
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

12: Pair-Fight

(King Xavier)

The air is calm here on the top terrace of the castle. Everyone from the residence are sleeping. It's night. Ever since my daughter is missing I'm always staring at the night sky, thinking if she's alright or not. I hope the stars are guarding her.

"You never changed. You're always looking at them," my queen said when she arrived here.

"You should be resting specially at night."

"Naomi healed me. And I can't sleep alone on bed." I laugh.

"I miss her too," she added.

"Jexica said, if Ashti was kidnapped to Alcubra nation, it will take them months before they come home here. Haris can use teleportation but if too much that may cause him death."


"Ah. He is assigned to rescue Ashti, Holland's apprentice."

"And if that's the case... how long a mother bears a child in the womb?" I added.

"9 months. Why?"

"Let's fulfill our promise to her." She laughed.

"You mean, a sibling?"

"Yes. Why? Something wrong with that?" she's still amused.

"That was just a sweet and dangerous idea. You know, today's status is too dangerous for our child. I don't want him or her to grow in tragedy." I face her, placing both of my palm to her cheeks. I look at her with gentleness.

"I can protect you," I said; I smile and I kiss her for long seconds. She hugged me through my waist to kiss me back sweetly and softly.

"Eheem... I deeply apologize for disturbing your public display of affection," we stop because of him.

"What is it again Key?" I complain.

"This is not public..." Amber said with a smile.

"Ms. Tough is here to talk about significant issues with you. She's waiting outside the portal for your permission to let her in."


"No, together with her personal assistant."

"I see, let her in." She's not an impostor. I can feel it from here.

"And also, tell her to wait at the dining room, serve her some tea," my wife added. Key saluted and left. I fix myself.

"Unexpected visitor. Specially at a time like this. By the way, who is she?"

"She came from other nation. The goddess of truth."

With her initiative, she fixed my clothe while I'm explaining.

"Hmmm. I see, good luck." I pull her close to kiss her again before I proceed to my unexpected meeting.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I found her sitting on a couch in front of the furnace while sipping a tea. She's same age as mine but she's in a form of a teenager. Her personal assistant is standing beside her. Some of my servants here saluted when I arrived. I asked them to leave the room for privacy.

Only Ms. Tough, her attendant, me and Rhea are here. I sit beside her, facing the furnace​ too. She's so calm, staring at the fire while drinking. I smirk

"You enjoy that tea so much."

"I just need relaxation from my lifetime travel," she said while placing the tea cup on the table.

"Why don't you just look for your permanent habitation?"

"This world is my home. Remaining loyal at one place means boredom."

"Let's jump to the topic, what brings you here?"

"Too obvious. I'm a traveler. When I step on this nation, I saw a grievous truth. Just simply looking in your eyes, a tragedy happened."

"That didn't occur here. We're just—"

"Affected. Now you're planning on sealing every single kingdom in your nation to protect them from Callions. You will lose communication, connection nor update with each other. Will you still continue?"

"The covenant has been settled."

"I see. If you insist. Well technically, I want to give meaning for my travel. How may I help?" I look at her and she's looking already. The look of her eyes is allegiance with her words. Those same words queen Dress said. However, in the end she died right away.

"I know what you're thinking. And I'm not the same as her," I smirk again.

"Can you tell me the intention of the enemy?"

"As long as I saw that person face to face. I'll know the truth."

"I see. Somehow you can be a big help." She stood up, waiting for me, so I stand up too. We shake hands for agreement. I try to detect her if she's an impostor

"Don't doubt me, King Xavier. No one can fool me."

"I don't underestimate you not even the enemies. I just want assurance for my people's safety." I smile gently. "Also, I would like to ask you something before they take you to your room."

I lead the way to my daughter's room and let her in. She look around and wait for her to speak, I just noticed that her attendant is carrying some books. Seems like a burden for him.

"If you're concern don't worry. His name is Asnoed, a none human knight summoned by King Parohah. He gave him to me as a present."

"More like a human machine huh?" She enjoys sitting on the bed. "Can you tell me about my daughter's state?"

She stood and look at herself from the mirror

"Alcubra nation, Leylicendie village, it's morning there, and night here. She's there at that place. For now, she's not safe, but with that guy, she is."

She means Haris? That's a relief.

