
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

10: Sunrise Travel

(Princess Ashti)

"How... they didn't eat us...?" I asked Haris while chasing my breathe. That was my first time staying under the water for long seconds. I squeeze my hair and clothe; the water smells awful.

"Hey! Did you used another magic?"

"Maybe yes." Traveling with a magician is hectic!

"What do you mean?" he shew me the necklace

"Once the pendant is turned, the one who wears will lost visibility. Not even a touch, smell or noise can be heard from you. Like, your existence tentatively disappeared."

"Wow! How did you get that?"

"From Mr. Holland's book."

I was marveled, it means the hair tie is useful as that too. But I don't know what kind of power it has. Those books sealed inside the glass shelves were finished by him.

"What do you call this place?"

"Deadly swamp. Too obvious, right?"

"Whoa! What's that?!" he's using something that dries his clothe.

"A hand electric fan." His hair and face are dry because of that. He's drying his boots when I asked him if I can borrow. He glance like looking pity at me before handing it to me. And he continue walking. I turn on this fan facing my face, I abruptly move my face away, it's hot!

I should avoid skin contact, so I use it with my hair and clothe.

"Only me can use it," he said.

"Really? I can still use it." I strained then I take it back. He hide the fan inside the pocket under his coat. It fixed?

"Is that one of Mr. Holland's collection?"


"Is he an inventor or something?"

"A god."

"Oh! I mean his talent."

"Of course a magician." I pout. This guy is a magician so of course Mr. Holland is a magician too. "You're expecting that he's an inventor?"

"Ah-hmmm... right."

"Well he's not. He loves collecting treasures from mages that died decades ago."

"Wait, a thief?!"

"No. He hid those from people whose trying to use it for wickedness."

"So there are people like that?"

"The King you saw, he is one of those people."

"Those rings and the knife? So that was one of the mages' collection..." I noticed something on his hood, I stretch it up to see, a bunny ears attached on his hood? I laugh. He grabbed my wrist and twist it. I scream.

"Maybe you should know your limits too," he said while glaring at me. I smash my lower palm to his jaw by my other hand, he even bit his tongue.

"Right, you should know your limitations too," I replied. I smirk.

"Idiot," he murmurs.

"Will you please stop calling me 'idiot'!"

"Mr. Holland told me to be honest."

"He told you to be honest not to be rude!" I glare at him, I remember the other people calling me weak because I'm giftless.

"Let's just stop talking nonsense," he said after he stare at me for a second.

As we continue our journey, we encounter a place full of poisonous snakes, some are hanging on a tree stem and under the water. He turned the necklace again and hold me as we pass by. He said this place is called Home Snake's Home.

We also passed a place full of crocodiles, good thing there is a huge timber that serves as a bridge from the lake of crocodiles. He said that this place is called Sleeping Fangs. According to my observation too, all their mouths are open. Like a statue. I slipped again, good thing Haris got my arm.

Another, a place full of spiders. I'm scared of them! We use umbrella because spiders keep on falling from the trees. I felt something on my right shoulder, huge spider with fur! I scream and throw it away. I want to get out of this place so I run and pull Haris while I hold the umbrella.

Finally, we escape that area.

"I think it's friendly," he said while playing with the spider on his hand. I step away from him.

"I see. Then you better be chained with them than me. "He smirk and I think I know his plan.

"No! Don't bring it near me!!" I scream again, but not because of the spider, something exploded behind me. No, not really explosion, a geyser. Then another geyser at different spots splashes like a fountain. Those geysers came from volcanic ground. But I see no volcano around nor afar.

"That place was called Web Shower. And this is called Cold Geysers," he said while he lets the spider walk away from his hand.

"You know a lot. Since when are you traveling?"

"Since 10 years old."

"And your age now?"


"You've been traveling for 7 years. No doubt why you know how to survive in that place."

"We should run for only 5 minutes when the geysers stop splashing."

"Why is it called Cold Geysers?"

"Every time it releases it includes small pieces of ice. When you touch it, it's cold, and at the same time you'll fly," I smile; he means like the water I will fly above.

"I'm just curious but, why are you always wearing that mask?" he's doubting if he should answer or not. It's something private.

"Mr. Holland gave this to me while he was telling a story." I nod. I consider it a lie.

"Let's go," he suddenly pulled me to run faster.

"Wait! You failed to give me warning!!" I shout.

