
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

11: Leylicendie Village

I prepare my fists, after all these are my only weapons. To be honest, I'm afraid of touching them even a single fur. One approaches, I only kick it back away from me.

"Can you fight?" he asked.

"Of course!"

And then we proceed on defending ourselves. He's supporting my back and I'm supporting his'. I attack randomly just to prevent being bitten. This scene seems familiar, I'm doing the same when I was stuck in the middle of Callions in a small stage. The first place where I met Haris.

I can't pierce nor stab them to death. Just pushing them away. We have to do something new or else moon will witness this fight.

"Haris! What should we do?!"

"Shut up, I'm thinking!"

I'm tired of pushing, maybe I should punch too to make sense of my fists. As I blow it onward, what I hit was the air. My hand was pulled by the chain, on the other side, Haris will attack the same. I see, a wrong move! We're about to do the same skill on opposite direction.

I glare at him, like incompatible kids, which is another wrong move! I should have focus on the wolves. I was pushed down, laying on the ground and a hungry wolf clicking its fang on me. I kick it, still another is approaching. I'm not in a perfect status to fight back so I just defend myself with my arm.

But instead of my arm bitten, Haris was the one bitten. Even his back and leg, I was nervous and surprised! He's protecting me? Maybe as part of his calling. Another familiar scene, when I was training with Almidoron, he protected me the same way. I cry


"Don't... panic!" I look at him with worried eyes. He bit his lower lip and he exploded to a violet smoke, I cough, this smoke is itching my throat and spicy for the eyes. I just felt a hand pulling me away from the spot. Good thing it's Haris, wolves are still stuck there searching for us.

And again, as usual, we're running. I just finished eating and now I have to run, I'm sure my flank part will ache. Not all the wolves are chasing after us, only four of them. I follow his steps, and with big surprise, we were pulled up by a net. A trap! We're stuck here, moving for comfortable position.

"Haris—you're too heavy—!"

"It's not my fault." We're lying slant here, and he's​ leaning his back on mine. Wolves from below are jumping to catch us. If only I am gifted like my parents, I don't have to run all the time!

"Well I guess we're safe here," he said.

"Safe?! If we stay here we will be slaughtered by the hunter. And if we freed ourselves here we'll be eaten by the wolves! Where is the safety?!"

"I know this net." I mistrusted him again.

"Wait, your wound—?"

"Wound?" he scowled at me

"Don't you know what's the meaning of wound?! You're bitten, okay?!"

"Shut up. You're too high."


"Are you worried?" he stared like smirking at me.

"The answer is between yes and no. Can't you imagine? I can't just pull your corpse all around the world because of this chain!"

"I'm not wounded. I have a rigid body. That is my gift."

"What kind of gift was that?"

"I cannot be harmed unless I'm unaware. Sensitivity is needed with this gift."

"You mean, like an iron body?"

"Yes." I heard a laugh coming from kids. There's two of them, swaying their ax to kill the wolves beneath us. They're not humans. Orcs. And twin. They cruelly kill the wolves and, in the end, they growl like a beast to scare the other wolves. Then they laugh again.

"Twinkle! Look!" he said; pointing at me with a face of surprise.

"Princkle! Is that..."

"...a human?!" they said together.

"No, wait! There's two of them!"


"But this one is a different creature..." now they're inspecting us.


"Yo." He wave a little.

"You know them?!" I startle.

"They are twin orcs. Twinkle and Princkle." cute names for twins.

"Don't worry! I'll save you!" I don't know which one who said that, or which one is Twinkle and Princkle. He threw the ax on the top of the net. He missed the half. We're still hanging and worsen Haris' lean behind me.

The twin panicked when they failed. They use arrow for second attempt. We finally fell but I clattered with Haris behind me! I can't stand from pain! They freed us from the net and this twin lifted me to sit. They look at me from head to toe.

"He has long hair..."

"Soft skin."

"Kinda chubby and flappy."

"He's smaller than you, Haris."

"And he has bigger breast—" I push them slowly as I stammered. "Not that part..."

"His voice is high!"

"And gentle."

"A woman," Haris said. "And we call them 'She'."

"Oooohhhh!" their reaction.

"They have different body parts compare to a man," he added. This twin, it's their first time seeing a woman?!

"What is your name?" they asked.


"Oooohhhh! Would you like to see our village? It's near from here!" do they memorize their lines? They speak together often. They pull me up to stand with excitement. I'm limping by force because of these two. They have both of my hands. They're so buoyant.

We came down to the lowest part of the forest. We passed through the huge log dressed with moss. Beside is a falls, a tall falls. I can see a lot of rainbows from here. Haris said this place is named Tall Man Falls. It reached approximately more than 75 feet tall. I have no idea this kind of falls exist. And I wonder what will happened if we fall.

This log is slippery. I'm feeling nervous right now! Still, the twin supported me. After we passed there, we need to enter a narrow cave. The inside is stuffy. On the very end, there shines a light from the sun. It's finally their village.

There are orcs roaming around like people in the market. They have items to sell too, houses like mushrooms, tall trees all around and the same soft grass. There are houses in the trees too. They adopted the whole area of this forest. Just like a normal village, the home owners are the only contrast.

Now, they're glancing at us.

"Stay here! We will call our father." Then they left us in the middle of the crowd.

"This is Leylicendie village," Haris said. There are wild animals here too like lions and bears.

"They have the spirit of that girl so they can or we can touch those animals," he added.

"Are you a tour guide?" he just sighed with irritation.

"Haris? It's been a long time!" one of the orcs greeted. I consider it a she, she's like a mother. They shake hands then gave me her attention. I can see a closer view of their race. They have huge teeth and nose, same with the single eye. Their skin is green and looks rough. They have a cave man's clothing.

