
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

36: Meeting

Here inside a luxurious room me and Haris stay. This is inside another giant turtle's shell. Jexica's Mount. But this one is different, it's flying above the sky. Currently, I'm eating sweet cakes served on the study table beside the bed where Haris is laying. He's still in a state of melancholy.

I offer him a piece of cake. "Haris, you will forget everything when you eat this."

"It wasn't my desire to forget it," but he took and ate it.

"So? How is it?" I smile at him, sound so exciting.

"Cliche, of course it's a cake so it's sweet." I fake smile. But I really want to comfort him.

" Haris, you can talk to me..." he slowly face down.

I sit beside him, "Come on Haris. I will understand your drama." He spins the fork with his fingers.

"Well you see, Gerhard was right. It's so unfair. I lost my mother, even my whole family in my very innocent age. I have to bear the salvation for these nations and consistently exist according to the prophecy. And you, you're a teenager, surpassed by a little princess in controlling the gift. You're kidnapped, and chained with a stranger, away from home. And-"

"I know!" I stopped his patter. "Look, you're pessimistic! Someday we will break this chain. I can be powerful than Mishu! And when the time comes, you'll restore the peace and eventually you'll gonna have your own family. So! Stop sulking!" he's frowning for fun.

"Come on!"

"Ouch!!" I slap his mask.

"Does your mother sing lullaby for you?"

"Yes..." I clear my throat.

"...but I don't know how to appreciate it."

"What?!" I want to ask how much he hates music.

"To be honest, it doesnt make me sleep, it woke me."

"So your sleep time is in peril circumstances," I tease. He rolls his eyes.

"Show me your hands," he said and I did. There's a straw on my hand. He pick and sip on it.

"Wait!" I was about to get the glass of water on the table when I saw the water decreasing. I stay on my sit.

"Show me more of your magics!" I said with shinning eyes. He clap his hands with the straw on the middle and it vanished.

"So you want to quench some boredom?" he asked. I nod. He asked me to get the two glasses on the table. "Do you want some tea?"

"Hmm... hot chocolate is better." He transfer the glass of water to another empty glass. As it flows, the clear water changes to brown, yummy chocolate. Then he serve it to me.

"How did you do that?!" I sip it and felt at home.

"Magic of course!"

I snigger. Fleetly he held my wrist tight, the chocolate almost spilled to my clothe. Then an earthquake occurred, but we're actually flying right now!

"What was—"

"An ambush," he said. "Let's go!"

I left my unfinished relaxation, the contender will regret it! We left the room and run at the hallway, there are giant silver statues displayed on both sides. And a rectangular windows approximately near the ceiling.

The ground fell and we missed a step, consequently we clatter. Then tilted to the right. We slid, Haris bumped on the feet of a statue and I bumped on him.

"Aw!!" he utter.

"Aw?! Are you implying something?!" I thought his body is tough, or it was just an act of teasing. It's too late to notice the statue on the other side is falling to us. Haris took me, holding my waist with his arm surrounding it.

"Close call..." I murmur. I'm clinging on his shoulder and we're floating with umbrella. This scenario seems familiar. The ground, or should I say the turtle is still frisky.

"So how long can we stay up here?!"

He's turning his glance roundabout. I felt a ground on my sole, I thought it was Haris' doing. But it was a solid cemented rock levitating for me to step on it.

"That looks cool..." he said. "You'll learn in the battlefield."

Wherever I step, stones are giving me way. I've seen this technique with my father before.

"Ashti, we can pass through there," he pointed the window.

"Are you sure we can?!"

"Definitely no." Still, he pulled me. He's currently riding on the umbrella that became a cane in an instant. And these stones are constantly giving a way for me to step in. Just like walking in the air.

We move forth fast then I slide down. Slightly my cheek bumped and bruised but we got it outside the turtle. I witnessed a crystals rising from the deep ocean to attack the turtle. The shell hit me if Haris didn't bother to pick me up from my gawk.

I'm clinging on him again, carrying me with his arms. I heard Davih called me out loud. Even waving. We came down there, here on the top of the shell.

"Owh... thank you," I said in a seducing way. And he just looked at me with an empty emotion, he let his arms fall and of course I fell too.

