
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

42: With the Captain

"Uhmm... shouldn't we change route?" I propounded. I don't wish to meet that queen.

"I'm afraid we can't!" said the sailor. "Stay calm my friends! As long as those strangers temporarily assisted by intimates."

Fine, whatever. We all sat on the same table. A one whole cake is served and a single fork per person. However, Davih chose ale. I'll prepare myself to visit his funeral.

The sun's adhesive stare neatly my skin absorbs. Just as how Mishu observes every single gulp Davih took. Obviously, she's bored and boredom sequels to curiosity.

"Mmm... I wonder how that tea taste... like..." she's leaning her puffy cheeks both to her hands.

"You'll never know unless you try!!" Davih offered some to her.

"No. You're too young for bad addiction." said Jexica with a scowl on her brows.

"Isn't he too old for this?"

"Don't treat me like a geezer."

Aishmalen is full handed for the time, he's leading the water flow for the cargo. Standing beside the ardent sailor whose driving the ship wheel. He can't supervise this kid with a thirst of knowledge.

"Oh don't you ever think I simply vacated the scene before!"

"Huh?" This time Jexica raised an eyebrow. He hauled Jexica with the chair next to Haris. And it seems Haris was intimidated. Davih sat in front of us, staring scandalous with these two.

"Come on Princess Jexica, we're childhood friends! And I thought we could be all~ be friends here! So cut that formality!" He gave a long tone to emphasize 'all' of us.

Mishu spake with her mouth overloaded with cake. "Yo mwen hat shin?!" We gave her enough seconds to thrust those down to her tummy. "You mean when Princess Jexica slapped Haris like boomm!! Aaawwh that hurts, isn't it?" she played cracky voice with her last sentence.

"What is this gimmick all about?!"

"Oh Princess Jexica... you know instead of making him love, you're fearsome relevanc—ah—uhk"

"Shut your mouth stupid bird-brain!" She summoned a huge teddy bear behind him to grip his throat.

"Woahah! Can I hug you~?!"

I lean my arms on the table, "Speaking of appeasing one's anger, Haris made an apology gift for you!" I drew a wide smile on my lips, and I believe Haris could kill me with this sudden divulge judging from the way he massage his forehead. If I were on of this these, I'll burn myself with this predicament mortification.

But good thing, he caught my scheme and sway with the flow.

"I... we made that using Emia's beads... and the golden brooch..."

"A necklace!" I concluded. We're both looking at her and she's the same. Jexica slid her fingers around her neckline and with the texture she found the necklace we made. She pulled out the lace and emerge out under her clothe. In an instant, she's wearing the present, given in an astonishing way again by Haris.

When she smile, my soul sunk in the abyss of envy. "Thank you!" she said in a very delightsome manners. The bear vanished even Mishu has an unfinished cuddle. She fell and Davih gasp in all the air a personage could take.

"Oh? So... are we all fix?!"

A sudden explosion occurred on the peak. Then follows the second one.

"No! We're not fixed!" Mishu exclaimed, but practically not pertaining to the current issue.

There are tons of other ships onward, anchored on random locations and another two on both sides of our ship. Their flags are tattered and the ship itself are defected, sailing with the dress of moss. They deliberately cornered us, these groups of pirates.

"Did you know, while searching for the brooch with this churlish geezer inside the forest, he conveyed a scary tale in my nerves ran off—!"

"Oh what kind of lie was that?!"

Every single scraps and shattered this ship diminished was restored through the work of the cane. Haris is drubbing the cane gently on the table, like a timid person. Though he usually act that way. Lots of pirates successfully infiltrated though making their own bridge. Yet none of us was daunted.

"I wasn't lying! He left me in the dark and shocked me like dead!" she's still whining.

"So you wish to feed him to the sharks?" Jexica asked. And Aishmalen finally barge in the conversation.

"Just feed him to me! I'll do it with pleasure."

"Oh sorry to say, I'm not a healthy prey. Would you like a taste an ale meat?"

