
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

58: Change of Heart

I don't have much time to run; which means I have no choice but to use teleportation going to Annabelle's hideout. So I reached the destination in an instant. I leaned on the cane when a sudden dizziness occurred in my mind. On the other hand, I found her shining a long knife; just like she doesn't really care about the world even though the ground is shaking.

She didn't gave me at least a glance when I called her name; too busy with her selfish business. I immediately grabbed her wrist to pull her outside this lifeless venue.

"I don't have time for your fusses anymore!"

"It's not part of my fusses you're talking about! But most importantly, you have to leave here!"

She's trying to loose from my hold; in that case, I wrap my arm to her shoulders and turned around. Our location migrated. Outside, just beside the forest. And here she beheld this enormous Callion eradicating the circus. That nearly gave her a heart attack and I remained for a second to support her stance.

"Please stay here," I said. She's gasping, releasing the breath of depression from this circumstance.

"No... my kingdom..." she mumbles.

I'm not quite sure if she'll be safe if I leave her here. But the only thing I think I have to do now is to cast out this monster. I run going to a train ride across that Callion. My presence is too tiny for that thing to notice me sooner.

Yet it did.

I snatched a bow toy from the toys stall. After she used those claws to crushed the ferriswheel, she uses it against me. Before that could reach me, I transported myself going straight to my intention. Dizziness triggered again! I hopped in then tapped the train with the cane for the engine to start.

The train runs not on the rails, but in the air. I'm going upward higher than the height of the Callion mother. I picked a slim stick that will serve as my arrow; including a single strand of my hair for pompous explosion. If I can't defeat it somewhere from its body, maybe at least I can blind her.

I shoot the eye when the height of the train matches it. And as expected, it explodes. The mother screams a shivering groan. Another good thing is, she's coming after me; chasing for the train. In my whole life, I thought it's a four legged monster until it stood like a human Callion just to catch me.

I'm luring her up to the other side of the mountain. On every steps she makes results to destruction. When I took her far from the circus, here's the real battle begin. Her claw reaches the rear of the train and the run wiggles. Even if I hold on tight, the train is still about to crash. I proceeded to an emergency evacuation, I jump from the train.

Good thing that happened before the mother catches the train and grind in its clench. For a safe land, I opened the umbrella and reached the ground hazard free. Because here on the this earth the pain be conveyed. Now that I lured her away from that circus, I have no idea left;

but to fight it.

I'm trying to remember how I mesmerized the dragon earlier. To think that if the same thing will happen to this monster, everything are solved. She cringe down whilst the size scares me. Her mouth has smokey verdant thing.

And I figured it's a gas poison.

I released a blanket from my coat to cover myself yet before I do that completely, she emitted the gas that scalds half of my skin. I gnash my teeth as a response of pain. Also the heat it contains may lead to my suffocation. My sweats drop rapidly. I'm glad enough to endure it till the end.

I can feel a closer distance from the mother. Slowly, I slid off the blanket to squint. And I found her looking at me with that single eye. I feel like my eyes are burning; simply staring at her makes her docile.

What a miracle is with these eyes!

I noticed a short electrical spark from its teeth. Then something thrusts me farther from that spot until my back bumped to a tree; afterwards, a great fire explosion happened. I wasn't scorned at all since I was covered by wings.

"Poc! Where have you been?!"

"I hunted that thing, together with Asnoed," he answered. He's in a bit hurry according to the speed of his utterance.

"You mean it?! Explain it to me later."

He gave me the cane, "Only me can manage this. Now go! You still have your patient waiting for you... and only you can manage her."

I smiled, "Uhmm... actually... I still have long way to go; down this mountain."

He sighed. "Fine! Then wait for me." He stretched forth his hand towards the mother, when he closed his fist, a shackle binds its neck and weighed her down. Along with the raise of Poc's arm are chains risen from the ground around the mother to tightly gird the whole body.

He uses the halo as a bow, a smokey bow; then he plucked a feather, "Sleep tight, mother..." he said and kissed the feather before it became an arrow. She shoot it exactly to the forehead, consequently, the mother fainted.

"What did you do?"

"Sealed her."

"I guess that was the second time she was sealed."

"I know, because she's powerful."

I didn't converse anymore, or else the topic will surely lead to bragging masterpiece. He snapped once, and we came back to the circus instantly.

