
Our Worlds End

Raphaela never thought today was the day she died. A gate cleaner such as herself knew the risks of their job, but she wouldn't have ever guessed she would die so soon, as her life flashed before her eyes she starts to regret her life choices and not showing kindness to the people around her, given a second chance at life, she is determined to be a better person for her sake and others.

LadyManner · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Gate

A gate, a portal to another realm different from our own. filled with artifacts, treasures, humanoid creatures, and power unlike anyone has ever seen, but more dangerous than anything on earth.

Looking in front of her, Raphaela was mesmerized by the portal , not because it was her first time seeing one, she's seen many gates as a cleaner, but because she's seeing it while she's not at work. Maybe this portal was untouched and she was the first person to discover this.

Usually when a new gate appears someone calls the authorities, and they would call guilds to send in seekers to take care of it, but Raphaela wanted to see it for herself before anyone else did. taking a step closer she slowly walked into the portal.

She was meet by a beautiful sight, Infront of her was a forest with dark blue trees and violet leaves, the grass on the ground was a shade of turquoise, with firefly like bugs flying around. She took in the scenery, looking at the small animals and plant life twirling around to in the process.


A loud noise came from her right, as she turned around she saw it, a six legged beast. It strangely resembled a large French bulldog, it had big yellow eyes and with dark blue fur. It moved closer to her snarling at her.

Stricken with fear she dare not move, the creature looked strong and fast so running wouldn't do any good and fighting it was off the table. Raphaela didn't know what to do, the creature looked straight into her eyes waiting for her to make one wrong move. Then an idea came to mind.

'Wait a minute maybe I ca-'

Before finishing that thought a spear came hurdling down with a sound that can shatter any eardrum. The Creature that was still staring at Raphaela was cut clean in half reviling all its insides. she cringed at this disgusting sight.


Raphaela was shock at the scene before her. There in a bloody mess was the creature that was about to attack her, Decapitated and unmoving. She didn't feel relief at all, because whatever did that might be coming for her next.

Raphaela prepared herself for what was about to come. Would it be a human? A humanoid? What ever it was she was ready to run as fast as she can from it.

Then she heard a noise behind her and her body tensed up and her adrenaline spiked. It was coming closer, a shadowy figure emerged from the trees.

There, stood a short man with white dreads, the tips of which were maroon, dark brown skin with droopy eyes, He had skinny body and a large burn scar on the left of side of his face. He was beautiful even with that large scar, he spoke with a soft smile and a deep voice.

"Hello there, are you alright?"

Raphaela felt strange around this man, she couldn't quite put her finger on it but she felt that he was safe to be around but at the same time there was a feeling of anger and despair around him.

"Y-yes I'm fine, thank you"

He moved closer but Raphaela back away. He took this as a sign to stay put and he continued to speak.

"That's good, I was worried you got hurt"



"I though I was the only person here"

She was a little disappointed that some else was her first but that didn't matter at the moment. What Mattered now was this guys intentions were.

"I thought the same but it seems you beat me to it, it would be in your best interest to leave and alert the authorities though, it's not safe to come in her without a guild."

"Yeah, I'll do that" She said cautiously.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. I saw that you were in trouble and I help." He gestures to the decapitated corps next to them.

"Right, thank you"

"Your welcome Miss."

He did a strange little bow and walked off. She relaxed herself and plopped on the grounded. The guy didn't seem bad or anything, but that confusing feeling still lingered with Raphaela.

She sighed and took a deep breath, Even though the creature and that man are gone her heart was still beating a little fast. She already tired and ready to go back home.

Raphaela turn her head to looked at the dead animal next of her, she felt kind of bad for the creature, even though it was about to attack her, Decapitating it was a little to much. She turned her body towards it and prayed that it gets reincarnated into a better life.

"Sorry I couldn't burry ya buddy, I'll let nature do the rest"

Raphaela gets up and starts to head in the direction of the portal. While walking she noticed something on her right, it was another sixed legged dog, but it was a little smaller than the one she saw before.

It was sniffing the air until it caught Raphaela's scent. The animal stopped in it's track and slowly turned it's head. She didn't know what to do, so she ran and the creature followed.

[ You have shown kindness to the dead corpse that used to be known as the yellow eyed fiend, you now have the ability to give your attributes to another being ]


[ who would you like to give it to? ]

She didn't know what to do the, there was no one else around and she started to panic a little.

[ who would you like to give it to? ]

As the system repeated Raphaela screamed out to give it to the only other thing there.


[ Are you sure? ]


[ Alright! now giving the other being the ability to speak your language ]

"Stop running strange creature! why is my birth givers scent on you!"


"I said stop ru- what? huh? what am I- w-what is this?"