(King Xavier)

"I apologize, Queen Dominique."

"Just proceed to the matter. What is this royal assembly for?" I changed my mind. The vision for our surrounding became blur. Like a dew on the window. I mean it. I brought them all here outside the castle, just beside the graveyard. All soldiers gather themselves according to kingdoms. All their ruler stood in front of them.

They brought half of their army, and I gave heed to Ethiopians, none of them are here. I stood in front of them to begin the announcement. The kingdom is very crowded.

"All kingdoms in Alcubra nation are decimated, gods, kings and queens are brutally slaughtered. The enemy can steal the gift, now he has multiple gift. Considered as god. The enemies invaded our nation. This kingdom and Ethiopia kingdom were known first victims.

Starting tomorrow, I will build barriers in every kingdom to refrain this incident. I need a drop of your blood. Everyone of you who are here, once you made the pledge, the blood owner has the right to leave and enter the kingdom."

"We should get rid of this enemy," my mother said. Many did agree.

"I know we should. But I was thinking for our safety first." I stamp my foot hard, the soil became cemented. Russell began the pledge. He draw a slice on his palm and let the blood drop. All of his army comply. He stopped his daughter when she attempted to do the same. Then many did follow except for one

"I oppose this pledge!" it's King Adane. King of Leunion Kingdom.

"Those barriers are for limit! I will kill this enemy once he attack my kingdom! I'm not afraid of it!" I keep chin up. His manners towards me is daring.

"I will take my leave now." When he walk away, many started to hesitate and follow him.

"I respect your decision! One more warning, famine, soon will come. Prepare as fast as you can." they continue their march.

(Princess Ashti)

"Wait! Stop! I need... I need rest!" I beg while panting. I've never run for some long minutes before! I sat down and breathe deeply.

"Do you have hardship in breathing?"

"No! I just reached my limit."

"We're half way there..." he pause for silence and later on he whistle. He included some tone like a song but I don't know what music that was. The wind blows softly that sways my hair gently too. I look to the east where the air came from.

Something came in my mind, I'm missing this peaceful whisper of the wind and blue sky. But it's only one day past, maybe I'm home sick. I look at him and he's already staring. I raise an eyebrow.

"You look... like an idiot." I pout.

"Geysers will jump again for 3 minutes," he added.

"Alright, then let's go."

"Good thing you made up your​ mind."

"Of course, but can we just take a walk from here? I've been running all the time."

"You'll get used to it. We should hurry." He pointed something behind by his lips. And there are Callions, hundreds of them. Maybe they're chasing us. They're still far from us

"Oh gracious!!"

"Run!" Here we go again. Running. Unfortunately, they are faster. I'm losing my speed cause by exhaustion. I mistakenly tread a crack; my leg sank and it hurts more when I stumble. I stand by force still I know they can catch up. Haris carried me with his arms, I was startled. He standing on the cane and it flies like a witch's broom.

My leg still hurts. I hold on tight unless I'll fall.

"Pull a strand of my hair and throw it to them," he said. I take off his hood and noticed a single strand of his hair, color violet. I didn't touch it. I pull one and throw it, it explodes to a smoke. That became nuisance for the Callions.

"Seriously?! What kind of fragrant oil are you using?!"

"Just keep on doing it. Make sure you won't bald me."

"Of course I won't!" I pick out another one to throw. We almost reach the finish line when a geyser hit us, all I can do is hold tight. He almost lost his balance and he can't control much his speed so he mean to bump his back on the tree. He stopped the cane from rolling by the sole of his foot.

He gently bend to take me down for me to stand. I kneel down to hold my aching leg. I really don't think I can run.

"Let's take a walk from here," he said. I stand up but not firm. He extended to me his arm. He's waiting so I hold there to support me from walking.

"Are you sure we're-"

"We're safe. Geysers blocks their path. They can't catch up as long as they don't see us." I nod. We walk away from them slowly.

(King Xavier)

Many of them departed. I turn the soil back to normal. I gather all the cement into a small ball filled with blood.

"Xavier, I just wonder how small villages and separated cities will be protected too," Rhea said.

"I'm well aware of that. They must be evacuated to the nearest kingdom. But I'm sure they won't leave."

"Brother!!" she hugged me and ride at my back. I almost lost my balance.

"I miss you!! Where is Ashti?! Can I visit Amber too?!" she's my younger sister, Ridley. She is now a Queen in Monteih kingdom.

