
Our Last Summer: Oceans Apart

In the enchanting island town, a high school senior named Lucas finds solace in the arrival of summer. Each year, as the sun begins to warm the sandy shores, he eagerly awaits the return of his best friend, Amelia. A foreigner with ethereal beauty and a heart as pure as the summer breeze. But there's a bittersweet catch - Amelia's family only comes to the island for work during these precious few months. As the days of their final high school year wane, Lucas realizes that their time together is about to be cut short. Amelia's family has decided that after graduation, they won't be returning to the island anymore, tearing her away from Lucas indefinitely. Determined not to let fate steal their bond, the two friends hatch an audacious plan. Fueled by the urgency of their impending separation, Lucas and Amelia create a bucket list, aiming to cram a lifetime of memories into one unforgettable summer. "Our Last Summer" is a gripping tale of love, friendship, and resilience. It's a heartwarming story of two souls who discover the true meaning of love and the strength that can be found in even the darkest of times. Will Lucas and Amelia be able to overcome the odds, or will fate deal them a cruel hand? Dive into this unforgettable summer adventure and discover the power of a love that can weather any storm.

Kimberlie_Palmer · Teenager
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10 Chs

Diamond of the Sands

As they parted ways to get ready for their trip to the beach, Lucas couldn't shake the whirlwind of emotions that had taken hold of him. The unspoken had been addressed, yet there was still so much left unsaid between him and Amelia.

He made his way to his room, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Changing into his swim trunks, he couldn't help but replay the morning's events in his mind. The warmth of Amelia beside him, their hands intertwined, and the intensity of the unspoken emotions that had hung in the air—it was a lot to process.

Lucas stood in front of the mirror, his reflection revealing the conflict within him. He couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt for Amelia, a friend who had become so much more. But he also couldn't ignore the uncertainty that accompanied this newfound depth of their relationship.

As he adjusted his swim trunks and grabbed a towel, Lucas couldn't help but wonder how the day at the beach would unfold. The familiar shoreline had been the backdrop to countless summers of shared laughter and secret adventures. Now, with the unspoken truth lingering between them, everything felt different.

Downstairs, the house was filled with the sound of Emily's excited chatter as she prepared herself for a day of fun in the sun. Lucas took a deep breath, pushing aside his thoughts for the time being. Today was about enjoying the simple pleasures of the island and being present in the moment.

When he joined Amelia in the living room, he found her looking out the window, lost in thought. She turned to him as he approached, her eyes meeting his, and a small, uncertain smile played on her lips.

"Ready to hit the beach?" Lucas asked, trying to sound casual despite the storm of emotions inside him.

Amelia nodded, her gaze softening. "Yeah, let's go make some more summer memories," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and hope.

With Emily leading the way, they all headed to the beach, the familiar scent of saltwater and the sound of crashing waves washing over them. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow on the sandy shore.

As they settled on the beach, Lucas couldn't help but steal glances at Amelia. Her laughter filled the air as she and Emily built sandcastles and splashed in the shallows. It was a sight he had seen many times before, but today, it held a new layer of significance.

As Lucas watched Amelia, his heart couldn't help but swell with a mixture of awe and tenderness. She looked radiant, with her hair tousled by the gentle breeze of sunlight dancing on her skin. Her laughter was like a melody, a joyous tune that seemed to resonate with the very essence of summer.

Amelia ran along the shoreline, her feet leaving imprints in the wet sand as she chased after Emily. Their laughter intertwined, filling the air with a contagious happiness that was impossible to resist. Lucas couldn't help but smile as he observed her, feeling a warmth deep within him.

His feelings for Amelia had always been there, hidden beneath the surface like an undercurrent. But today, as he watched her in this carefree moment, he couldn't deny the truth any longer. It was more than just friendship; it was something deeper, something that had been growing over the years.

Lucas questioned what it all meant, the way his heart quickened when she smiled, the way he longed to be near her. It was a complexity he hadn't expected, and he grappled with it in the midst of the bright summer day.

His thoughts were interrupted as he noticed his friends emerging from the water, surfboards in tow. They called out to him, their voices carrying over the waves, and Emily joined her own group of friends, leaving Amelia surrounded by the boys.

Lucas felt a pang of possessiveness as he watched his friends approach her. They greeted her warmly, their laughter and easy banter filling the air. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, a protective instinct he hadn't experienced before.

He knew he needed to join them, to be a part of the group, but a part of him hesitated. The unspoken truth between him and Amelia lingered, and he wasn't sure how to navigate these newfound emotions. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his courage, and finally, he joined his friends by the water.

As he approached, he couldn't help but steal one more glance at Amelia. She was still smiling, still laughing, and the sight of her was like a beacon of light in his summer world.

