
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

31: Ghost Town

The five of us gathered here in the counselling room. I drop the rings on the table like dice, one of it shines and cracks. The light and smoke from the inside surrounded Queen Dominique and merged her body.

"What was that?" Ridley said.

"My power... is back..." She's playing with the ice on her fingers. And unexpectedly she thank me.

"Jexica told me that you will rank us up as the high council of this nation."

"Really? For real?" Ridley's reaction.

"And what is the purpose?" asked King Corrihor.

"All of us here, every now and then, we'll rule the whole nation."

"While ruling our own kingdom?" I breath deeply then covered my face with my real and flint hand.

"I don't know if I'm making a good decision!"

"What?!" King Corrihor laughs.

"You're still childish, Xavier," he said.

"Really, then we're just the same! Way to go brother!!" and she winks at me.

"I believe you're clever."

"Indeed. I'm ready to cooperate whatever your plan is," a motivation from Queen Dominique.

And the real talk begins.

"As we witnessed. The rings will automatically break and restore the gift of the owner. The problem is, what are we gonna do with the deceased owners? Unless someone trust worthy will protect these rings. And those are you. I want you to protect these rings, but don't wear it, unless it won't recognize the possessor."

4 was left, so they took it all.

"Xavier, where have you been these past days?"

"He's kidnapped, right?"

"I'm not a kid anymore Ridley."

"Then what term?"

"We have no idea where to find you, Ms Tough came out to search for you but until now, she's missing."


"Another burden."

"She's necessary for our battle plan," I whisper.

"Since you trust everyone here, I'll tell you this, you are under the enemy's control. Attacked us, including your daughter." I was startled and frighten. "You lost your arm because of the attack from my Queen. I have no choice but to burn you too yet you barely escape."

They're all looking at me with suspicion. "And here's the question, are you still yourself?" The room was suddenly filled by silence. Until I decided to speak.

"The last thing I remembered, I came inside the castle of Ethiopia to investigate. Everything was dark and light started devouring me and found myself in a forest, where I fought King Nemesis and restore these rings."

"I see! That is when my farmers found you unconscious on the Land Line!" said Ridley.

"You saw the enemy. Is he powerful?"

"It's not just enemy, enemies. The Queen is the most dangerous. We have to get rid of her," I look at Russell. "As far as I know, this is me. It could be that the Queen can control me anytime."

"I think I know when. Whenever you're near Haris. I also wonder why he's your target that time."

"Russell, when did this battle happened?" King Corrihor asked.

"During the rescue of survivors on Elizabeth's troop. Many got injured, but your daughter didn't, she's safe with Haris. And unconscious too with an unknown reason. You cursed the two little princesses, one of them is my daughter."

"A well detailed answer," Queen Dominique commented.

"What kind of power is used against me?"

"According to Haris, it's hypnotism."

A gift mentally. I lean my elbow on the table, and my chin to my holding hands.

"I have an idea," said Ridley.


"We're here!" she said. Good grief this carriage and horses didn't falter. This spot covered by trees and soft grasses welcomes me. Nothing changed here, not even the tree house. Someone is taking care of this place.

"Princess Jexica, why are we here?"

"How many times do I have to tell you? We're here to visit home."

I carry Ashti with my arms and take her inside the tree house, it's still clean, not even a single ruin or mess by Callions. And the bed here is still the same, rotten a little by age. The roofless bedroom is my favorite place during my childhood. We lay here with Ashti on the middle.

"You know, it's sunny. It feels like sun bathing." She laugh at me.

"I remembered one night, Ainsley suddenly appeared to that hole like a lady ghost. I can still remember your scream!"

"Ugh. Pathetic..." she's laughing again.

"Jexica? Oh you're back!! And..?" I look at him, he look so familiar to me.

"Who're you?" he asked. I rise and look at him eagerly.

"Davih?" I asked.

"Davih, he's Haris!" He come closer, trying to unmask me and I stop him. "It's me, Haris."

