
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

46: Harassment

Nothing appeared from the dark.

"Never mind that," he said in calm. then we proceeded on walking.

"Are you sure about this way?!"

"Hmmm the last time I came here, I was 14."

"Ugh! That was very long time ago."

"Nah, I'm sure this way."

The next silence made me realize I am still clinging on his arm. I detached my hold immediately. I was frightened when I saw carcasses of Callions ahead, the kind of fear that moved my throat. I am such a weakling to act this way! And the path seems so long! Even a human corpse are laid here. Mixed stench around the air!

I could gain more confidence if we didn't create our own company. But in the end, like from the beginning, it's just the two of us.

"By the way..."

A sudden and short shock came to me when he talked.

"...why did you cried?"

"No. I'm just sick."

"Really? Gradually, you're adopting my lying syndrome."

"I'm not-! Fine. The reason of my dumps, I was just thinking how worthless I was back there. My gift is very crucial yet I can't do anything to help them. And I am the only one unharmed." Tears are dropping. "Maybe the people in our town was right. I can't be a queen in this kind of condition." He offered me a towel again and I took to wipe my tears.

"You're not weak. You're just an idiot." I glare at him. "If only you told your name to that seducing pirate king."

"He's such a pervert! So why would I tell him!"

"You know the purpose. He can't harm you anyway even if he try."

"Then I'll regret it if you want!"

"If you want. We're losing the topic. Stop crying, we still have more races to go. Also, you're looking ugly." I glare again.

I heard another eerie shriek and this time, it's louder than before. Something grabbed my leg then pulled me and I was pushed down on my knees. It's a Callion, the one I thought was dead. But no. Haris trampled its arm and it freed my leg. It screamed. Every Callions around us are moving like they came beneath the deep grave.

"All of them are alive?!"

"Yes. Practically, they're just sleeping."

"Why didn't you told me?!"

"Because you didn't asked." I wonder who's the ignorant between us!

They're coming! The noise behind raised to clamor. And the ones in front cornered us! The one who toyed with my leg ambushed. I simply stoop down and it caught Haris' smash.

"Let's change the gravity," he said.

"What?!" he's always moving without my complete discernment!

I fell. Not to ground. But to the ceiling of this cave, only the two of us. Our gravity changed!

"Sorry," he said in hurry.

The Callions below—should I say above us are trying to reach for our head so I have to bend a little. We're running upside down. And of course this is a cave, which means we're running not on a flat floor. There's no end of Callions! And the ones chasing us from behind are congested but still too desperate.

The end point of this path are piled rocks that leaves a very narrow space to cross. I consider that a dead end. Back to our original gravity, I could fell if Haris didn't caught me with his arms. He said that we have to pass through this space and I go first. Am grateful I don't have fats to squeeze. He fit in after me, and those Callions are stretching forth to scratch Haris while he defended himself with his rigid arm.

Walking sidewalk is a must. And for special mention, this lantern is still floating along with us to light our way. When we reached the end of this tight path, what awaits us is a cliff. I can see the Callions' aggression on the other side. It's great that they don't have the knowledge to do the same we did. They only knew to chase their prey.

And this place, it's wide. Down below is a chocolate lake. That's how I describe it in how dirty and gross it is. Too much mixture of mud. And what made this place pretty are the shining ore and scattered fireflies. Still I don't see the exit. I want to see the sun! Even though I haven't seen my dream for tonight.

I heard the rumble of the rock from behind. And this is insane! They break through that narrow path!


"No way!!"

"We have to."

"I can't—"

He plunge and I was dragged by the chain. Then we totally submerge in this lake of mud! It's deep. I cling on Haris shoulder to breathe or remain on the surface. I saw the Callions climbing back to the cliff. Scared of water? They assembled themselves on that top and some decided to fall back. A firefly dazzling on my face caught my attention.

I observe that all the fireflies are coming to us, pulling our sleeves going to the shore—ground. And now, I'm covered by mud!

"Hah! How could this happened to me?!"

"That would be better than to use your flesh to satisfy their tongue."

I wipe the mud on my face, even on my hair and skin. I rant like a child when I gave attention to my clothe. I was pacified by a firefly.

"Thank you," I said. Haris lend his palm for a firefly to land. It changed appearance, got bigger in size.