"You have a lot of business here, you should focus there than other things."

"I can't help, she's my daughter."

"Perhaps I don't know how it feels."

"You're a traveler. Why don't you look for a husband? You're in a marrying age though."

"I don't waste time with that." I laugh

"I guess genius people are truly poor in love." I command Rhea to take them to their room. So I'll leave the rest to her.

"I know you'll have a sweet night with your wife this time. Goodluck then." I look at her over the shoulder, "How can I have privacy with you...?" she laughed.

(Princess Ashti)

I have no idea where to find that twin. I asked a stranger, a female butcher. She looks scary with her face sprinkled with blood of a wolf meat. Good thing she's not that type of creature who would chop someone like me.

She pointed the direction where a hill can be view from here. Haris is spinning an apple on a single finger, it fell when I pull him. I mean it. While hiking up to the top of the hill, I can't elude my hesitation.

"That female orc, how come she knew exactly where the twin is?"

"You asked then you don't believe...?"

"Of course I want some proof."

"Tss. Woman," he murmured. "You should be kind even in simple things."

"Have I done something wrong?"

"The apple fell because you pulled me."

"You said they made a pledge for peace! So it means they won't—!" he cover my mouth. That suddenly shook me.

"Stop babbling around. They can eat you if they heard you," he whispered to my ear. There are female farmers here looking at us. I wave and smile at them. From what Haris said, it scares me. He pointed somewhere down the hill, and there we found the twin training with their moves too.

They have thick logs standing randomly around them, used for training. In the middle is a huge round rock and trees surround the open area. I shout their name without knowing which one is. And they're delighted for seeing us.

"Wow, is this place built for training?"

"Most of them are training here. But today they're busy for preparing the celebration tonight," Haris answered my question even though I asked the twin.

"What brings you here?" asked the twin.

"Will you please train us too?!" I beg with hands stick together.

"But I know that you know how to fight..."

"Yes we can, but only without this chain." They think deeply while looking at each other's eyes. They nod, and I think it's Twinkle who left. Did they just used telepathy?!

"Okay! First of all, sit down." I sat on the smooth grass, I can even lay here and sleep. "We'll teach you how to fight with a pair. But remember some rules. First, you must be one! Not literally one but one in heart and mind, one intention, goal, or target! In other words, unity." Twinkle came back with a rope and tie his twin's left wrist and tied his own right wrist too.

"Second, do not stand far with each other. You should watch each other's back and not more than one foot away!" They demonstrate their words. They unleash some punches and kicks without leaving their spot. After those simple moves, they show us punching together a single target. They use their tied wrist as one hand to hit the rock and it roll back a little.

So orcs have this enormous strength! They named that move Two-in-one punch. Another is Arm-in-arm kick. That move changes the spot with the partner and bash a kick.

"That represents the third rule! You should learn to balance."

Do we really have to name a move? The twin started to have some fun with the rope, they pull to run around and laughing. They're still kids.

"Don't expect us to do that," I mourn. And since they did that, they show us the move they called Twist-twin. Hand in hand twist, the lighter weight must float for more impact to the attack, but it all depends on the lifter. When they demonstrated, I shiver.

Because I'm the woman, Haris will be the lifter. Thinking that he should spin me around to attack sounds terrific. Now it's time to walk our knowledge. We stay one foot away. They untie the rope to be our enemy. I'll be sparring with Twinkle. And Princkle is with Haris.

As we begin, I'm only blocking his attacks. I must think of my safety and also for the distance. I never expect this is difficult! I felt Haris doing his best behind me, or maybe Princkle doesn't stand a chance against him. On the other, I'm losing my balance from Twinkle's powerful strength.

I was leaned on Haris' back. He pushed me forward and I hit a weak spot from Twinkle. I apologize during his agony. Haris grip his arm on my arm and change position. Princkle is on the way to attack, therefore I abruptly kick him away.

I'm panting and nervous. But I shouldn't, this is only a training, not the battle itself.

"Idiot. Don't be fooled. Orcs doesn't have weak spots," Haris lectured me. Twinkle is approaching, tried to act faster. But it ended up, we punch him at the same time. I apologize again. The twin complimented us but I think deep in their words they want to sulk.

After some rest, we tried to practice the Twist-twin move many times. However, the result is awful.