Both Raphaela and The Beast stopped running. The beast started looking around in confusion and so did Raphaela.

"Wait is that me?" it asked itself.

Raphaela was taken aback by what was happening, the creature was talking? Was this her ability in affect?

"Yes. It is you."

The creature looked in her direction again.


Raphaela cursed under her breath. Not knowing what to do she tells the creature to follow her. It hesitates at first but having nothing else to do it dose as she instructed.

"I have some bad news for you kid"

She leads it to the dead body of it's parent. But when they reach there destination the body was gone and in its place was a lump in the ground with flowers and other vegetation surrounding it. Raphaela was confused.

"Huh? Where did the body go? IT WAS RIGHT HERE?!"

The other creature walked up to it's parent's grave and sat down next to it. Raphaela did the same. They both looked as the plants swayed and the insects scurried about. It was kinda pretty.

Raphaela took this moment to apologized to it for not being able to stop their parents death, like she had any say in it. The yellow eyed beast looked at Raphaela for a moment and stated to ask some questions.

"Am I speaking your language right now?"


"Is it your doing?"


"Did it hurt when they died?"

"No. They were decapitated so I guess they didn't"

"Oh?" It said and continued to stare at it for a little bit before asking one more question.

"Why are you sorry?"


Why was it asking that? their loved one just died, are they not angry or sad, shouldn't they be cry and trying to kill her?

"Why are you asking me that? aren't you sad? your parent just died?"

They looked at her for a while before responding. For Raphaela when her mom died she had a mixed emotion. She was angry that she was alone now, sad that no one else was there to keep her compony and happy that evil women was not in her life anymore.

"Because they can rest easy now that their dead"

Raphaela was annoyed by how straight forward this thing was, She didn't know what to say to that at all but if they weren't upset she wasn't gonna complain about it.

"So it doesn't bother you?"

"Well it's a little complicated but it was going to happen whether I liked it or not. When someone dies it's just part of the universes omnipotent plan and there is nothing you can do about it expect to move on with your life."

Those words struck deep in Raphaela's heart. She's seen people die before her, and each time she just put all her emotion in the back of her mind until it popes open at a random time. If someone was near her she would take it out on them.

"I am sad that their gone and that I'm alone now but I still have memories of them and that's all I need."

Raphaela moves closer to the creature and put a hand on there back. They both look on at the grave.

"What happened to the body" She asked.

"when we die our bodies becomes one with the ground and provides nutrients for other plants and animals, the flowers are edible for all species to eat."

"That is... beautiful."

While admiring the beauty of the yellow eyes life Raphaela noticed some peoples voices in the distance.

'Crap! it's probably the guilds'

"Hey kid what's your name?"


"Like what do I call you?"

"Oh I don't have one"

"Then I'll just give you one. How about Thor? it was the name of my childhood dog."

"SURE! I like that one"

"Cool you said you don't like being alone right."


"Then you can come with me"



Raphaela smiled and with that the two of them snuck back to the gate, but it was filed with seekers from different guilds. As they exited, they were spotted by some of them.

"Hey are you authorized to go in there!? when did you enter!?"

"Uh well i-"

"Your not supposed to be in there unless you were sent by a guild and judging by your causal attire you aren't part of one!"

"Well yea-"

"So I was right! you need to come with us and get checked for any abnormalities"

"Uh o-"

"And your pet too"

Looking around she spots Thor on the ground beside her, They had turned into a normal looking Frenchie. Raphaela obeyed the seeker and they headed down to the Red Jade guild.

They arrived and was taken to a room, the members asked her a lot of questions, then took her to a room and Thor to another.

They brought out a glass square that held a small white light in it and put it on the table gesturing Raphaela to come closer.

"what is it?"

"It's just something to test if you brought anything back with you from the gate"


"Now please hover your hands on top of the cube"

Doing as the lady said she hovered her hand over the cube, it didn't do anything, it kept it's white color and the people around her looked at the box intently.

"I-Is something supposed to happen?"

"Well yes but it seems your all clear for now"

"Really? so I can go home?"

"Yes. for now."

Walking out of the room they take Raphaela to a waiting area of the guild and told her to wait while they get her dog. Looking around she was amazed at the size of the place, its wasn't anything too big but its was a comfortable size.

The Red Jade guild is the 14th biggest guild around the world originating in Nigeria and spreading a round the planet in 87 countries. If Raphaela were to ever become a seeker she would of hoped to join this guild. A guild member come back with Thor and they got ready to leave.

"Alright ma'am your all set just get to one of the cars outside and they'll take you home."

"Alright thank you"

Raphaela was finally able to go home and get some rest. She settled Thor in to their new home and went to sleep, while sleeping she had a dream but not just any strange dream.