
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

8: Giant

Sdeing, the greatest gladiator living in our generation. Men, woman, children, and even me are watching him fighting in the middle of the battlefield. He's wearing silver armor, a giant and kind. That's why everyone loves him. After we saw how his opponent fell, we all hail and cheer for him.

Tomorrow is his next fight. I can't wait for tomorrow to watch my idol! The King announces that the next reward given to the winner are half of his resources and a gift. That was a huge amount of merit! But the real reason, tomorrow will be the last reign of our King, he is childless and his Queen is dead, she died from the war 5 years ago.

That is where Sdeing was discovered too. He saved us all from the war.

"Hey sister, have you heard?! The final reward is treasure came from the King!" Ashmon said; my younger brother.

"I'm not interested. What I want is the gift," I said.

I dare to list my name to the next battle for tomorrow. While writing my name, people are laughing and looking at me. The paper list is blank, does this mean that I am the only one who will fight him?

"Hey kid! This is a real and serious battle!"

"I know! I want the gift!"

I run away together with my brother. I want to have my very own gift! But maybe I was cursed not to have it. So I will break that curse! Our house was build beside a river, we have garden and flowers planted all around our yard.

We saw our father, Xavier and mother, Amber glaring at us.

"Where have you two been?" my mother asked.

"We watched the fight of Sdeing and guess what! He won again!" Ashmon is always cheerful.

"Well the result is always the same so I don't give time to watch anymore," said my father while he's chewing. I sit and ate my lunch together with my family. And I told them that I will fight Sdeing tomorrow. My parents almost died from heart attack from surprised.

"Ashti, are you drunk?" my father said.

"I'm sure I didn't include any alcohol in our meal."

"It's true! She listed her name for tomorrow because she wanted the gift offered by the King!"

"The King offered a gift?!" they said at the same time.

"Tomorrow will be his last reign, he's looking for a new heir," I said.

"No. I won't allow you to fight."

"Wha- why not?!"

"Sdeing won countless times! And you, you're just a giftless young woman!"

"I can fight too!"

"I said I won't allow you!" my mother is so protective!

"Ashti, we're just-" I slam the table as I stood up, the chair was pushed back.

"I want the gift! I want to be like you! I want to be strong and powerful! If you can't support me then fine, I'll stand alone!" I walk out and run away from my house. I stay here on top of a small cliff to shed all my tears.

Who's wrong with us? Is it wrong that I follow what I want? Is it wrong to dare just to achieve something? Is it wrong to try? I hug my knees closer to my chest. I watch the water flow on the river. Thinking if I chose the right or wrong.

"We're just worried about you." I heard my father's voice behind. I keep my eyes on the river.

"We fear that that fight will cause you intense harm. We just want you to be safe."

"Father, I'm not a child anymore. I want to do and decide things on my own."

"You're only 16 to say that. Whether you accept this or not, you're still dependent. What I mean is, if something wrong happened to you, you'll still call for mama and papa, right?"

"I don't think so," he smiles. He offered me a hand to stand. I'm calmed so I stand in front of him.

"It's my duty to calm the two ladies of my life." He hugged me tight. I hug him back. "If support is all you want, then I'll give it to you."

"Father, I know you don't want me to fight too."

"Yes. But who am I to stop you from your dream? You have a heart for charity, you have brain for a better strategy, you have legs for pain evasion, you have arms for soul defense, and this..." he tied my hair. Ponytail.

"...you need this for a clear perspective." He smiled at me even more sweetly. He attempted to punch me but I block it through my palm, he swings his leg to kick me yet I stoop down and thrust him hard. He almost fell from the cliff but I got his wrist. I pull him back to his balance.

"You surprised me!" I exclaimed. He laughs.

"Every attack is surprised if you're not aware," he held me on my shoulders, "So, let's go home. You still need to fix things with your mother."

She's waiting for us outside the house, Ashmon is playing with his childhood friends. My mother hug me without talking to each other. But I think this solved our conflict.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I tie my hair. I can hear the noise of voices shouting for Sdeing. I was one of them before, but I still appreciate the cheer of my family buried under the scream of the whole crowded audience. Today, I will face my idol.

"Should I be gentle?" he asked.

"No. Because I'm not gentle," I answered.

"What brings you here?"

"I want a gift to be stronger like you," he smirks. When the huge gong echoes, we begin to move. When the bash of our swords collided, he's stronger than me. I let go from holding the force, I step back again and again to dodge his attacks.

I have legs for pain evasion. I bend down and slice his armor from below. That broke his breast plate, and broke also my sword. I'm empty handed now! I have arms for soul defense. I run and made steps on the wall to round back. I nudge his face, behind him, I push him harsh to the wall. That bumped him severely.

I step back and he's standing up slowly. He threw away the sword and fight me. So he wants to fight me fairly. He unleashed random punches and I keep blocking and dodging it. When I got a chance, I took it. I kneed his groin and slam my lower palm to his nose. It bleeds. Is he trying to be gentle?!

He invaded again and this time with his single punch on my stomach, I was thrown away. I spew some blood, still laying down on the ground but I'm forcing myself to stand. Without noticing, Sdeing is standing in front of me. I stood up, still daring to fight. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You are the most unique opponent I've ever fought."

"Wait, you're saying-"

"This battle is draw. This is gladiator, fighting without sword is out of the rule."

"But you let go of your sword."

"Because I want a fair battle." He smiled at me. I feel happy having connection with someone I admire. My idol. My favorite hero. "What is your name?"


"Ashti, you don't need a gift to be strong. Like me. You can become stronger if you accept what you can do," and then he grinned at me. Everyone is cheering again, this time for us both. The noises are merged. I feel delighted! He walked away to get some rest. I guess I need it too.

As I watch him walk from behind, I think I can see myself. Can I be stronger like him? He beat me with just one punch. But it was a great opportunity to have a duel with him. I saw my parents cheering for me, I wave at them. And slowly I'm losing conscious.