"You're just a living stale!" she banter more.

"Fret not, my passengers! We will find eager resolve for these!" said the sailor. And obviously he's trembling. We're not even agitated.

"That was an easy plunder. Listen fools! From now on this is our ship! And live under my command! Anyone who reject shall taste death by my power... except for fair maidens." Then he stare at me with lewdness. I barely wince. Many of the ship watchmen commence a sword sparring with the bandits.

And this leader of theirs, he's fat. Lots of gold and knives hanging on his silver brocade coat. His long black beard are braided and he's balded, secretly hiding under his hat. One eye covered with eye patch and commonly for them, his right peg leg completes his image as a pirate. He's approaching

"All those who interfere in my kingdom shall be penalized!"

"Oh ! So what! Is this all vs. one?!"

"Don't involve me," Haris murmured.

"Look, Mishu is simply expressing her gall," a counsel from Jexica.

"Not because she's the youngest, toleration is a must!"

"Do you have any resentment with my cousin?" He tilt his head while his palms pressed on the table.

"Oh no I don't. She's as spoiled as naughty toddler."

"What's the point of this argument anyway?" Haris is still playing with his cane.

"Uuughh! All I need is your apology!!" then she huff.

"At least give me some of your attention?!" said the captain of the pirates. And at last, he is now the center of recognition.

"Aey! I am the king of Pirates! After showing forth your discourtesy, all of you shall be executed!"

"Oh a King? He must have a gift!"

"A Pirate?! It's a pleasure to live in this era to witness your existence! My name is Aishmalen—"

"A Merfen..." Aishmalen offers a hand shake but eventually rejected. The captain laugh, a hoarse laugh.

"I never thought the children's myth tale actually lives!"

"It's nice to see you, your highness! I am Mishu—"

"And I don't have time to chat with brats!!" He raise his sword against her. Her face slowly frown then weep, hid behind Aishmalen. Davih is pulling back a laugh.

"I am the ruler of these sea rovers, we know every single waves of this waters and survive the anger itself! So who do you think you are to approach me like an amateur?!"

He's over promoting himself. Just like how the sailor promote this one.

Aishmalen's expression decreased to seriousness ever since Mishu cried, "Me? I am the sea," he replied.

We heard the rumble sound of the ship. Until I noticed our ship is elevated than the other cheap ships. To be precise, we're on the top of tsunami. The captain was agitated.

"What the earth is going on?! What do you think you're doing?! My subordinates..."

"You should know. You said you know the every-single-waves, wrong?"


I thought he has some sort of gift since he mentioned he's a king. But he simply reminds me of Poc. All of his servants surrendered caused by Jexica's nonhuman knights.

We have injured allies. And Mishu clapped her hands with joy. I thought she's crying the whole time but honestly her eyes down to her cheeks are wet. "Woahah! Perfect pair!!" she exclaimed.

She's talking about the way Jexica and Aishmalen work together. My stomach feels empty and falling as this giant wave completely swallow the ships. I was frightened with the way this ship dances with the waves.

Our ship reduces in height. All the pirate's ships submerged. Or should I say, goodluck sailing underwater. Mishu covered her foot in crystal and strike the Captain's groin. I cover my mouth with awe.

"Oh someone tie up that idiot."

"You do it," Jexica insisted.

All the bandits are bounded, even the Captain whose currently suffering from his severe pain. Davih bound the mouth too through handkerchief. The table was turned, he's crying, begging for forgiveness.

The cake was ruined due to those who ambushed. I dared not to take another bite.

"W-we're... here...?" said the sailor without assurance if we truly arrived. And of course that big wave brought so much speed for the ship to run.

Onward, enormous steel rampart awaits. We're passing through the gate that carries a massive weight. Too perceptible that this kingdom is highly secured with the knights above the walls.

When they triggered the chain pulley to hoist the gate, strong amount of sea water preceded to enter before the ship does. We pass through this narrow water way, there are factory houses and countless gas refiner everywhere. So polluted.

