

"Sh*t!" I cursed. I was panting when I woke up. All these passed years, she still hunts me. I don't even know where the f*ck she is right now. I don't know what she's been doing since the day I last saw her. It really is so hard to look for someone who doesn't wanted to be found. Will I be able to see her again? Will I be given a chance to prove to her my worth and make her mine? Will she accept me? ---- I miss my homeland. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss...him. It's been ages since that world-shattering encounter with him happened. And it definitely killed me. I tried to move on from that incident but the pain is still here. It is so hard to forget your one and only real love. I haven't tell him my real feelings yet, but he already let me know that he will never love me. Everyone knows how mad he was to me. I don't even know why. And now, after how many years of mending and healing my heart, it's time to come home. Am I ready to face them? Am I ready to face him?

jheiqueen_1017 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
6 Chs



"Hi TD!" I said. Hiding the nervousness with my smile. I have mastered the art of smiling on any situation due to the kind of business I have. Especially that the only thing that anyone could see on my face on every meeting or interview is my lips.

"Hi LJ! Hi Lex! Hi Sean!" I also greeted the other boys so it would look so casual.

"Hey C! Nice to see you again!" Lex came to me and kissed my cheek.

"I knew it! I thought I was just hallucinating that I saw you at the airport 3 weeks ago. It was so fast and I needed to fetch my luggage so I thought that it was just my imagination. But here you are! Standing in front of us! In flesh!" LJ came and kissed me next.

"I hid immediately when I saw you. I needed to finish something first before I can show up to you guys that's why I did that." I explained smiling.

"안녕하세요, 의장님!" (Hello, Ms. Chairman!) Sean said, greeting me formally like we're on the office. He even did the 45° bow. Hahaha! Still crazy as ever.

"격식을 차릴 필요는 없어요. 희사 내부도 아니고 사업 논의도 하지 않고 있어요." (You don't have to be formal. We're not even inside the company or discussing business.) I said giggling.

"너는 여전히 희사 안팎에서 나의 희장이에요.하하하하! 그나저나, 확장 완료했어요?" (You are still my Chairman inside and outside the company. Hahahaha! By the way, are you done expanding?) Sean said.

But before I could respond, "Wait! Wait! Waiiiiiiiiiiiittt!!!!" LJ interjected. "What are you two talking about? We can't understand you! Helloooo!!!! Normal people here!" he added.

Sean and I looked at everyone and then faced each other. After a couple of seconds, we started laughing. Their faces are so funny that we can't help ourselves but to laugh.

"Does this mean that Sean knows where you are all these years?" Khazi asked.

I was the one who got recovered sooner so I answered their question. "First of all, Sean only knew where I've been last year. We met at a business conference in Korea where I was the guest speaker. I bumped into him before the conference started. I was not wearing my mask that time so he recognized me immediately. I told him that we will talk after the conference and not to tell anyone that he saw me. Even to you guys. So don't gang up on him." I said trying to stop Khazi and LJ upon reaching Sean who's already hiding behind me.

"Second, we just knew that we are distant cousins so he really have to keep my secret or else, I will tell our ancestors not to bless his business. Hahahaha! If only you guys know how crazy our family tradition is." I said giggling.

"And how about your topic earlier? Hmm?" Bettina said obviously losing her patience.

"We're talking about the expansion of her company here in the Philippines. I am one of the investors so, I wanted to know the progress of our new project." Sean said.

"Yes. That's right! And about that Sean, I've finished all the preparation and signed all the contracts needed for the expansion. The construction will start in 2 weeks' time. I'll tell Jade that I will be the one to give you the invitation for the ground-breaking once they arrived here in the Philippines." I said.

"Does it mean they'll be here? What about those three little monsters?" Sean asked innocently.

"They will be here as well. They just need to clear their schedules and appointments first. They'll be here probably next week." I said.

"Oh stop discussing business, both of you! We're here to have fun! And you C! I don't want to hear you talk about business until next week! You promised us a vacation! We want your undivided attention!" Khazi interjected.

"Yeah! And please! Tell your team to give you a short break." Bettina added.

"Hahahaha! Alright! Alright! I'm all yours." I said smiling to the girls.

"Wait a second! You will all go on a vacation but you won't invite us? That's unfair! We also missed Cloe!" LJ childishly said.

"Right! And for the record, we also tried to look for her these passed years." Lex said.

"Then come join us. We didn't said that you are prohibited to come. Besides, we all want to know what happened. Right C?" Alth said, diverting all the attention to me. I got nervous by their stares but I managed to act cool with it.

"Of course! I missed you all anyway. And one of the reasons why I chose Philippines for our new project's location is because I want to see you all again. So we really must be complete." I said energetically.

"Are you in, Twinnie?" Alth asked TD, who's been unusually quite since we arrived. He looked at me as if he's digging deep within my soul.

"I'm in." He said. Not taking his eyes away from me.

"YEEESSS!!! Let's plan it out now!!" Bettina said excitedly and immediately discussed the plans we made earlier at my place.

We ordered drinks and snacks as they argue for the things that we should do and the places where we should go and stay during our vacation. I am just happily watching them, realizing the things that I have missed out during my MIA period. I'm also thinking of some ways on how to share to them the most wonderful thing that happened to me. And what would be their reactions? Will they be glad to know that? Will they accept the truth? Will they be mad at me? I really do hope that we are all cool about it though.


I am just watching her from a safe distance. So near yet she's too far away from me. I want to come closer to her. I want to touch her. To hug her tight. To kiss her endlessly. But I am afraid. Afraid that she might have a change of heart. Afraid that she might have love someone else. Afraid that I would see her next time enclosed into someone else's arms. Afraid that she won't look at me the same way she looked at me before. Afraid that I'll get hurt by the one who used to love me the most.

What should I do? What should I tell her? How can I make it up to her? How can I make things right? Now that she seems to be way different from my Amethyst. From my ever sweet, caring and loving Amethyst.


I could feel your pain from here, Twinnie. I could see longing in your eyes. I know I should take your side because you are my twin brother, but I know Cloe so well. She will endure every pain as long as she can. But once she had enough and couldn't see any reason to hold on to, she will voluntarily walk away without saying even a single word.

And at this point, I know that you've been so harsh on her that she can't handle another rejection from you. Especially now that I have a clue why she went incognito for the passed years.

From: Aunt Amy

Message: I know I don't have the right to tell you this, and I know my daughter have her own plans but I just want someone to understand her. To understand why she hid from you for so long. I hope you keep this a secret until she decided to personally tell you this. Cloe, my baby, almost had an emotional breakdown and had been seeing a psychiatrist that time. And she's also 3 weeks pregnant. I trust you, Altheus. I hope you take care of my baby. Thank you.

That was the text message I received from Aunt Amy earlier this day. I still don't know how to react about it. But one thing is for sure. I will definitely get down to the bottom of this.