
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Urban
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22 Chs

The beginning.

Looking out the window on the 21st floor of the rhombus shaped high-rise building all Anthony could think about was the health of the only true family he had left, his gray suit matched with his emotions.

Mr Anthony, Your ride is waiting for you at the parking lounge sir, and you have an appointment with the chairman's doctor by 3:30pm. The pretty brunette said, she was his secretary, his grandfather's secretary, He looked at his Rolex, and nod.

Thank you, you may leave, he said still looking out the large glass office view.

After some minutes he proceeded to pick up his phone and left his office, he had his bodyguard waiting for him at the other side of his door, He walked past the corner where the secretary's office was,

I put a file on my desk, transfer it to the accountants, he ordered.

Yes sir she nod, quickly, picking up the telephone on her desk.


When do you think he'll regain consciousness?, Anthony asked the doctor sitting opposite him.

Well Mr Anthony, we cannot say yet, but we do know his vitals are improving, and we can tell you, any moment from now he'll come around.

It's been over a month, Dr McKay.

I know, but we are the experts here, and we would appreciate if you trust us.

I looked at my grandfather, he was pale, I touched his hands he felt cold. Looking at him linked to all these device made me almost cry, But if he where healthy, he would had told me, Men don't cry, he's only 69 he still has years ahead for him.

Come on gramps, this has gone on long enough, you have got to wake up, your grand kids need you.

He sighed. and then let go of his hands, looking at him one last time, he stood up to leave.

I am gonna get the job mom I promise, once I get my first pay I'll send everything over for Gracie's barlay class, No mom, am not gonna be a hooker, it's a serious job for a big company here in New York, Okay,okay by bye Mom. Willow got off her phone call with her mother, As she hurriedly tried placing her phone in her little purse, she walked past the revolving door to the rhombus shaped high-rise building and accidentally brushed past someone causing her to jolt back, and her purse feel off her arm.

shoot, am already late, I don't need this today she mumbled not even the least concerned about the person she bumped into.

while trying to pack her things off the clean floor she saw a pair of shinny black leather shoes standing in front of her, she slowly looked up, and saw a gentleman who seemed to be something you would only see in a hot boy magazine, He bent over to help her pick her things, she quickly took her eye contacts from his hands and said thank you till she stood up, am really sorry, am in A bit of an hurry she apologized, with her to hands clapped together.

it's okay, the man said, and turned to leave.

it's funny how she didn't noticed the huge guy standing right next to him the whole time.

She hurriedly turned around and Waltz into the building.

She looked around in awe of the genius architecture, she had never seen anything like it before. she was from yellow springs, Ohio and she had dreamed from the age of ten, of living in New York, she looked at the worker's, working, and she looked at the people who walked about, they where all dressed so nicely, wow everyone looked so lovely and high-class, but the way they stared at her, she couldn't understand why they gave her these look, she knew she wasn't all dulled up like them but that wasn't enough reason for the stears

She continued to walked on the brown shinny tiles, and anyone who looked at her could see the excitement in her eyes.

Oh wow, she exclaimed.

working elevators, fine men on suites, oh she would love working here, all the damn time.

chandeliers in the ceiling, was this a hotel or a business company?

Oh my God, she quickly remembered, she was already late, she didn't have all the time in the world to day dream so she rushed into an elevator and stood in it with four other people.