"Ashti, you're losing balance because of fear!" the twin said.

"Haris, will you spin me gently?!"

"Gently? How about the force then?"

"Don't mind that force thing! What's important is my safety!"

"Idiot. We can't make it perfect if I'm gentle."

"We're only beginners so we must be gentle first."

"We only have one day for this, which means this training is rush!"

"How am I supposed to learn in rush?!"

"There's one, stop complaining!" after our debate we glare intensely at each other. The twin is speechless, but I feel their nervous. I tie my hair using the hair tie from the book. I must have a clear perspective or a good path for my sight. I'm ready to give it a shot again. Yet Haris is out of focus.

He's looking at the huge rock just beside us.

"Haris!" he held my arms to swing this time he did the opposite of gentleness.

"Act faster," he said then he spins me around faster and strong than before. Is he mad at me that he intends to throw me out to the universe?! And he's expecting me to kick that rock, I'm supposed to kick a log! If I break my bones it's his fault. I kick it. When it happened, the rock scattered.

Wait, not my bone?! I feel some pain but a little. Haris supported me on landing and I'm still looking at the rock.

"Whoa! Ashti, you're strong!" said Twinkle. I'm starting to differentiate them, Twinkle is a little bit skinny than Princkle.

"H-how... did that... happened?" still startled.

"If you wear that tie, you'll become strong as Sdeing," Haris explained to me. Yes I remembered, he read that book. I punch the ground, it hurts but I gave a crack. I hope that won't be a fault line. But with this gift, I'm delighted.

"That was a nice partnership! But you have to refrain quarrel."

"Princkle, this rock, where did you got it?" Haris asked. Why is he so suspicious about that rock?

"We got it from the river there," he pointed somewhere below the hill forest.

"I see. It's time to wake up." Haris pulled out a cane from his glove. He hold the middle and spin it. It changed its appearance.

"What's that?"

"A riffle."

He fired it towards Princkle, he's bleeding and fatal with just one click?! This weapon is like an archery. Then he fired against Twinkle. As they clatter, I burst to anger. I grip his hand holding the riffle and kick his abdomen, I punch his face that push him away, he pulled the chain to pull me too and cough hard when his fist converged my stomach.

"Haris, what are you doing?" I beg. He just gave a glare at me then fire the gun on my chest. This extreme pain...! This kind of pain that leads to death. I'm almost fainting, hearing thousands of voices echoing to my ear drum. I found myself laying on the ground. I focus on the voice calling my name repeatedly.

It's coming louder and louder and

"Wake up!" I breathe very deep. I saw chief and the twin looking worried at me. I rise and saw Haris sleeping, maybe, beside me.

"What happened?"

It's sunset.

"The farmers saw the four of you are lying unconscious here. They got worried," chief said.

"Maybe we should stop this training now." Haris stretch his arms and yawns.

"Alright, seems like everyone is fine! We're about to begin the feast! Rest well to enjoy later!" The chief left together with the twin. Haris and I were left. I lay beside him, staring at the orange sky.

"So I fell asleep again without knowing. And a nightmare again? How cruel."

"Stay mute about this, someone is watching us before or maybe until now. That rock is not from nature, it's from someone's hand, someone who can summon. And that rock is a spy. That's why I mean you to destroy that rock. Unfortunately, we fell on hallucination. The only way to escape is severe pain." this boy; no one can fool him!

"Okay. Thank you," I said.

"For what?"

"I feel safe with you," I grin. He sigh.

"I don't care. Some of the farmers said that since we arrived, they haven't seen any rock. Sounds mysterious. Anyway, since I'm lying, perfect time to sleep." I punch his shoulder.

"Sleep later! Let's go to the feast! I can hear the music!" it excites me! This is my first time joining a village's feast. He's still laying so I pull him again to stand and join the party. I laugh at him

"Can't you see? I want to sleep!"

"I said sleep later!"

"But chief said we should rest...!"

"Stop babbling and enjoy. Do you always sleep during your travel?"

"How cruel. Traveling with you is my nightmare." I laugh.

"Okay then, when I see a star, we'll join them, deal?"

"That's good, tonight is cloudy so you won't meet a star—" I punch his shoulder again. Well I guess it doesn't hurt because of his rigid body. When he's asleep, I'll slip off his mask.