat of warning to the entire colony that a fight is occurring somewhere. For a moment, he thinks that the fang-fin have decided to give up on their peace pact and are attacking again. There's a brief flurry of chaos in the kin-connection as everyone tries to find out what is happening at the same time, turning to the shielded minds of the council for what to do.

Gabriel is the one who drops the barriers first, calling for warriors to come to the auditorium where the council is holding their meeting. Castiel reacts immediately. He is a soldier and it's his job to ensure the council's safety. The healers' caves are close to the auditorium and he can be there quickly – whether they want him to be a responder or not. There's more than just the council there. Most of Castiel's family is there and if he can help protect them – with or without weapons – then he will.

The first thing he notices, before he's even reached the auditorium, is the scent of blood in the water. It's no surprise that Gabriel called for reinforcements. The smell could easily attract sharks. The last thing Castiel is expecting to see when he swims out into the gallery is Raphael and Michael circling one another, fans flared, glows dangerously bright, and weapons drawn. There's a gash in Michael's tail and Raphael's back-fans – double, like Castiel's – are shredded in places.

Lucifer has his own sword drawn, tail twitching as he watches the fight closely. Gabriel and Metatron are hanging back with the fang-fin emissaries, and all of them are watching. Only Lucifer looks like he's battling with himself not to join in. When he spots Castiel, Gabriel breaks away to join him.

(You shouldn't be here, Castiel. We're not exactly finished with our meeting.) He glances back when Raphael darts forward, slashing with his sword and following it with a swing of his claws. Michael twists out of reach, rolling away before curling under him and making a swipe at the end-fans of his tail.

(You called for warriors. I am a soldier. What's going on?)

Gabriel grabs his wrist and starts pulling him away. (You should leave, now, before Raphael sees you. He might decide to start attacking you instead.)

(What's happened? Why are they fighting?) He asks again, pushing his concern against Gabriel's mind and hoping that will be enough to get him to answer. (I'll leave after I find out what happened.)

(We finished our discussion and the final decision went to Michael.) Metatron answers where Gabriel doesn't, swimming up behind him. (When he refused the offered time to think it over, Raphael attacked him, claiming that Michael is playing favourites with you and that he's going to doom the whole colony.)

Castiel's fans flare in surprise, joy spiraling through him at this news. As bad as it is that his brother is fighting for his position and his life, he still considers this good news. Michael's decision must have been obvious enough for Raphael to object so strongly and Castiel can't help being pleased to hear it. He'll have to wait for the official announcement before he can go tell Dean, and that’s only if Michael wins.

(Are we going to help him?) Castiel asks, gesturing toward the fight. (There must be something within the council rules about fighting between the members.) Only council members are privy to all the different subtleties that come with being a part of it.

Metatron shakes his head, arms crossed over his broad stomach. (Raphael challenged Michael's leadership. If he wins, he can claim the position of colony leader unless one of your bloodline wants to fight him for it. If he loses, Raphael's fate will be determined by Gabriel.)

(If he's not dead, I'm going to exile his tail from our territory permanently.) Gabriel says bluntly, glow brightening dangerously as his fans flare. (He's doubted and resented our family since we joined the council and he's always been in it for himself. Our discussion was sound and the rest of us agree with what Michael's decision will be. Even Lucifer agrees with it – and that says a lot.)

Castiel has to fight with himself not to laugh and swim in happy spirals. He has full confidence in Michael's fighting abilities and he can't even remember the last time he saw Raphael actually in a fight. He's older than them by a few generations and even though he was a fine warrior before he joined the council that might not be enough to win him this fight. Rather than leaving, he dims his glow and keeps himself hidden behind Gabriel others, watching over their shoulders so Raphael won’t notice him.

It quickly becomes apparently that the fight is uneven. Michael might not be physically stronger, but he is far more agile and much faster than Raphael. He ducks and rolls and twists neatly out of the range of every attack, darting back in before Raphael can recover to deliver his own blows. They're not devastating attacks, he's not trying to cripple Raphael, but each hit is a precise blow that makes it harder for him to move.

The fight is over before most of the colony has even gathered to watch. Michael is not without his own wounds, but a clawed swipe to the back of Raphael's hand makes it nearly impossible for him to hold his sword. He knows he's beat and he surrenders, dropping his weapon and sinking to the floor of the auditorium to bow his head and breathe raggedly, trying to catch his breath.

Michael orders soldiers from Castiel's garrison to escort Raphael to the healers, announcing for all the colony to hear that when Raphael is fully healed then Gabriel will deliver his punishment for his shameful behaviour and the decisions he's made that would put the colony at risk.