"It's a fairy," he said. It changed to a tiny human with an obvious fragile wings. And it's a female type. She flew and wave her hand on us, telling us to follow her. She led us the way to the exit. I was jubilant when I saw a mini falls on the exit so I ran and drag Haris. Finally, I bathed myself here using the falls like a shower! It's cold as sleet! I wash until I shiver.

Again, we're on top of a cliff, a tiny one. There's a small forest below and an immense grassland ahead. I was looking from afar when Haris stood behind me and placed both of his index and thumb around my eyes, like a finger eyeglass. When I try a glance, my vision was magnified. I saw a mountain ahead that cannot be seen by naked eye alone.

"When you cross that mountain, you're standing on Quede Nation." He removed his hands and realized how far we'll have to go. I sigh. "This is the evacuation of fairies, the cave is their real dominion until the Callions invaded."

"But this place is prettier than the cave. Much better for cute being."

"Because they hide their identities. Or should I say, they hide themselves from covetous being to use them in selfish purposes. For example, their wings. Miners aren't looking for ores. They're looking for fairies. Because their wings cost too much gold. Serves them right after the tragedy."

"What's with their wings?"

"They believe it could bring good fortune. An amulet; they say."

The fairy from before caught again our attention. She's inviting us to follow her too. I stopped from absorbing the morning sunlight from here to come along. And yes, the sun is shining! And I haven't slept yet! The fairy took us around the abundant trees and offered tons of fresh fruits for us. My jaw drop and smile.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I dunk my hand on the heap of grapes. I never felt such excitement for food at home. This journey devour too much stamina! Haris chose to eat a sliced watermelon while the fairies are playing with him.

After we pleased our stomach, we rest our back on a tree, watching the grass dance along the air.

"This is the first time I've seen a fairy. And according to fairy tale's description, they're tiny but big in heart!" I said.

"Right. You should learn something from them. You may be tiny in this society, but a queen must have a big heart."

He made me smile. "I don't even know if I can be a queen."

"Why not? If you marry a prince then you can be a queen." I looked at him with a sudden bleak.

"Yah," I respond in peace. "Aren't you worried about Jex? With our friends back there?"

"What kind of question was that? Of course I care. That's why I left... we."

"Okay. Fine. So what's your plan?" I lift the chain.

"Beg for help to the highest. Or die." I glare at him. "Just kidding. I still want to travel around Quede Nation."

"Really?" Should I tell him I want to join?

"I have a favor. Close your eyes for ten seconds."

"For what?"

He started the count. I lean my back to the tree and closed my eyes. I heard him utter the numbers 1... 2... 3... and I feel dizzy. I am seeing scenes about random phenomenons. Until I failed to hear the number 10. I fell asleep.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I saw them; devoured in their sleep. Callions are feasting their meat, and I heard my name under the tone of a rant. Then I finally escaped from my nightmare! I found Haris, waking me up. The forest is burning! And the fairies are scattered, eluding the fire. Haris lend me a hand to stand.

"What's going on?!" A merry blazing fire is coming forth to us! He hug to protect me from the fire. My legs are barely scorched. When the fire vanished, he answered me, "Another one," he said. And I scowl. A tumult arose, Callions from the cave escaped! My head aches with this sudden reality. But we have to run. We have no chance to hide in this wide field of grass.

Fairies are running along with us, until they decided to fly higher. I look behind while running, I saw the hundreds of Callions so desperate to chase us! I can hear the rumble of tread they produce. We run... and run... and run... I felt the weary but still we have to run! Suddenly, Haris collided. And I was twitched. We're both puffing!

I don't know where he bumped, but he can't move any further from his position.

"Haris, what's wrong?! We have to go!" He pressed his palm in the air, like he's touching a wall. I did the same, but my hand only felt the air.

"Ashti, I can't run with you from here anymore," he said while chasing his breathe.

"What? I don't understand you! You know, I'm not good in guessing or logic—!"

"Your father built a barrier around your nation. We're standing here exactly on the Landline. You're standing in Quede and I'm standing in Alcubra. Now listen. Nello told me this before the first you met him. Since then, I knew this would happen. Your father protected your nation, no one from the inside could leave. And no one from the outside could get in."

"But I can!"

"Because the creator... of course is your father. As long as you stay inside, you'll be safe."

"No way! You have to get in!" I pulled him. But it seems like he's only being pushed on the wall.

"Ashti I can't enter no matter what!"

"Then do something! The cane...!"

"Your father is the god of dominion. Everything he wanted to happen under his power will do. Not even gods from the outside can overpower that."


