
My first day

Our love story

This is my FIRST DAY. of school I'm really really nervous because I don't really know my classmate yet I entered the room and saw that almost all my classmates were there and they were just waiting for teacher .....Ma 'am liza: ok class so this is you're First day in high-school and I'm teacher liza in English subject i hope we get along.....


Athena: It's our recess and there are a lot of people in the cafeteria. just like a person

Kenji: uhg... what the hell misses he look at me angry and then change his mood its ok btw im kenji and you? You look unfamiliar are you new here he asked.

Athena: Yeah I'm not really familiar in this school because I'm new because I just transferred he looks at me and *smile*.....oummm what?

Kenji: if you want i can tour you i really really. Love. Touring a beuatiful girl like you...he *smile*

Athena : oumm...sure *smiles awkwardly*

Kenji :*smile *...

Athena prov;

Kenji toured with me for a few days and I gradually mastered the school, but we haven't met for a few days, maybe he's busy because there's a lot to do in the student council....oh didn't I tell you that Kenji was with one of the student councils. Yeah she's really really popular in our school and take note she's one of the best socker players in our school and the best swimmer she's really really smart too we've only known each other for a few days but I already know a lot about her ....and she's the most popular boy in our school. Almost all girls want him to be their boyfriend, of course who doesn't want a handsome guy, right? Not only is he handsome but also talented. Every girl wishes their boyfriend like Kenji. It's hard to be a Handsome, said one of Kenji's teammates in the socker team hmmmmm....it's like I'm worried about that guy, she's one of our classmates, I didn't know he was in the socker team Yeah sometimes she's too arrogant ohh.... I remember her name Xavier uhgg.....she's really annoying Maybe i keep distant on him i don't want my self put in trouble Yeah she popular too but different from kenji she being popular for franking teacher

Uhg... Why i need to tell you all of this i already hate him didn't i tell you before going cafeteria i bumped on him she' Just look at me and walk away I don't know what's going on on him she's kinda. Cold person when I bumped on him and now she's a hipper what annoying

Xavier prov:

Ohhh... I'm. curious why that girl stared at me so long didn't he fall in love on me?*smirk * she kinda beuatiful ohhh i remember she the girl i bumped in cafeteria miss clumsy *walk towards him*

Athena prov.;

Why that boy stared at me and why she's smirking at me ohhh this is bad shes coming i need to go i don't want to crate a seance her i most go

Xavier province

Why are you running away from me miss clumsy. Are you afraid of me don't worry i won't bully you but if you agree to be my girlfriend. *smirks*

Athena prov

Did I hurt him very badly when I bumped him. and why she is asking me to be his girlfriend. I don't want to I'm not ready for relationship and I don't even know him....

Athena; oumm sorry but i don't ready for relationship and i dont even know you

Xavier: don't worry Baby i teach you i be you're man *smile*

Athena: sorry but i need to go i have classes to go...

Xavier : ok then see you later

Athena: *smile gently * ok then

Xavier: be careful

Athena: Yeah, thank you

Athena prov

I'm almost like he's super hipper who is he to call me Baby. Ughhhh yuckk... I don't want him I heard that he is a bad bully and he has no respect for teachers and he is older than him and he only knows she's violent. Scary ....FAST-FORWARD AFTER THREE DAY'S ..... *in school *