
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

25: Queen of Horsemen

"Up-don Revolution?"

"Do history has to do something with the name?" I asked.

"Yaay! Let's swim!" Mishu jump down the mountain, this time she's sliding. Crystals are giving way for her to slide by crystallizing the ground. Unfortunately I slip, I grab Haris' sleeve but it's too late. He grab Aishmalen's clothe and now we're all sliding down the mountain. I scream again. Just like when Haris and I did yesterday from sliding down.

"Stop her!" Haris' shouted. I look at Mishu and her rant of excitement is unstoppable. When she reached the bottom, she jump and dive but didn't sunk. She stumble, the ripple emphasizes the impact she clattered to the ground. And as expected, we're sliding so we ended up the same. I feel like a baked bread from the pain of rolling around.

And with my touch, for a few seconds, all my pain vanished. Because of Haris' gifted body and Aishmalen's scales they're safe from possible scratches.

"Are you alright?" they asked me both.

"I'm fine." The real victim here is Mishu. Her cousin helped her up and she cry.

"I thought I'll sink!"

"This sea is extremely shallow."

Still Mishu changed mood and run onward to play with Maruwie. The water reaches only my sole. It's so calm, and reflects like a ground mirror to the sky. We follow Mishu as we walk.

"This place has a soil that never absorbs water. Because under these soil are crystals. The water came from the rain controlled by Merfens. Every year your kinsfolk around the world gather here for reunion, that's why this place was made wide. That is their tradition since 50 years ago. As a result this was named 'revolution'. And I wonder why that term."

"I stayed underwater my whole life. I wasn't informed about this."

"No doubt because you don't trust humans."

"How about the 'Up-don'?" I asked.

"It came from the words 'Up and down'. Because of the mirror-like reflection, the world seems like upside down." A simple idea but it didn't came in my mind.

"You know a lot, Haris. But how much do you know Ashti? You've been together for so long right?" then we talk alternatively.

"He's peevish as you can see."

"She's an idiot."

"He hate social but loves kids."

"She always complain about things."

"He doesn't know about music and dancing."

"She love sweet foods."

"His eyes can kill you that's why it's hidden under the masquerade."

"She often sing inside her room alone."

"He was adopted by a god!"

"She's the daughter of the most powerful god."

"He's been traveling for 8 years."

"She's scared of spiders and cockroaches."

"He has Ms. Tony, mysterious librarian!"

"She inherited the gift from her mother."

"Actually, he's in love with his childhood friend—!"

"Wanna know the color of her under wear?"

"Oh shut up!" I cover his mouth and Aishmalen laughed at us. This pervert magician! He always ruin my day!

"Well that's true friendship."

He put my hand away, looking fierce again.

"Something's coming," he said while looking behind. Aishmalen sink his pointing finger in the water

"A group of knights... and... a familiar opponent..." he described.

"Nice to meet you again, Green Panda." I look behind and I can see it. That green filthy orc again! And in front of us are armies, they're still far away.

"Which way? Right or left?" I demanded, we can't go back or north. Just like we're about to be stuck in the middle of a battle. Green Panda is getting closer and faster.

"Haris, I guess that orc is in love with you," I said.

"Let me play with this one again!" said Aishmalen. He's warming up his fist.

"Panda!!" and there goes Mishu again. She run to converge it but on a different way. She kicked the water and after maybe two seconds, enormous crystals attacked the orc like a big tsunami wave. The shock wave pushes me backward, Haris sticks his palm on my back to keep me from standing.

This skill, another part of that bloody rose thing. She's incredible!

"One point!" she screamed. I found both of the boys looking far away. To the armies. I don't think I have to worry since all of them are calmed, or maybe because they can bit them all down. Those armies are armed and giant horses too. Their armors are silver except for one, a woman with diamond armor dress. She's the lead among the troops.