"Ashti was kidnapped and Amber is still recovering. But I'm sure she'll be glad for seeing your chubby cheek!" I pinch her cheek and she huff.

"Okay, then I'll visit your kingdom! Wait, when will you activate that barrier?"

"You should warn your people first and bring them back inside the kingdom. Do it today because the activation is tomorrow." She huff again.

"Fine! Then I can't visit today."

"Maybe you should act more like a queen than a little sister."

"I'm just being me." She grin then bid me farewell. And now she's in a hurry.

"Rhea..." I call.


"Tomorrow, we'll investigate Ethiopia kingdom," she nod. I felt a touch on my shoulder, my mother's hand.

"If something happened, tell me immediately." I kiss her forehead as farewell. She left together with Ridley. Now that I'm left, I gave respect again to Queen Dreas.

(Princess Ashti)

Trees with scratches all around. It's dark and the way is covered with these creepy trees.

"Haris, I thought sun rise just happened. Why is it evening here?"

"Hmm. This place is called Wounded Trees. Many wolves attack here."

"No, I mean, why is it dark here."

"Because this place is cursed. A little girl came here often to visit her animal friends. One day, hunters killed her friends. Alligator 's teeth for accessories, an elephant's horn for weapon and tiger's skin for cloth. She's against that, trying to stop the hunters yet they just chose to kill her.

Since then, many wolves attacked any human being here for losing their friend. Rumors says that some people saw the little girl."

"You're saying that she's a ghost here?"

"Exactly." I hold his arm tight.

"Ah-I-I see... then it means we need to hurry!"

"Hurry? You're sprained," but I don't feel any pain. I let go to test if I can walk on my own, I jump and I feel no pain.

"Wow! That was fast!" I reacted. I heard a spine-chilling little girl's laugh beside me. I hold again on his arms.

"Uh haha, it's still aching." Just for reason so I could hold on. I heard another laugh beside me, I keep my look forward when I heard footsteps behind us. There's nothing when I look. This is scarier than the spiders. The sound of the dancing leaves says something like a threat.

"Haris, can you hear the laugh?" no answers.

"Haris?" I felt his cold arms, very cold and hard.

"Haris!!" I look at his face and it was empty! Faceless! I step back from startle. I hear the girl's laugh again. She's hanging while giggling on a tree. That's when I start to scream!

Another nightmare. No, it's morning, it's morningmare. What I hear is a sweet bird singing, light from the sun that passes through the leaves of the tree. What I saw from my dream is completely the opposite. My back is leaned on a huge rock, laying. My injured leg is covered with bandage. I feel no pain.

The grass is soft and cold like a bed, and the wind is as peaceful when Haris whispers before. He's here beside me, lying beside me while playing cards. Those cards have the pictures of chess units. And it's floating in front of him. I was holding the chain that's why it feels cold.

"Have you seen the girl?" he asked.


"She gave me nightmare before too. A ghost in a dream."

"Is this place called Wounded Trees? And was she killed by hunters? So there are wolves attacking the people here?" he gave me a wooden bowl full of food and with spoon.

"Those are correct," he answered. I take the bowl slowly.

"Thank you." My first time not eating inside the palace. After tasting it, I was delighted

"Did you-"

"Ms. Tony cooked that before we left."

"Mmm! And you?"

"I'm done eating."

"Wait, how did I even end up sleeping?!"

"That will happen during your first time here. It's okay as long as you have companion. There are also villagers here. We could stay there for the night."

"Really? What kind of persons are they?"

"They're orcs."

"What?!" a small piece of rice fell, I'm talking with a mouth full. I cover my mouth and he laughs for a second. So he can smile. And that smile is more attractive than a pile of golds.

"I know them so don't worry. They existed more than 25 years ago. People and orcs made a deal that they will not harm each other for the sake of peace. That village is not far from here. It was named Leylicendie village."


"They name the village after the name of the girl. They respect the soul of the girl. They are also friendly even with wild animals."

"Will they accept me?"

"They have the heart and mind same with humanity. They have the attitude of hospitality too," I nod.

"Anyway, thank you for healing me." I pick the bottle filled with cold water to drink.

"I didn't heal you. I just covered it in bandage."

"There's no difference!" I laugh. I want to see his smile again

"Haris, could you-" he organize the cards, the bottle and empty bowl in haste. Good thing I'm done eating. Now wolves surround us.