

Disclaimer: Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer.


Our Dawn

Part I

Bella Swan


CHAPTER 1 (ONE). Happiness


There's nothing to be afraid of. Just calm down. I forced myself to remain calm. It was being hard to stay calm in the last month. In a few months I would be married to Edward Cullen and I would be perfectly happy.

I hadn't seen Jacob in a while. I didn't even have the courage to call him. I knew he was suffering because of me and I honestly didn't know what to do or say to him. Every time I thought about Jacob I had to force myself to think about something else because I was engaged now and it wasn't fair on Edward.

Soon I was going to be Mrs. Isabella Cullen. The name felt weird now but I would get used to it. We had notified the church and Alice was already planning everything. We had also talked to my parents. God it had been disturbing to talk to Charlie about it. I had warned Edward that he would have a seizure and I was right.

When Edward asked my father his blessing Charlie couldn't help but think that I was pregnant. He threatened Edward and even mentioned that he wasn't afraid of the Cullen family. If only he knew what they really are…

We had to repeat several times that we were in love and that I wasn't pregnant. Charlie found that very hard to believe. Besides he was still angry that Edward had left me once and sure wasn't ready to forgive him just yet. He couldn't believe that I was going to get married at the age of eighteen. Actually that was awkward even for me. But it was happening because I wanted be become a vampire too. And I wanted to be turned by Edward. There was something romantic about the concept of being turned by your lover. He had agreed on my terms and I had agreed on his. So I was going to get married and that was it.

My decision hadn't been well received by my latest friends. Sam and all the other wolves had called me a traitor. Well not in those words but I knew they all thought that way. Especially Jacob. He would never understand my reasons and I couldn't blame him. I knew he was only trying to protect me but I didn't need protection. Besides the Volturi had been clear. I had to become a vampire or the Cullens would be in serious troubles. I didn't want to be the one responsible for that. Carlisle had worked hard to keep his family safe and if the only way to do it was turning me into one of them, then I would accept it. Actually that was the only way for me to stay with Edward forever. I loved him deeply and I knew that we were meant to be together. I hadn't told the truth to Charlie or Renée, only Jacob and the Quileutes knew. I had seen Billy a couple of weeks ago and he didn't even speak to me. I was hurt. I wanted to speak to him about Jacob, but he totally ignored me. Maybe I deserved to be treated like that but it still hurt to be ignored by one of my father's best friends. I knew Billy Black since I was a little girl.

I forced myself to stop thinking about Jacob and his father. I had to remember that I was going to get married soon. I was wearing Edward's engagement ring and I shouldn't be worried about the Quileutes. After my wedding, the Cullens and I would leave Forks forever. They would stop phasing into giant wolves and everything would be alright. I glanced at my beautiful ring. It belonged to Edward's mother. Edward was such a gentleman and that was the reason why he wanted to marry me before I was turned. He was possibly the most honest and caring man I had ever met. I would have to remind myself to thank Carlisle for turning him because otherwise we would never have met. I knew Edward despised his true nature. He was convinced he was a monster without a soul or a chance of redemption. I didn't share his opinion. I liked to make myself believe that he had earned a second chance because he was a good person in the past. He was dying when Carlisle turned him. His mother begged him to save her son and Carlisle kept his word.

I was brought back to reality by a loud voice. I looked around the store almost in panic. Two men were having a laugh a couple of feet away from me. Fortunately I didn't know them. After getting engaged I had become the most wanted person in Forks. People would come to me wanting to see my ring, to ask things about the wedding and about the Cullens. It was annoying. Many people thought I was pregnant which was embarrassing. Since then I always avoided to leave my house. Edward would pick me up and then we would go to his place or to the woods to speak privately and spend some time together. I was always home by night because Charlie had asked Edward to bring me back home before nine o'clock.

My High School's friends were not handling the news well. Only Angela and Ben had been kind enough to call me and congratulate me on my wedding. But I couldn't care less. I was happy and I didn't need their approval.

As for my family…that had been complicated. My father hadn't approved us entirely. He had only given his permission because I told him that I would run away if I had to. Charlie didn't throw a fit because he was sure that my mother would be able to convince me not to get married. It made sense. My mother always said that marrying at a young age was a mistake. Like my father, I also thought she would try and persuade me to call the wedding off. But things happened quite differently. When I called to give her the news, she spent two hours on the phone telling me that Edward was the perfect guy for me and that she knew he would make me happy. I was too shocked to keep up with her so I let her talk until she was tired. I told her that Alice was organising everything and that I would still go to the University. My father was completely desolated and angry with Renée but there was nothing he could do.

I took a bottle of milk from the shelf and put it in the basket I was holding. I had all the ingredients I needed for tonight's special dinner. The basket was heavy and I wished I could have someone there to help me. I was clumsy enough to provoke an accident. If Jacob was there with me I wouldn't have to worry about carrying the basket. I felt guilty about thinking about him but he was my friend and I wanted him to accept Edward. But that would never happen.

I paid the shopping and met Edward who was in the car waiting patiently for me.

"Thank you very much for your help Mr. Cullen." I said in a sarcastic tone.

He smiled opening the door for me.

"I thought you wanted to enjoy your freedom while you still can, Miss Swan." he retorted.

I had told him once that I wanted to do things my way until the wedding because after that everything would be different. He had agreed.

"Besides I never thought you'd need help going to the store."

"I was literally attacked my Mrs. Weber asking me things about the wedding."

"I'm used to save you from psychotic vampires and a few obsessive wolves…I never thought you couldn't handle a human."

"Very funny Edward." I put my seatbelt on and we went to my home.

His new car was faster than the Volvo. It was a black Mercedes and I knew Edward wanted to give it to me but I had turned it down. My truck was working perfectly and a clumsy idiot like me could destroy the whole city of Forks driving such an expensive and powerful car. During our car ride Edward kept his eyes on my finger, where his ring was placed.

"I'm not going to lose it." I said. "I'm not that clumsy."

"I know."

"Then why are you looking at it like that?"

"Because I'm really happy that it's there. That ring has quite a story."

"It belonged to your mother, right?"


"Don't worry. The ring is safe with me."

"I'm sure it is." he said pulling over.

"So…aren't you going to tell me why you're so happy lately?"

"There's no reason. I'm just happy. Aren't you?"

"Of course I am."

"Good. In that case go home and make us a nice dinner…after all you need practice in the kitchen."

"I won't need to cook after you turn me."

"We have to keep up appearances. You need to show your mother that you'll be a good wife."

I sighed. My mother and Phil were coming over for dinner. It was going to be the first time my parents would be together before my wedding. I knew things would go wrong because Charlie was still angry with Renée. He wanted her to tell me that I was making a big mistake and that we had a lot of time to get married. I knew Charlie hadn't forgiven Edward for leaving me a year ago, he probably never would. But Renée would not tell me to give up on my wedding just to please Charlie. This meant war. Poor Phil would be stuck in the middle.

"What time do you want me here?" Edward asked.

"Six o'clock would be fine."

"I'll be counting the minutes."

"It's going to be ugly Edward. You better be prepared."

"I'm a vampire Bella. Believe me when I say that having dinner with your parents will be a piece of cake."

"We'll see about that." I turned to open the car door but he grabbed my wrist softly. He leaned on and kissed me making my heart skip a few beats. I would miss my heart's erratic beats after I was turned. I would miss the way my body melted every time Edward touched and kissed me. But my transformation was inevitable.