Captain looses the towel and screams. He said he don't want to spend his life in prison. He sure knew his destination.

The kingdom knights transported the goods inside the castle, our prisoners to prison and we to meet the royal.

Even the castle itself is steel. The sailor is our lead. He finally overcome his anxiety. All the heap offerings are settled beside the throne. And the queen is there.

Caressing a black persa cat breed. Her hair falls down straight like water falls. Her crown is steel. I'm satisfied enough that her long gown isn't. But lots of small steel beads fashionably sewed. From her right sleeve, top, down to the whole skirt.

"Your highness! It is indeed a pleasure to offer you our originated products according to our governmental deal!"

The queen didn't emit a single word. Even if we shut our mouth for that. She stood abruptly, the cat fell and mew.

Along with her walk, the beads rings. She gave no attention to the sailor, but she did to us. Inspecting us one by one.

"I would like to introduce you too the heroes of our islands! They saved our people and solved our unbearable trouble!"

She caress and flipped Mishu's hair. And Mishu is holding onto her cousin's cloth behind. Doubting. She slid her fingers to Aishmalen's scales from face down to his arm. She stares at Jexica from head to toe. And she glared at Davih, smirked then turned away.

She was fascinated with Haris' eyes. She touch his cheeks then down to his arms until she felt the shackle. Follow the chain through her eyes and looked at me. I avoid her glance. She's sort of a witch for me even though her beauty is fierce.

"I'll give you ten congested treasures for these personages," the queen said. I was startled. Specially she said that while looking at me.

"Well... your highness, please allow them to cross your kingdom and have some rest. After all, they are a hope in society! Treat then lunch if you must. That is all our government asked for."

"I will. Take my exchange and leave. Or else, you want to be eliminated."

And he regained back his fear. "Ngih ng~but—your highness—"

"Take it or die?!" she screamed.

"Huk... I'm sorry," he plead to us.

"Good. Then you may leave," said the queen timid.

"What?! You sold us?!" Mishu exclaimed. The sailor says his repeated apology. It's obvious he's sincere.

The knights are bounding us manacles. That's double chain for me! Everyone intends to fight back but unfortunately, none of us can use a gift. Mishu's crystal isn't responding with her command, even Jexica's snaps. Davih drew weak.

While Haris doesn't have the slightest intention to fight. "Save yourself," he said to the sailor.

And for the big twist of today's expectation, they imprisoned us. It's dark, the only light provider are the torches hanging on the walls.

The cell is too small. It smells like ditch with a buried corpse. And across the other jail, the Captain is there, he's sitting with legs closed behind that rusty gate. Then laugh hoarse again and snores akin to swine.

It made Mishu cry, Jexica covered her ears with annoyance and his laugh grew louder, still raucous. Davih kicks the gate and scream in anger.

"Why can't we use our powers?" said Aishmalen while looking at his scales.

Haris and I are sitting on the floor, and I'm leaning on his back. "Because that is Queen Salbeth." he's pinching to pieces the withered stick.

"Her gift is to immobilized something or someone, proven example is our gift. She can do the same with human mind and heart beat."

"Which means she can kill us in an instant?!" Jexica asked. And she's ferocious.


And the captain is still laughing. "Serves you right." he mocked.

They sat on the floor like we do. "So what now?" Davih is hooking up some idea. I look around, not a single hole can be seen. Except the gate.

Aishmalen presses the walls everywhere, expecting a secret exit... but none.

We heard the steel door slam, it shivers. Maids served us lunch. The food is skilled on attracting but literally taste horrible. We chose not to eat until the sun fell asleep.

I can hear other's starvation while sleeping. And I can't sleep in hunger. I glimpse at Haris and he's awake. What made him exceed drowsiness ?

"Haris, haven't I asked you before about those eyes?"

I utter in silent voice. We're leaning our arms on a rough rock, facing each other.

"Don't ask."

I pout.

"Just... something I cannot control... a monster inside me."