Lucas greeted his friends with a wide grin, his internal turmoil momentarily pushed aside by the excitement of being with the group. They exchanged enthusiastic high-fives and claps on the back, the camaraderie of their summers together filling the air.

"Hey, guys! How's it going?" Lucas asked, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

Jake, the laid-back surfer of the group, grinned. "Lucas, you missed out, man! The waves are killer today. You gotta catch the next set with us."

Mark, always the jokester, chimed in. "Yeah, you snooze, you lose, Lucas. And speaking of losing, we were just telling Amelia here about our epic wipeouts. You should've seen Jake's face when he got smacked by that wave!"

Amelia laughed. "I wish I'd seen that! Sounds like you guys have been having a blast."

Lucas felt a strange mixture of relief and discomfort. It was good to see Amelia fitting in with his friends, but it also stoked the flames of his inner turmoil.

Running back to his towel, he pulled his board from the ground. The teal swirls seemed to glow against his tan skin. He looked to the group for a moment, then smiled when Amelia waved him to come back. With a moment of thought, he bent down and grabbed Amelia's board. He didn't want to stop her from being out on the water, and this way, they would still be together.

With both boards in hand, he ran forward. Amelia's eyes lit up at the invitation as she took her board. "Looks like I will be joining you guys!" She would say, pumping Lucas in the shoulder.

As the conversation continued, laughter and stories flowed freely among the group. They talked about their plans for the rest of the summer, reminisced about past adventures, and teased each other mercilessly. It was a familiar and comforting rhythm, one that Lucas had always cherished.

Yet, as he looked around at his friends, his gaze would occasionally drift back to Amelia. She was an integral part of their summer crew now, and the dynamics were shifting. Lucas couldn't help but wonder where these changes would lead.

"WAVE!" Yelled another group as they descended into the water.

Alex, known as Beachboy on Amelia's phone, was standing really close to her. His hand on her board with a grin as he whispered something in her ear.

They soon separated from the announcement, and Alex couldn't resist speaking up. "Hey Lucas, you're in luck. We've got another round coming up. You, me, and the waves, just like old times."

Lucas nodded slowly, his mind already racing with the conflicting emotions of the day. "Sounds great. Let's hit it." He would say, walking between them and bumping Alex away from Amelia in a gesture for him to follow. "Last one out scrubs everyone's boards!" He called out before diving into the water and paddling out.

"Oh no, you don't," Alex would yell back before turning to Amelia. "Keep watching to be impressed," he would wink. "Then maybe you will think twice before leaving me on read."

Amelia shook her head as she watched them charge out into the sea, her own board gripped tightly at her side. Slowly, she and the rest of the group joined them in the water, paddling their boards close enough to watch but to leave them to catch the wave.

"Go get it, boys!" she would call out with a laugh.

A small group of girls came over to greet Amelia, excitement and surprise on their faces. "We weren't expecting you this summer, Amelia!" one chimed as another swayed up and rested on her board. "I heard something about that." she would say with a pout.

As Lucas and Alex swam further out into the ocean, leaving a trail of anticipation behind them, the rest of the boys' group found themselves drawn to Amelia. They gathered around her, their curiosity piqued by the private conversation she was about to share.

One of the girls in the group couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and asked, "Amelia, we've all been wondering... is this really your last summer here?"

Amelia met their gazes, her expression a mix of nostalgia and sadness. "Yes," she admitted with a wistful smile. "It's my last summer on Guanna Island."

A murmur of surprise and sympathy rippled through the group. They had all grown up spending their summers together, and the thought of one of their own leaving was bittersweet.

The girl resting her arms on Amelia's board chimed in, "But why? Your family has been coming here for years."

Amelia's eyes drifted to the horizon, where Lucas and Alex were riding the waves. She sighed softly before answering, "It's because of my parents' work. They won't be returning here after this summer, and I'll be heading off to college."

The news hit the group like a sudden wave, leaving them momentarily speechless. They had always assumed that Amelia's summers on the island were a given, a tradition that would continue indefinitely. Especially the boys.

Jake couldn't help but ask, "Have you told Lucas about this?"

Amelia shook her head, her gaze distant as she watched the two surfers in the distance. "No," she admitted quietly. "I haven't told him yet. I wanted him to enjoy his summer without any heavy news hanging over him."

Understanding and empathy filled the group as they exchanged knowing glances. They could imagine the difficulty of Amelia's situation – wanting to make the most of her remaining time on the island and not wanting to burden Lucas with the weight of her impending departure.

"He's going to be crushed," one of the girls whispered, her voice filled with sympathy.

Amelia nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I know," she said softly. "But I hope we can make this summer one to remember."