
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

47: Reunion

I ran into the woods. I can hide somewhere here but not knowing exactly where. I'm still far away from the mountain; I don't think I can be safe anywhere with these Callions! I rest for a little, I lean one arm on the tree and chase my breathe. I can't stop hearing their shriek. I lift my head and I found a mansion—abandoned one.

Someone can live there, at least one. It has a front yard protected by the rotten gate. It's lock so I climbed then fall to the other side. The ground is buried by withered leaves and a dried fountain on the middle for design. I run up the stairs and knocked on the door; yet I don't believe someone lived here. Maybe some bizarre or creepy creature.

I badly seek for help right now! I knock consistently and when the Callions overpowered the gate, I decided to break the door. And with my idiocy, the door is open the whole time. The first step I made inside the house was a fall. I fall to the deepest dark abyss.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I slept on a soft and pure white bed. The birds chirping across the window I'm facing woke me up. The two singers are laying their trust to the gaunt cherry blossom tree. This place, it's a wide and elegant room. This could be inside the mansion I entered before. But it's like my room in our castle. I'm wearing a new blue apparel.

The serenity depicts peace and the structure of every corner reveals perfection! I walk without my soles covered. No one is guarding me here. I silently twist the knob and squint outside; not even a person around the hallway. But there are behind me. I twitched backward in surprise and closed the door. There's two persons standing in front of me now.

Young man and young girl. The girl called my name which triggered my startle seconds ago. Where did they came from? From the window? Ceiling?

"How are you feeling?" asked the lady.

"I'm... ah... not okay."

"I like that, she's honest," said the boy.

"Because you asked a question of course that's her answer!" she whispered and I heard.

They nudge each other—telling who's oblige to entertain me.

"My name is Jenie!"

"My name is Jacko!"

They introduced at the same time.

"He is the Prince and I am the Princess," Jenie said.

"We saw you unconscious beside the falls. We often found fainted people there," Jacko said.

How am I suppose to fall beside the falls? I entered a mansion not a dimension—or maybe yes.

"This is our castle, the Magi!"

"We don't live inside any continent, this is our world."

"The people in our town are those who knew our mother and father."

"Right! Your auntie and uncle; in other words, we are your cousins!"

I beheld bright smiles both of their facades. And I don't have any idea what to say.

"Ah... I'm sorry." I walk away from them. "I can't... I don't know but for me things are getting odd..."

They worried. "Maybe you should take more rest. Or eat?" I swallowed when the girl offered me that. I'm hungry!

"But first you need a slippers," said Jacko. "You wanna see some trick?" he bragged. I look down on my feet and I'm wearing a pink fluffy slippers; good for using around the house. Jenie gave a guffaw.

"You're still a newbie Jacko!" he pouted.

"How about this!" Jenie can do magics too. And now am wearing a boots with a fur and lace. I lift a foot.

"It's heavy."

Jacko returned the guffaw. Then he recoup from his magic earlier when he made a closed slippers for me, fit and light. I smile and thank them both. But my sadness stole it easily. Magics reminds me of Haris. And it hurts to see more tricks specially when it wasn't from him. They took me to their dining room. The chandelier aren't hanging, it's floating.

Everything they have here are colorful! They gave me a very satisfying meal, Jacko left alone to call someone so Jenie manages the guide.

"Just like uncle said, you're so beautiful and kind! What does it like to live outside the castle?"



"The world is so beautiful. Adventurous and fun. You could see a lot of spiders in a forest, crocodiles with no motions even cool geysers. You will meet other creatures like Orcs and Merfens, or even Alfas. You could see a castle underwater, a city around the stars and two oceans on one place. You could see the sunset above the clouds and even fairies to help you."

"Wow! I wanna go outside! I wish I could go outside! Ashti, you knew a lot! I wish I were you!"

I chuckled, "Haris shew me all of those things."

"Haris? Oh I heard about him! Where is he? Can he tour me around too?" she said with extreme excitement. I can see myself from her when I wish to leave the castle too. I shook my head, my smile is hiding again and she noticed that. As much as possible, I don't want them to see my bereaved soul.

Jacko opened the door together with someone, my father! I stood and pushed the chair backward. He was surprise with a manner of excitement. I hurried to run and hug him tight! His wrapped arms are genuine in care. And I sink my face on his chest—crying.

"Oh my Ashti! I'm so glad you came here safe," he noticed my sniff. He held my cheeks and found my tears. "What's wrong? What happened?" I shook my head and hug him tighter. My two cousins gave us time alone.

"What are you doing here? Where's mother? I thought she's pregnant?"

"Yes she is. She's still in our kingdom. Don't worry, I know they'll be safe. I'm here... because I have to."


"The prophecy says that you will come here. So I lingered, waiting for you. And you're finally here!"

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

We sat on the chair, leaning on the table. Good thing I've finished my special time before he came. Eating. He told me everything that occurred in our kingdom and to him in our conversation. And I did the same.

"I see... so he died for you. That was heroism! So what's your plan?"

I shook my head. "The prophecy brought you here. You will become strong and defeat the enemy. That will be your plan," he added.

"What do you mean? I am the one who will cease their atrocities? Please tell me I'm predicting the wrong thing!"

He shrugged at me, "I don't know. But there is someone who could tell you. If he will tell you."

He took me outside this room going to the hall of the throne. I found my cousins there talking to the King until they gave us their attention. This King is unique—or should I say weird. His hair is very colorful, and his fashion reminds me of Haris; they are indeed similar! The big difference is his demeanor is exultant unlike to Haris' gloomy attribute. He came closer to us.