I saw Ms. Tough and Asnoed talking to Annabelle while she's standing—facing a stall. I ran toward them and got weary. Today's battle minimizes my stamina!

"You've been through a lot," Ms. Tough said.

I didn't response, but I keep my eyes on Annabelle and then she talked to me.

"How's your plan going?"

"I am not part of that plan!" I huff.

"Yes? You did that to save me and pity you. Such foolish mischief will never work on me."

After all the sacrifices... she's still the same! So ingrate! My vision darkens. I feel overdosed for using too much power from the cane. Especially, teleportation.

"We had no choice."

I was alarmed when Ms. Tough said that, which also means, we'll proceed to the last option. Annabelle made the first move of attack through her hammer, Asnoed caught the attack to defend Ms. Tough. His strength is enough to pounce the hammer away from her hands. And swiftly, he twisted her arm and holds her from behind.

Annabelle yelled out despite the hoarse. While she's kneeling down, Ms. Tough held her head while she's so helpless.

"Ms. Tough! Wait!" I pulled her arms away from the touch. And there she glares at me.

"What are you doing?!"

"I-I'll talk to her."

"Haris, no further ado, let's end this."

I simply gave her a short sharp glare for a second then I held Annabelle's arm and took her with my teleportation going inside her base. How great was her delight when she's back to her comfort zone. While talking about someone's matter, I feel so dizzy!

"It's still whole, alive, and beautiful!" she said. Even though I saw some cracks on the walls. This place isn't stable anymore. "And you, what does that woman wanted from me?!"

"To brainwash you. Creating mendacious memories with an obligation to teach me."

"Mendacious memories? I think I like that than the current ones. However, it's the same as foolishness~"

She's speaking more words, but I can't follow those. My vision is getting darker; I hope it's just the room. I cling on the table to maintain my stand, unfortunately, my knees feels heavy. I knelt down; it feels like when I blink, my eyes will not open again.

Annabelle is coming at me with a rope and a grin on her face. And there she kink around my throat from behind and dragged me to bind on a pole. She's holding that knife again, still grinning and speaking some words I literally can't understand because of my condition. As expected, she pierced the knife on my thigh.

That sure woke me up!

I screamed and gnashes. I'm grasping the rope to give space for my neck. She didn't stab me once but more than twice even my flank. The sound of my scream is a music to her ears. Since I don't want to tolerate her fun, I kicked her but not forceful; just enough to push her away.

Pains made me wide awake. I stare at her eyes, giving a glance for my wrathful sensation. It's a bother to let her immature acts; she's the mischievous one here! She dropped the knife and started ranting, trembling and bleeding.

I made a bad move; another victim of my eyes.

I reached for the knife through my feet and slid it closer, then I cut the rope. I wince when I made a slightest motion just to come close to her. For now, she's hiding—covering herself from fear in the narrow corner of this base.

"No! Please, I'm sorry! Forgive me! I will never do that again! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No! Please!"

She's chilling my skin! The rant continues again and again with the same words. I'm calling her name but she's still bewildering.


"No! No! Please don't hurt me! Please-"


"Please, I'm begging you! I'm sorry!"

"Anna! It's not true!" I held shoulders, and she finally stopped. "That person is not here. So don't worry," I added. And after a few seconds, she fainted.

I release my hold then leaned my arms to the ground to lay down slowly. In the end, the same thing happened to me, I fainted.

I do believe I'm still alive despite the deep wounds and blood loss. After the space of hours in darkness, I finally felt my body. And something's tickling my nose; I slapped it and touched a rough creature.

Poc again. I bind him with my clench.

"You're still alive?! I thought you're dead! No way!"

I threw him away since I'm not in the mood to exchange rude words with him. But he didn't fell, he's flying through those tiny wings.

"How dare you! I'm not done talking! How dare you!"

I'm lying sideward on the sofa while someone's caressing my hair. That time I realized my head is leaning on Ms. Tough thighs. She's actually trimming my hair.

"You got slits in your body. You're lucky again that we rescued you before your death arrives."

I tried to stand but the pain hinders me. She didn't healed me...

"You must be wondering why?"

"No, because you told me not to make you a healer," I said; which makes her smirk.

"You're too dependent."

Poc pulled my arms to help me rise up. "Hah! That mother!" I exclaimed.