Their symbol, that looks very familiar to me. One thing is for sure, they came from my nation. We stay on our feet until they reach us. Their leader, or should I say their queen, she look so strict and wild. In front of her is a little princess, younger than Mishu, wearing orange dress.

"You must be Ashti, daughter of Xavier," I nodded. She's so scary like one wrong move she's gonna kill us!

"And the rest, who are you?"

"I am Haris."

"Haris? The one assigned for rescuing Ashti?"

"My name is Aishmalen, I'm the second prince of Shining-pearl Kingdom, a merfen. And this is my cousin, Mishuzyñel, the princess of this land."

"I see. I am Elizabeth, queen of Greenland Kingdom, a foreign land. That pet of yours, what's the use of it?" she's pertaining to Maruwie.

"She can fly!!" answered Mishu.

"The name is Maruwie, she's a shape-shifter and a dragon," Haris said.

"I asked for the use not for it's personality. Anyways, follow us. Go ride on it." I tried not to laugh. He finally found someone that can match his attitude. Maruwie enlarges and we ride behind her. I think we can follow them since it's safe, specially I am their intention. Maruwie is flying above the queen that's how Mishu approached the little princess.

"Hi there!" she looked up and wave. "What is your name?" Maruwie abruptly changed her direction, to the left, it was Haris' doing. I just saw Green Panda falling from the sky. Like what the hell did that happened?! I thought it's stuck inside the crystal, or maybe it got away. Minus point for Mishu.

Queen Elizabeth noticed and shout 'Aireal defense'. All the knights raise their shield upward, and she uses only her sword still covered by sword sheath for shield. Green Panda fell and smashed her, it produced wave impact but she's still on her sit. With her manly thrust Green Panda was thrown away. Then she commanded by raising her 4 fingers.

All the knights made a form of circle, leaving the queen and the orc at the center, like a battle ring. They hide themselves with their shield and Queen Elizabeth slid down from her horse to fight the orc.

"How dare you ambush me..!" She said with a gnashing of teeth and fiery eyes. So she's easily provoked. Green Panda never doubt to seize, it punches her repeatedly while Queen Elizabeth keeps on defending herself only with her sword with sheath. She stoop swiftly to bash Green Panda, it was thrown away again. Then it snatches the shields of the knights, throwing it to her.

And just like a ball game, she sways her weapon to keep those away from her with one hand. And with the last throw she simply bashed it away with her arm, the shield reshaped. Simply putted a dent. The hit mark can be easily depicted. Unexpectedly the orc attempted to punch her. It used only the shield as destruction.

She bent backward to dodge the attack then bash again its arm from below and kick Green Panda. It was pushed a little and another attempt to attack her failed. The queen defend herself with that sword again, thus Green Panda gripped it. Finally, Queen Elizabeth unleashed her sword, letting the orc grip the sheath.

"Duck!" All the horses knelt down also the knights, hiding themselves again with their shield. She twist and slash the orc's tummy, along with the swing of her sword is a strong wave impact that even caused the water to splash like geysers. Her sword even the blade itself is black. Green Panda was stagnant. A great opportunity to seal it again.

"Mishu, cover it," Haris said.

"Hmph!" she look away. They look cute that way.

"Fine." Haris sigh. But in the end Mishu covered it with crystal slowly from toe to head. Haris throw a white blanket on it and as it fell, the orc disappears too, like the blanket fell to nothing. Without saying a word, Queen Elizabeth ride at the horse's back again and resume our travel.

On the very end of this waters are a stony seashore with pitched tents. It looks like they stay here for long days. We enter a tent with bed, Mishu was left outside playing with the little princess and Aishmalen stay beside the water. Haris and I lay down. This place is warm, my clothe doesn't fit the weather anymore.

"Ashti, you sure you know them?"

"I don't think so. But if they're traitors I don't mind, you guys are strong anyway."

"So it means that you trust me now?"

"Mmm... yes?"

"Princess Ashti!" a call from the little princess. I rise up to greet her too.