(I would have saved the colony!) Raphael hisses as he's surrounded by soldiers. (Your decision is going to bring the two-tails down upon us all! Our very way of life is at risk!)

(No, it's not.) Michael sits on his column, looking down at Raphael with every bit of the power his position within the colony gives him. (If you had looked into Dean's mind like we did, if you had actually listened when we shared our memories of what we saw and the answers he gave to our questions, then maybe you would be able to get past your selfish bias.)

(I hate two-tails as much as you do.) Lucifer points out as he and the rest of the council take their places on their columns too. (But even I can see that Castiel's relationship with Dean is an asset to the colony. Having a two-tails with the connections that Castiel's mate has will help us in the future. We are thinking about what is best for the colony. You are thinking about what is best for you.)

Pride for his brothers burns brightly in Castiel's chest and he can barely restrain how happy he is with this decision. Anna crashes into him, Balthazar close behind her as they crow their joy for the announcement. Castiel stops holding back then and he raises his voice in a joyful song that they join quickly, ignoring Raphael's outrage as they swim in an upwards spiral around each other.

For formalities sake, Michael gives an official statement of his and the council's decision. Some members of the colony don't share in Castiel's joy, but many are just as pleased and it's nothing short of a celebration as Raphael is escorted from the auditorium. Michael excuses himself too, needing to seek healing as well. He leaves Lucifer to deliver the last of their decision.

It's like a dream and Castiel can hardly believe it's really happening as Lucifer takes him aside. He can barely remember listening to Lucifer explain to him what is expected of him in the coming times. It's just as he had suggested to them the night that he'd returned from his exile. He can live with Dean in their home in the cove as long as he returns for his duties and if the colony ever calls on him. They haven't quite decided if they're comfortable letting Dean keep the boat above the colony if he wants to spend the time between Castiel's sentry shifts with him, but they'll discuss that when it comes to it.

Castiel is more than happy with what they've given him already and he swims excited circles around Lucifer before hugging him impulsively. His relationship with Lucifer isn't nearly as close as it is with his other siblings, but Castiel still loves him all the same and he’s delighted when Lucifer returns the hug tightly and encourages him to go share the news with Dean.

The last time he swam this fast, Castiel had been swimming for his life. Now it's excitement that spurs the beat of his tail and he doesn't resist holding back his voice either, singing loudly as he heads in the direction of the boat and hopes that Dean is still there. Even if he isn't, he's so happy he wouldn't be surprised if he could hold this speed the entire distance to the cove. When he sees the boat, Castiel checks to make sure there are no others around before he goes straight for the surface, breaking it like the sea-giants do and shouting Dean's name in the short space of time before he crashes back under the waves.

He isn't even at the boat itself before Dean is in the water too. Castiel swims around him in tight, dizzying circles, continuing to sing even once the kin-connection slides into place between them. Dean takes a great breath of air before Castiel grabs his hands and drags him around under the boat like he would as if they were swimming in the cove.

There's no need for Castiel to explain. Dean is radiating his own delight that burns so brightly it nearly outshines the intense light of the warmth that fills the kin-connection. They wait until they're back on the boat before Castiel drags him down into a hard kiss full of everything he feels right now. He can still hardly believe this is really happening. He gets to have the colony, he gets to have Dean, and he gets to keep this. All of it. It's everything that he's wanted for seasons and never thought he would be able to have and now he does and it's so hard to believe that this isn't some dream he's having in the healers' caves while he waits for the real decision.

But Dean is here. He's real and warm under Castiel's hands, mouth wet and pliant against his. Castiel has long since learned how to tell the difference between the Dean he's seen in his dreams and the Dean he knows is real. His smiles are what breaks the kisses and he laughs when Dean pulls a blanket down from where it had been drying draped over one of the seats on deck, tugging it over Castiel's head. Dean lifts him from the floor to sit in the chairs closest to where he stands when he steers the boat and Castiel curls his tail around Dean's leg, the end stroking over the blue tattoos of his glow-pattern.

There's a rattling-rumbling noise when Dean flicks the switch that recalls the anchor from the deep. Castiel watches everything that he does as he pushes buttons and turns things until the engine roars to life and makes the whole boat vibrate under him. The solid thump of the anchor locking into place is the precursor to Dean pushing a handle up and making the boat move forward.

He looks over his shoulder at Castiel and his smile grows just like the warmth in the kin-connection. Castiel matches him smile for smile and warmth for warmth, filling them both with all the love that he has. He's waited for six seasons – for three years – to say what he does next and he squeezes his tail around Dean's legs as he touches the thought against the bright edges of his mind.

(Let's go home, Dean.)




(epilogue still to come)