

The glasses man looked at Du Jinnian in disdain and asked snappily, "Who are you?"

Sister Mei had seen Du Jinnian before during Master Xi's Bailehui and knew that Du Jinnian was working with Master Xi. Thus, she immediately walked to Du Jinnian's side and greeted him with a smile, "Director Du, good evening."

Du Jinnian nodded at Sister Mei, "Good evening, Sister Mei."

Zhenzhen was worried about the bespectacled man finding Du Jinnian. She grabbed Du Jinnian's arm and said nervously, "Director Du, I really plan to resign. You don't have to help me out."

Du Jinnian turned around and looked at Zhenzhen with an unquestionable seriousness, "Zhenzhen, I won't let you lose the hard work you've worked so hard for. This is your critical period."

However, the moment Du Jinnian finished his sentence, the glasses man was about to punch Du Jinnian.