"Hey- that's kinda mean!!"

"Oh hey, are you alright?"

"Do you have an idea what's with these fusses?!" Jexica arrived riding on her pegasus.

And Haris replied, "Don't worry, it's just an old friends..."

"Old friends? So you mean..." I was still thinking when Jexica made the next move.

"Then let's dive in." the turtle vanished and so were the horse so we're falling down to the ocean.

"Oh! This is insane! I don't know how to swim!!"

And I remembered I can't do the same! As long as they're with me I know I can survive. And great concept changed. A whirlpool is forming and expanding rapidly. We inevitably fell to its eye.

"Oh Haris! Stop messing around!!"

"Why is the blame on me?!"

Now I know who the contenders are. I hope they weren't mesmerized or something. We're falling deeply, on the depths of the ocean, it's dark but I saw them beneath. Haris caught me again to land leisurely, and Jexica summoned another to land her the same. And worst came to Davih.

The ground caught him. I'm not that worried because of his gift but still I asked if he's doing fine. Even sarcastically he's not.

"Whooaa! Ashti! You're awake!!"


"The last time I saw you you're dead asleep."

"Wait so you're acquaintances?" Jexica asked.

"It's them! They abducted Ashti and Haris!" she told her cousin.

"My name is Aishmalen and this kid is Mishuzyñel. And from my perspective, the four of you are in good shape..."

"Oh yes we are until you attacked us!" Davih is being aggressive and coward this time.

"Because you're bad people!" Mishu exclaimed.

"All these mess are brought by misunderstanding. We weren't abducted and they are helping us," Haris explained to the kid.

"Aren't we enough for help?" and there she huff. I sigh. I noticed, this spot is the sand of the ocean deep. We're in the middle of the whirlpool that is gently flowing around, thousands of angler fishes surrounds us to give light. And with this contention, I'm the only one who appreciates it.

"To put it simple, Mishu thought a wrong idea and miss those two. I apologize for jumping to conclusion." Aishmalen said politely. And I wonder why Haris is somehow glaring at him.

"Aishmalen? Are you the second prince of Shining-pearl kingdom?"


"I'm Jexica, the princess of Ba-sheriyan kingdom."

"The summoners? I see. Thanks for Paco. He's a big help for us."

"And what's this sudden change of atmosphere?!" Davih complaint.

And Mishu fought back. "Shut up you gabby bug!!"

"Save the happy reunion later. I'm starving," I said.

(King Xavier)

For the meantime, I have to stay here under Holland's realm. I aspire the peacefulness of this land, I wonder if even a single senior knew the meaning of war. Maybe they only use swords to cut tensile meat. And for more, I admire the ambience of their kingdom, here in the garden.

The waters of the lake is perfectly blue as the sky and luster the power of the afternoon sun. In the forest, plays the charming chirp of a mother bird. Not a single withered leaf spotted. The soft grasses superbly hides a glance of the soil. And I'm here sitting on a branch of a tree, tossing an apple hither and thither, release the breath of burden I carried every single minute of my life.

I bite the apple, and confounded why it taste like a salty chocolate. And I'm actually holding a chocolate ball.

"Surprise! So you like it?"

"Uhmmm..." she's holding the apple I plucked. And another pouch of chocolates.


"Hey! That's for uncle!!" He snatched her pouch.

"You highness! It's time for lunch!" I found their attendant under this tree. An aged maid.

These two are Jenie and Jacko, my niece and nephew. They are both older than my daughter but act younger. They can use magics like their father, for now they're riding on a broom separately. They love teasing each other and sadly, they're weak with their gifts. It could be the influence of this kingdom of serenity.

"Hey Jenie, you used salt instead of sugar." He took a bite. And she did as well. Then she took the chocolate on my hand.

"I'm really sorry uncle!"

"You better learn more to cook that combat."

"But I did my best!"

"Ugh, don't huff."

"Shut up."

"By the way uncle, where is our cousin?" she added.

"Ashti is her name right?"

"Is she beautiful?"


"She's both beautiful and powerful, at the same time, naughty," I answered.

"Whoa I like that!" Jacko responded.

"Really?! I wish to meet her..."

"We will, stated by father."