"Hellu Ashti! It's soo~ good to see you here!" he gave his rainbow eyes' glance to my father, "You have such a lovely daughter!"

"Thank you! But I'm sad to say that your compliments won't work at her right now. She have a big question mark above her head."

He plucked a single strand on the very top of my sculpt and shew me the the curves of that strand—a question mark.

"Ah yes there is! What is it?"

Is he making me laugh? I think he's worst than Haris.

"Uhmm about the prophecy. I just wanted to know what will happen to me... to this." I show him the faded seal on my hand.

"The seal!"

"Haris gave it to me before he died."

"Died?!" he was surprised. Daze. "Hoh~ poor child... until now I still have the desire to meet my apprentice and yet- he didn't got the chance to see this place!" he sigh. Apprentice?

"Wait, who are you?"

"Oho! Yes I am Holland, the King of this Kingdom!"

"Holland?! Mr. Holland?! And Haris is your apprentice?!"

"Yes." He walk back to his throne and I follow him.

"But Haris told me you are dead?! His whole life he thought you're dead!"

"I know and I have to do that. I don't want him to grow dependent to me so I made a false play that I was killed."

"And you left him?"

"Yes. And I'm so glad that he found his sister after that lie."

"But then he died, and the seal..."

He looked at me again, "You are a trustworthy person to receive that. Don't break it. Even if the prophecy altered, you must go on."

I shook my head. It means I will the substitution for the world's salvation?!

"No. I can't. Please take it." I'm giving him the seal. And he closed my fist rather than taking it.

"I will give you enough time to think about it."

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I chose to be alone for awhile. I'm walking on an open hallway with the garden outside. Waters are nonstop falling from the roof. Like raining. But it's not. I face down. I don't think I could be that child who will save the nations. I can't even save Haris back there. I miss him. I miss him calling me idiot. I miss the way he catch me with his arms.

I miss our chain.

Even though from the first place I abhorred it. I miss the way I pull him, and I'm not used walking alone. Actually without him, I feel... unprotected. I think I should laugh at myself! It's only the first day without him and I miss him already! I saw another feet from someone, a lady. I raise my look and I found a young beautiful lady in white.

"What's with your toe nails? You've excavated something so deep inside your mind already."

I feel embarrassed and stammer.

"My name is Maber. And it's a great pleasure to meet my niece."


"I am the Queen in this Kingdom. Holland is your uncle. My King. You might asked, from what side? I am the younger sister of your mother, Amber. And you really look like her."

She look younger. And mostly, tough. "The prophecy is true after all. I'm so fed up hearing that from my spouse. But then you're finally here. You're here to be strong. That's what they told me, and I will be your teacher. Well I'm sorry for rushing but it excites my blood."

"T-Then you can teach me how to heal?"

"Of course! Follow me."

She's going to the garden, the waters dropping from the roof avoided her so she crossed without a single drop. I follow her and the water avoided me too. She took me here beside the small and clear lake where the geese roaming around the surface. The grass is so green and the trees are perfectly abundant. It's like a paradise; but not complete without Haris.

A cute baby fox came to Maber like a docile pet together with its siblings and mother. She took that child and carried like her own baby. Caressing its head with her two fingers. Her gesture is very graceful.

"Our bloodline has the gift of healing and healing only. However, it depends on a person on how he/she enhances her ability. Going beyond your limit."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, a better way to use our gift." I suddenly feel an intense stomach pain. I'm gripping from pain! I feel dizzy and that made me bend on my knees. And slowly, my heart aches even greater! Maber sat to match my current height.

"You can give ill to someone, worsen their pain to death. Curse them with great disease nor cancer. The reverse of healing, that's what I meant." She raised her hand and it shines. All of my pain did vanished and when she touched me, my strength came back to normal—or even greater.

"A healer can give energy and strength to people. On the other hand, you can steal their strength."

I was startled! Amazed! I can't believe that's possible. And now I have this desire to learn.

"Auntie, you're awesome!"

"Your mother is better than me. She can heal even a curse, and the crowd all at once."

"No. you're both great in your own ways. And I'm gonna have mine too."

"What is your purpose?"

I look at her. I can't say my reason. Or maybe this desire is only the cause of my depression.

"I wanna be of use to someone. I want to help them before it's too late. Unlike before..." she freed the baby fox but they remained on their spot.

"I love your answer. But for now, you should rest," she said before she left me. I prefer to stay here in the garden to have time for myself.

Am I the child of the prophecy?

No! Maybe Haris is still alive. But... the chain says the truth. I don't want to prevail my anger against King Nemesis. Yet I want to fight him, for the purpose of peace, for my friends, for Haris.

"You can't do it."

I was stunned when I heard that. A voice of a man. He's behind me, his appearance, demeanor even his voice is dark.

"Hello my niece." Niece? Another uncle? "My name is Xymon, not the King of this kingdom but a god. They call me the god of wickedness." His presence feels like the same with King Nemesis'!

"I feel disappointed for not receiving an invitation for this reunion. Anyway, that's not a big deal. The deal is... you. You're just like me. Ignored. Detested. Giftless. No one will love you even if you became strong." When he stand closer to the foxes, they ran away from him with fear. "They will never love you. Because they believe that you are born to be a worthless Queen."

I heard his name from my father before. But I don't have a complete idea about him. As of now, his words are so dejecting! He's agitating! I wasn't able to move when he face me.

"You can be strong as a god. You can impress anyone. But you can't save those deceased soul—you can't bring him back to life."

My tears dropped faster when he whispered that to my ears. I feel grieve. He came behind me, and when I looked, he's gone. Who the hell is that guy?!