"It was just an awesome fortuitous to meet the mother while luring the Callions. So we've decided to take her to the circus. To make it more thrilling!" I'm good now that Poc expained his point of view.

"It is also a menace, that the Quede Nation is in danger," Ms. Tough said.

"Where's Anna?"

"Inside the room," she answered.

"Did you-"

"I didn't."

I hope the goddess of truth is telling the truth. I'm just afraid that she brainwashed Anna. I move with gentleness going to her room.

"Hey where are you going?!" Poc asked.

"I need to talk to her."

"Alone?! I'm coming with you!"

"But I think it would be better for me alone."

"No! You need back up in case of ambush!"

I grin, "Wow. Thanks for your kindness."

"Hmph! I still hate you! I hate you~!"

I caress my hair for nape to top. Then before I proceed on walking, I gave Ms. Tough a glance. "Thanks," I said. She simply nodded.

In front of the door, I knocked thrice before I twist the knob. I saw her sitting on the bed with the blanket above her thighs. She's just staring across the window. Poc hid under my collar since her presence traumatizes him. What kind of back up was that...

I cleared my throat first, "Mrs.? Anna... I'm sorry about last night."

She speaks slowly, "You... what is your name again?"

"Uhm Haris."

She tap the bed with her palm, telling me to sit beside her. Poc whispers; saying it's a trap. I don't have plans to believe that especially I have to get her trust.

"May I ask your age? I was just wondering since you forgot my name."

"It is true that mortal gods and goddesses has longer life span than commoners. I am one thousand one years old."


She giggles, "Yes. Now answer my question... what is your name again?"

"Ah H-Haris..."

"Haris. Tell me what's with those eyes."

I searched for the violet amid the black strands to show her. "The god of magic gave this single strand to me when I was infant. It's a gift of sensitivity. However, awe is the side effect; which my body cannot bear."

"And you want me to help you with that?"

I nodded.

"I can help you."

"Really?!" Suddenly, I covered my mouth from embarrassment. It excites me for her to accept our request.

"The problem is, I broke the covenant. We, gods and goddesses will use the power given for kindness. And if we continue using it on atrocity, the power will decrease. That is why I am weaker than before. So I have to consolidate it first."

I nodded again. "I understand-"

"My gift also consist of, talking to the dead." My throat was moved. "Sounds creepy, right? But to tell you, there's someone who wants to talk to you from that world."

That made me scowl. "Who?"

"I can't tell. Unless I wholly restored my power."

"Okay." I face down. I felt Poc squinting from my collar. "Where is your hammer?"

When she look at me, Poc hid himself again. She gave me a pinkish plastic hammer.

"A toy?!"

"My brother gave it to me. It's a treasure," she said. I smile at the hammer while spinning it through my fingers.

"About restoring your gift, I bet Ms. Tough can help you with that, even Poc! Since he's listening after all."

He finally revealed himself, "How dare you divulge me! I hate you!~" Then he rants at my face again.

"I've never seen such creature before," she said. But it seems fine for her to have Poc in front of her.

Asnoed enters the room with some foods served on the tray. A baked bread with chocolate fillings. I stood with excitement to get some—or maybe I'm just happy today. Yet Poc smashes my wound on the flank and I cringe.

"Me first!" He laughs. Then Asnoed slapped him down to the bed.

"Visitor first," he said. He's such a great cook that everyone will love!

I ate with her to make her feel at home. Poc and Asnoed are feeling the same comfort with her. The only aloof is... Ms. Tough.

After our chattering, I searched around the house for Ms. Tough and I found her outside; eating alone. I came beside her to start a conversation. But she preceded.

"Haris, you are such a great person. You're too good for me. To think that you can change a heart, to save a person like her, you have the potential to be like us."

"Are you feeling guilty? The truth is, I didn't know how I changed her."

"You shew her the endangered sweet memory she had, that's how you did it. It would be better to ask her that matter."

. . .

. . .

. . .

I remained silent for a moment whilst in taking the breeze.

"Ms. Tough, if I became a god, I can have the permission to marry a princess, wrong?"

She laughed at me, "First, you have to control your rage by controlling your fear. And if you became a god, your rank is higher than a royal. Which means, you can. If she loves you the same."

I bit my lip. "I see. Then I'll just travel the whole world."

"You want her, right? Then go get that girl."