"Where do you came from?" she asked me.

"From Heavenly kingdom at Quede nation."

"A foreigner! Well, have a nice trip here," she smile and left like a busy woman. Someone pulled the chain upward, a big male orc that looks scary. Haris was pulled too, we're both hanging, facing each other. I'm so close to him, like from the first time I hug him.

"What is this chain?" the orc asked.

"A chain good for killing," Haris answered. Then they glare at each other.

"Hey! Is that how you treat a visitor?!" another female orc came. She's daring and look mighty. The orc freed from gripping the chain. That hurts my wrist.

"It's nice to see you again Haris!" she greeted. There is another female orc behind her. Small and shy type.

"I-I thought... you'll not... visit again..." she said while caressing her hair. Haris smile at them

"Thank you for the warm welcome, except for you," he's pertaining to the big orc behind us.

"Haris! The cutest magician I've ever met!!" here comes another big orc wearing a crown with feathers. He rubbed Haris' hair hard.

"Oh! So this is the woman my twin said!" so he's their father.

"My name is Gordon. I am the chief in this village." We shake hands, his hand is so big and rough. From the way he greet me, he's kind and wise. He tour us or maybe only me around the village. They have blacksmith, alchemist, market, homes and committee's hall which is private.

"Will you stay here for a tonight?"


"I see. Great timing! Tonight is the celebration of my wife's birthday that's why we're gathering lots of foods."

"Can we join?"

"Why not! Tomorrow is the continuation of your travel. By the way, why do you travel?"

"To fulfill my mission on bringing this princess back to her home."

"Mmm. Let me guess, your nation was infected with our nation's issue, right?"

"Yes," I answer with grimace.

"How about that chain?"

"One of Mr. Holland's collection. Ms. Tony locked us to make this mission 100% success," he laughed after Haris' explanation.

"What a brave strategy!" he commented.

"Uhmm. Can I have a crazy request? Can you cut this chain? Actually, it's a big hindrance from our movement and we almost die a while ago because of this."

"Hmm. For me it's not an ordinary chain. But let's give it a shot."

He took us with their blacksmith. It's my first time to see a room full of crafted swords and other weapons and armors. They have a female blacksmith. She moves manly.

"Hey there chief! Looks like you're touring around our visitor!" she said while hammering a newly heated sword blade.

"According to our visitor's request, can you break this chain?" chief said. She stare at the chain, monitoring every sides.

"Outstanding metal! Extraordinary equipment! Where did you got this?"

"One of the mages' invented tool."

"Mages?! Now I know." We sat on opposite sides of the table with the chain on the middle. The table is metal and hot. But still touchable. She raise a huge hammer, I panic that maybe my hand may be bashed! I suddenly pull it away and close my eyes.

The blacksmith was surprised and laugh. I pull Haris' arm and it was bashed. I don't need to panic because he has a rigid body. Now he's glaring at me. I push his arm back slowly

"Sorry..." I force a smile.

"If you're scared then we should stop this," he replied.

"No! Okay, I'll keep my calm," and she continue. She hammered the chain many times. However, nothing happened. She tried an ax, then sword, and saw, on the other hand, nothing changed. She tried a saw machine, she wear a mask and gave us cover. The result is nothing.

"Phew! Not even a scratch!" she uttered.

"This chain is unique, unwavering and mysterious. Ask the alchemist, maybe he knows how to break it specially this chain includes magic."

"Thank you!" said the chief. Just in front of this crafting shop is the alchemist. Inside its room has a lot of scientific glasses, it also smells chemical here. Their alchemist is an old male orc. The chief told him our intention, and he did the same. He inspects every side of the chain.

"This includes a spell. No other way to break it unless you break the spell."

"What is the spell?"

"I don't know! If you said that mages made that chain, they used antique ingredients which is, those doesn't exist anymore! The present ingredients have no connection to the past. And by its age, the two of you are the second user of this chain. It means someone broke the spell already." I sigh.

"How did they free themselves?" I asked myself.

"If we don't know the spell, then we're stuck like this forever," Haris said.

"No way!"

"Alright folks! I'll take you to your room," chief brought us there. They made floors attached on the trees, our room is second floor. I feel safe on every step even though the foundation is only a tree. They're so creative. The room is simple, they have window where we can see the village, a mirror, below is a cabinet, and a bed sheet.

"Wait, there's only one bed."

"Can we even sleep separately?" he tease.

"I hope this room is enough. If you have issues here don't be ashamed to ask me."

"This room is enough. Thank you."

"Before I leave, I'll give you an advice. You're gonna have a long travel, you can depend only with each other. So, be like my twin." He grin and left. Haris lay on the bed so I lay too. He lean his nape on his hands and cross his legs.

I fold my arms and cross my legs too. We're both staring at the ceiling.

"Before you left my nation, what is the current status?"

"Your mother is under recovery, your father is tied in politics, royal bloods are having meetings for preparation, another god died, and Callions had invaded."

"Another god died?"

"You don't know, aren't you?" I shook my head.

"I'm not in the mood to explain."

"I don't mind. As long as my family and kingdom is fine." I look at him and I think he's sleeping. I hold his mask, trying to pull it out of his face slowly. He pinch my nose hard, it hurts! I let go and massage my nose. It's blushing!

"What was that for?!"

"For idiots."

"There you go again!!" I huff. As I remember what chief said, be like my twin? Should we speak at the same time? Fight like them? Act like them? There could be something from them. I rise up

"Haris, I have an idea!"

"I don't mind."

"Maybe the twin can teach us how to fight with partner!" he smirks.

"Bright side. But for now, my priority is sleep."

"Oh come on!" I stand and pull him by force. He has no choice but to stand up and follow me.