"Talking about his prophecies again! I want to leave this kingdom to explore!"

"Your desire is everyone's nightmare," I said. "You'll not gonna like the outside."

She trembled.

"Talking about naughtiness..." Jacko teased her.

"We have powers so don't worry, and we have uncle!" she insist.

"Where is Ashti?"

"She was abducted..."

"What?! Look Jacko, we have to save her-"

"But uncle why can't you save her?"

"It's not that I can't, she's safe already."

"Ah I know why. That boy... what's his-"

"You mean Haris?" I said.

"Yes!" they utter.

"Father said he's our sibling."

"An adopted sibling," he cleared.

"Is he handsome?"


"He's brave I guess and I haven't seen his whole face. He keeps on wearing that masquerade mask."

"Maybe he's shy." Her eyes sparkled.

"Or has a scar on his face...? You sure trust him, huh?"

"Come on Jacko, are you doubting?"

"I've witness his way of fighting, and I can trust him with that."

"But uncle you're a god—"

"Maybe this Haris is really that tough," Jenie concluded.

"What can your powers do, uncle?"

"For a brief explanation, I am the commander of the whole Quede nation. And my gift is to make them obey, not some sort of hypnotism or compelled obedience either."

"From those words, I guess your nation needs you."

I didn't replied. But he's totally right. I can't just hide here while my nation has been infiltrated.

"They'll be fine, they have their own brains and gifts. They can defend themselves while their commander is resting."

"And speaking of brains, what makes you think that salt is a sugar?"

"That was just a mistake!"

I laugh at them.

"I can teach you with that, Princess Jenie." and finally, their attendant caught their attention. "But first, you have to eat lunch. The Queen is waiting."

These two made a race going to the castle. When the three of them left, I talk to Holland, sitting upside down under the branch I'm leaning.

"You have such a lovely children. But you should train them in the battlefield."

"Like yours? Don't worry, soon they will. Support is enough."

I laugh as I jump down the tree and turn my look on him. "Don't spoil them. Anyway..." I was bothered from what Jacko said before. Should I be hiding here?

"Wanna ask something my friend?"

"...about the prophecy, will you tell me everything?"

"No." He came down too. "But I can show you." He blew a single yet huge bubble. When it unplugged from his lips, it became solid as a crystal ball.

"Sounds cliche, but this is the thing given to me to see the prophecy."

When I touched it, it popped.

"I am the only one given the authority to regulate this treasure."

I'm dying in curiosity, but I can't give him my order, this isn't part of my dominion.

"If you can't show me, then I'll leave." I walk away, but he walk along with me.

"I know you're worried about your nation, your kingdom and to your pregnant wife. But you have to stay."

"If that's what the prophecy says, the I will change the sequel."

He stood in front of me this time.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

"Then make me not." I made a sword with my power. He sigh.

"Listen, if you leave, your whole nation will end up the same as Alcubra."

"And if I stay, the same will happen!"

"No..." a scruple reply.

"You said you can't tell me, you didn't even bother to show me...!"

I cause shaking with my stamp. And now, a giant sphere is falling to the city. The calm face he's always wearing vanished.

"You don't have to do this—"

"Then stop me!" I pierce the sword to the ground, the direction of the wave it emit is on Holland's. He only shielded his vision, but he didn't falter.

"I understand what you're trying to imply, with your action I'm worried about my people, but I have to stop you at the same time." He turn his face to the sphere. "Your Queen is brave enough to rule your kingdom. They'll be safe until she give birth to your new child. Soon, your daughter will discover this place, and you will continue your training with her. She will become powerful as a god.

Because her destiny is to kill an enemy. These issues, don't you think we should leave those to the new generation? A time for an amateur to become pro, and we as their teacher. Stop holding all the burden, my friend. Trust them."

The sphere disappeared like dust in the air.

"That's what the prophecy told me," he added. And he's smiling again. I look above the sky, having no idea what I should do next. Which is the wise choice.

"See? I stopped you, and in a harmless way. Just think about it~"

We both kneel down to the earth from this extreme stomach ache.

"Should I kill the two of you?"

"No, not now~ow... ow!" he's gripping hard.

"It's nice to see you, Maber," she raise an eyebrow, "Or maybe not."