And them he hug me that pushed me or us down.

"Oh buddy, from the way you speak I know it's you! This is the happiest reunion! Where have you been? Why didn't you returned here?"

"Well you see, I can't."

"He plays a very important role to this nation or two."

"Oh yah! Jexica told me that you are the child of the prophet."

"Prophecy," I clarified.

"Oh yes, whatever. And who is she?" and transfer his attention to Ashti.

"She's the Princess I told him to save, as part of his punishment."

"Ashti is her name." He stares at her. "Oh, you're traveling with this cute Princess all this time."

"I'm not traveling, I'm taking her home." I push his face away from her and I lay. "Just give me some peace to rest."

"Haris, I trust you," he said before they leave.

"I'll summon Bakr to serve us meal."

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

It's sunset. Getting a little darker, I snap and the candles light up. I stare at the fire without my mask. So I can be stronger when I got it's control huh? But how, I'm feeling the same before. I can't stop my quiver and this time its worse, my chest ache severely. I wear my mask immediately and rest, catching up my breath.

She cough hard. And gripping from pain. I keep calling her name to wake up, but it never stops. She's holding her abdomen, it hurts there. I touch her hand and slowly she calm and opened her eyes. I stammer and mesmerized by her eyes I haven't seen for 2 days. She's staring back at me.

(Princess Ashti)

I doubt this is fake again. But the first thing I saw after waking up is this face

"Haris!!" I hug him and shout his name like a kid.

"Hey, you miss me that much ah." I push him away.

"But what if you're fake?!" and as usual he roll his eyes. "Nah, it's you!" and I hug him again.

"What makes you think I'm fake?" my stomach answered.

"I'm hungry," he smile at me like hopeless.

Obviously this is a tree house. We're inside a forest, and it's kinda dark. On the ground, there are meals prepared above a wooden table with table clothe. I feel so hungry, and all I see are the foods served.

"Ashli!!" I turn my head to the boy who called me, or it isn't me?

"Ashli?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Ashti," Haris clarified.

"Oh! Ashti! Princess Ashti. How's your sleep?"

"Ah well, it's... horrible..."

"Really? But you look so beautiful while sleeping specially when you're awake! By the way, my name is Davih. I am Haris' childhood friend. And to inform you, I'm still single. And I'd love to meet gorgeous maiden~" He's so friendly. Or maybe too much, he doesn't have to hold my hands and put his face closer while saying those floral words. I stop moving backward when Haris push his face.

"She's hungry. Talk to her later."

"Oh bud, you're so mean!"

"Ashti!" another one. Food is waiting for me! And this time it's a beautiful woman with her black dress and her wavy short hair fits her face.

"My name is Jexica." Jexica?! Really?! I suddenly feel nervous.

"I heard you're hungry. Lets eat."

I have no idea what's going on. Why am I here? Where's the Queen and her troops, the little princesses, I'm too cruel if I forgot Prince Aishmalen.

"Ashti, are there any problem with Haris? Like, he's disrespecting you or something." I cough. And I mean it.

"Nah. He's good." She smile back at me.

"Is traveling fun with him?" Davih asked.

"Presumptuous and insane, of course that's equal to fun!"

"Oh, but it's more fun with me!"

"You're not even traveling," Haris said.

"Alright, now is the time to explain to me everything that happened when I was asleep."

"I'll leave the spot to Haris."

"How am I suppose to chew while telling a story?"

"If that's what the Princess wish," said Jexica.

"For a brief summary, a strong unknown man ambushed us, you fell out of conscious. He attacked the camp and deal a great damage. The two princesses was cursed, King Russell arrived for help and they defeated the enemy, or forced him to leave. Aishmalen and Elizabeth will stay there to guard the princesses.