"Yet what Jex did, she crossed the world of Mounts to leave that nation. The point is, she's not here to do that." the Callions are coming. "Do what I said; once you crossed that mountain, you could find help. And once this is over, run."

I shook my head, "Over? No!" I pulled him again.

"You really are an idiot." Then he smirk. He pressed his palm again to this invisible barrier, and I pressed my palm to his'. He look at me, "I know you will disobey me. So stay there," he said. And finally I was able to touch the barrier, and the thing is, he locked me here! I can't cross anymore.

"Haris what have you done?!"

"I use the power of the cane of course," he said that as he released the cane. "He summoned another one to distract us." Later on, the blazing fire surged again against us. I was daunted, but didn't burned. The fire itself couldn't cross the barrier too. But I felt the heat of the chain!


He diminished the flames with a single sway. And he's now holding a sword. What made me confuse are his next moves. Callions remained standing not so far away. I saw a tiny unfamiliar dragon and afterwards, it vanished. That was obviously a Mount. No one attempted to touch Haris, but then he keeps on swinging the sword randomly, like fighting an air?!

This is familiar! I've seen this before to... Almidoron before he died!

"Haris! Haris stop! You're hallucinating! You're seeing the wrong thing!!"

As expected, King Nemesis will arrive. He appeared behind Haris, and Haris switched his sword backward and slip through its blade under his arms to stab the person behind, King Nemesis. However, the exact thing happened to Haris too, he was stabbed from behind. They pulled their swords at the same time. Haris almost lost his balance but he gave another bash backward and failed.

King Nemesis defended himself with an artificial hand of sand. And immediately, he stab Haris again with a knife, pierced exactly to his sore. That knife... the knife that steals the gift from the victim. I shudder! And just like before, I can't do anything! I can't help! I can't save him! The only one thing I can... is to weep.

King Nemesis' wound shined then cured. That is the gift of my mother! He pushed Haris to the barrier and slowly sat down to the ground—unable to move. His hand released the sword. He lean his back to the barrier and I knelt down to come closer, but I can't touch him.

"Please... stop it!" I said with a quaver.

I still heard him chuckle in mockery while clenching his hand.

"A rigid body? I never thought that this gift feels great. Lemme give it a shot, hmm?"

He gave Haris a heavy trample to his right ankle. I hate the crackling sound of his bone! I can feel the pain in his scream. I shudder even more! It's awful to witness an obvious harassment!

"Stop it!"

"Yes I will young princess! Now, no more fusses. Give me the seal."

Haris' lip drops blood. "You want the seal? Then go get her," he said. And he's pertaining to me! I look at my hand, the one I used to touch Haris' before. The seal was transferred to me. And it's fading in ink. I shook my head! What is the meaning of this?! King Nemesis was wroth. He made his artificial hand bigger to grasp Haris throat and pulled him closer.

"No! Stop. Let him go!" I know he won't. So I have to do something so he'll let Haris go! My hair is raising a little for unknown reason. I lunge the barrier again and again! I am anxious and bewildered! He's gripping Haris even more. King Nemesis drew his face closer to Haris with the gnashing of teeth. And whispers.

"My blood is boiling whenever I see your figure, child of the prophesy." The King removed his mask and crumpled it. "And you have such a wonderful eyes?" he said while caressing Haris' hair. And I keep on lunging this barrier. "Do you mind if I take those from you?" Before the King could touch Haris' eyes, he move aggressively—glaring with sharpness to him!

He released Haris; letting him fall. And I was surprised when King Nemesis blenched with extreme tremor. "How dare you!" he raised a sword against Haris and before the expected happened, I smash the barrier and it broke! The force pushed the King down to the ground. My gift came back—I think.

I held Haris dearly, to his wound, and cheek. "Haris... hold on! Please! Don't give in-!" he's trying to say something but he can't. But I believe that he mentioned my name. I realized, it's painful to witness Almidoron's death, but it is even more painful to see Haris' last breath;

the chain unlocked.

I weep even more even though I know these tears dropping on his face will never awaken him. Eventually, I wasn't able to do anything. King Nemesis stood up, laughing and coming closer to me. He can reach me now! Suddenly, he flinch and vomit too much blood.

"Curse those eyes!! Kill her!" he gave command to the Callions around and they're all coming at me. I want to hold Haris more and stay beside him longer, but if the least I can do is to run for the seal, then I will. I left him and run... alone.