
Out Of Reach

Estrella is a Demon who got the chance to be a human, after enjoying her days on earth she learns that her contracts is almost over. And the life she built together with her love, Kaiden, is all going to fall down. She desperately try’s to reach for ways to keep him close to her, And would take the fiercest punishment to be able to come down to earth again.

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5 Chs

A Demons Mind

I shook my head a few times as I spoke "The life of a human sounds interesting, but I'll have to decline. My life as a Demon suits me." He looked dejected for a split second, fear surrounded him. before his eyes shined brightly, "How about you become a human for a small amount of time then?" I thought to myself as I went over what he offered, then opened my mouth to speak "That doesn't sound as bad, But what benefits would I gain from being human?" He tilted his head, intrigued as he raised an eyebrow. "Well, you could see if your friends and family lived a good life after you passed?" I sighed, I didn't realize it then, but I pitied the child. my hand reached out to pat his head. "I was never human." I simply stated, as I heard the creak of a door. my eyes darted across the room as I watched the door open. The boy looked petrified, trembling as he ran to hug my legs, tears in his eyes, he spoke in a desperate tone "Please! If you dislike being human at the end of the contract, you can have my soul!" As a girl with hair Curly locks of hair, the color of violets, with blue eyes and peach colored lips, walked into the room, I smiled. "Sounds like a deal" I had summoned the contract, and the girl ran to grab the boy "Salvador!! What are you doing?!? Who is this?!!" The girl screeched, she was desperate. The boy backed up a few seconds in fear, looking at me for help. It seemed she was his abuser. But the girl couldn't reach us, and as she hit the wall she was wide eyed. there was a shield around us, omitted by the contract. as the boy signed the paper, she started screaming again, but the magic that surrounded us kept the noise from reaching our ears. The contract disappeared into dust, Which then surrounded us, and we appeared in headquarters. The others eyed the boy as whispers began to pass around the room. The contract appeared into my hands, and I felt a smile appear on my face. The boy eyed the room with interest, tilting his head as he mumbled "this place's technology is as good as on earth." My manager walked towards us "it seems you're back, Estrella." I gave him a smile "yes. And I've got an interesting contract." He reached out for the contract, but I pulled it away "Sir, please refrain from touching my items unless you have a warrant." He gave out a sigh of frustration. I chuckled to myself as I patted Salvador's head. "This contract is for the council to view." He looked baffled "is it that important?!" A grin spread across my face as I nodded "It's just interesting, but the higher ups will need to be aware of it."

He sighed "I'll let the council know you request an audience."