And so for the journey, King Russell accompanied us, we met albino people but that wasn't really pleasant. And there we met Princess Jexica. King Russell preceded to your nation and our new companion is-"

"Us! It will be my pleasure to travel with the two beautiful princesses!" I gave a loud belch. I lean my back and spreads my arms. It feels so good to be full. I felt a little ashamed when I saw Jexica's formality in eating. A feminine way of wiping the dirt on her lips. I don't mind, this is me. And this is the way I like.

There are some desserts served too, one slice of cake on a small plate. I gave it to Haris, and unfortunately, Jexica did it too at the same time. I stare at her for a seconds and smile.

"Just kidding. I'm still hungry ya'know," then I ate it. This is the real embarrassment. He took Jexica's, and now I'm cooling myself.

"Princess Ashti, I'll gladly take that!" so I gave the half to Davih. We could be friends I guess.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

Back to their businesses, Jexica is leading a large group of summoned knights to reconstruct the ruined Kingdom. And Davih is helping too. We're here on top of the hill where we can see the whole town. There's a barricade few steps downward the hill.

"This is your home right?"

"Yah, this spot is my peers' favorite. We always eat snacks here every night."

"Mmm...how sweet. I never got the chance to have a peers since I always stay inside the castle." I look at his outfit. "Why are you topless?"

"Hmm? Does it bother you?"

"Well of course I'm a woman!"

"I can't wear tights..." I look closely, behind the bandage is a severe scar. I touch it.

"You're confident with your gift now ah."

"Why not? Anyway, tell me more about your home."

He lead the way down, "Just a normal and boring Kingdom, my father is a knight that was given the gift of a rigid body, and I inherited it. My mother, well just a regular house wife but her special talent is painting. My sister and I are the loggers for preparing for cook every single day."

"Well that sounds... boring... yah..."

"That is better than this." as I look around, precisely he's right. A peaceful people dancing I saw when we're in the Gloomy Forest, as far as I can remember, is better than a ghost town like this. Their house is almost at the corner of the town, they have a withered tree and I touch it. I can imagine how pretty is this tree before.

We came inside a small wooden home. The first thing that triggered me is a painted family picture hanging on the wall. The four of them look so happy here, Haris is still a baby. The dusts are thick as mist. I saw a small empty box on the table.

"What is this?" he took it to close then open again, there are spiders inside. I shriek and threw it away.

"A magic box," he said. "I'm playing with that right before the Callions invaded. At that age I discovered I have a magical gift. But I'm still immature to use it for defense."

Now we're going to second floor, a room with a single crib. On the corner is a rolled foam.

"This is our bedroom, before we sleep I always play with my sister."

"Seriously how can you live in this kind of facility? Well... you see, it's too small and... fragile"

"Haaah because we're not royal like you."

"Yah, simple as that."

He unlock the crib and sit there, I sat beside him.

"Is this yours?"

"Both mine and sister."

"You know, you're lucky that you can have everything you have, you don't need to work hard just to survive for your daily needs, you still have your father and mother..." he added.

"I know! Actually, inside my dream I have it all, I came home even for a while, my sweet mother and soft bed, delicious home-made meals and I have the same gift as my father's! I was so powerful enough to get the praises of my people! I can have everything I want there, even a proper clothe. But still, one thing is missing, and I think that's very important to me. I can't kill myself so I killed them all then myself." I laugh.

"You're so desperate for that thing."

"On the same hand they're all fakes. So why should I stay? Also, I got the thing I wanted after I woke up. And that is to see you!" we paused for a while.

"Did you just confess your feelings for me?"

"No. It's just that, I feel safe beside you, like Almidoron."

"Sorry if I remind you of him." he said in a boastful way.

"I don't hate it! I just miss him..."

"You aspire him?"

I chuckled, "I like him."

Then I heard the glass window break. I cover for my sudden reaction. And take a glance. He's holding tightly an arrow directed to me. Is there an archer trying to kill me from the outside?! Good thing Haris caught it. We saw a man standing on the doorway

"You...! What are you doing here?!"

"You? Haris...? Who is...?"

He grip the arrow made from stone and scattered it's fragments.