"Hello. What's your name?"

"I'm Elizell!" I didn't recognized this from a long range. Her left eye is different from the other, its color is red orange. Like there's a a lava inside. It's unique than Haris' eyes.

"How did you know my name?"

"My mother told me." And speaking of, here she comes.

"So how are you?" she asked. I want to pinch Haris, still laying, doesn't even want to esteem the Queen.

"I'm okay..."

"I feel you don't know me yet. Don't worry. I'm a friend of your father. We came all the way here to evacuate all the survivors in this nation. Sounds impossible right? But I have the strongest army and divided them to five hundred groups to spread around here. Searching for you is a bonus and jackpot mission. I always got the fortune."

"How about our nation?"

"Our whole nation was sealed with a non visible boundary. No one can leave from the inside and no one can enter from the outside unless they made the blood of oath. Half of my knights did the oath so they can leave except me. Are you aware of princess Jexica? She has Mounts. That's what she named her summoned being.

Of course they have their own world. So I join the re summoning outside and cross through their world to get outside the barrier. Just in case you're curious why I'm here. About your kingdom, all is well and slowly getting unwell. Your mother is a wise queen, she ruled close to perfection your kingdom. And your father... he's missing."

I was suddenly nervous! And most importantly worried! I look at her and bit my lips, I don't know what to say but I'm distress.

"The god of truth, Tough, is on her journey looking for him. But until now, we don't know what happened to her. Because of the sealing, and the man who sealed is missing, our nation is having difficulty in transportation. If we still can't solve this problem, for sure famine will occur. All the rulers are making plans, King Corrihor, my father subs the absence of your father."

"Then which means you don't have to waste time searching for survivors here." Haris rise up and talk to her, without respect. "Just let the survivors survive on their own," she look fierce again.

"Every survivors are waiting for help."

"Then just let them—"

"It is an order from King Hibyte."

"You're a queen. So why do you follow orders from another ranked person-?"

"Haris!" he look at me and that's how he stop arguing.

"I follow his orders because I want to help. And for your information..." she grab Haris' clothe closer to her face. I was frightened! " ...we do this for your nation's sake," she noticed the chain we have after glaring at him. She push him down

"This chain... what was that for?"

"Uhmm... just by... accident. Actually, it's a hindrance."

"Too obvious."

She grasp the chain intensely that even makes her hand shake. I know she's trying to break it with her hand, however she failed. She smirked. We put the chain on the table according to her mandate. She wield her sword and that look scary but on other perspective she's trying to free us. She slash the chain, the table collapse but still not the chain.

"Outstanding," she mutter. I saw a crack on her sword before hiding on its sheath.

"I'm sorry! Your sword..." I stammer.

"I can repair this easily. And if I do it gets stronger."

"Why is your sword black?"

"This sword is made from asteroid produced by your father."

"Really? He wooed you before?" she laugh.

"No! This is only a gift of friendship. But to be honest he once rejected our marriage proposal proposed by my mother." Seriously?! Well perhaps she look older than my father and my mother is beautiful then her. And I almost forgot, Elizell is still here and found her playing with fire on a lantern lamp. I stop her but she just laughed at me. Her mother doesn't care too.

"Elizell, inform the Heavenly Kingdom that we found their princess." She nod and made fire by her hand, it doesn't seem to scorch her. The fire formed an eagle and it flies away to deliver the message, a fire messenger. Her gift is fire, no doubt why her eye looks like a flare.

"Can I play with Mishu now?" Queen Elizabeth nodded. When she left with excitement, another knight came inside.

"Your highness, mobs came here to besiege our camp."

"I don't have time to waste with them. You lead the army for now," he saluted and left. I heard explosions outside while she doesn't even care. I can somehow see Haris from her. She pick a rolled map on the corner and open it, she pierce one knife on one place, she's making a plan for a route. She's busy.

"Let's go outside," I said to Haris.