
Our Best Day

Cynthia Liew is perfect. She is hardworking, sweet, caring and mature. I mean, what more can you ask for in a girl? But there's only this one guy who knows that she has a flaw. That is; 1) She comes off innocent. She makes you wonder, "Is there more to her than meets the eye?" There's only one way to find out and that is to only date her. His name is William Ruan, and this is what he will do before he falls completely for her.

unhskikr4ever · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I keep my eyes on that girl who is hugging Jonathan Lim's right arm and talking to him in a sweet manner.

She's pretty. Her dark brown hair is tied up in a ponytail and like all pure Asians, she has brown eyes but they look beautiful and huge. Her eyelashes are long and also, her lips. Her bottom lip is plump.

Who is she, you wonder? Her name's Cynthia Liew. I hear that she's a straight A student and have friends who are similar to her. Her boyfriend is also the same, smart and friendly.

There she is, sitting with Jonathan Lim and their friends at the table around the corner.

I turn to my friends. "What kind of person is she, do you know?"

They follow my eyes. "What are you talking about, Will?" They laugh. "Are you interested in Jonathan Lim's girlfriend?"

I smirk at them. "Yes, I actually am."

They howl and the center of the cafeteria is filled with laughter.

I stare at them again, and I see that Jonathan Lim noticed. I decide to get up from my seat and walk towards them.

With his eyes on me, he ask as I approach them. "What do you want?"

"Your girlfriend," I state bluntly.

"He's crazy!" I hear Cynthia Liew cry with fear as she looks at Jonathan Lim and their friends.

I bore my eyes into her and I see her cower into his side. I turn back to Jonathan Lim. "I want you to break up with her."

"I will do just that," he declares.

I grin. "Good."

"What are you talking about?" she asks him in bewilderment.

He twists his head towards her. "I want to break up with you," he announces.

I know he doesn't want to. He knows me. My father owns a big business and he knows what he can do to him and his family. However, there's a secret.

I'm not a baby.

Cynthia Liew is now sobbing as Jonathan Lim decides to talk to her in secret near the walls at the corner of the cafeteria.

It's time for a lecture at the lecture hall and I walk pass them.

She's scowling at me in anger.

I just laugh. "Meet you at 4:30 pm, Cynthia."

"I hate you!" she cries.


I wait for her at the entrance. "Hey, Cynthia," I smile.

"Get away from me!" she says, running away.

I run after her, grabbing her left wrist.

She whines again, "I said, get away from me!"

I pull her towards my car and then push her into the passenger seat.

"What do you want from me? You ruined my relationship!"

"He's not for you, anyway," I state, after getting into the car.

She tears up.

"Believe me, you're going to love me," I tell her. I start the engine.


I question her as I drive, "What is your house address?"

She tells me hesitantly.

"I would like to ask you out tonight, okay?"

There is no response. She's still crying, next to me.


"I'm outside," I text her.

I receive a text in 10 seconds. "Go away!"

Okay. She's forcing me to do this.

I get out of my car and walk up to the front door of the house. I look for the doorbell and ring it when I find it.

The door opens after 10 minutes.

"Oh, hello there! You must be William Ruan! Aren't you Kenny Ruan's son?" greets the woman whom I guess is Cynthia's mother.

"Hello, Mrs. Liew," I greet back. "Yes, I am."

"Great. Cynthia just told me about you asking her out tonight. She said she doesn't want to go but, just come in!" She gestures for me to go in.

I get into the house.

Cynthia is standing in front me, with her arms cross. "I'm not going out with you, William."

"Is he your new boyfriend?" Mrs. Liew asks.

"No," Cynthia retorts.

"He can go to your room if you don't want to go out," says Mrs. Liew.

"He's not my boyfriend," she states.

"It's upstairs, the first room on the left."

I smile at Mrs. Liew. "Thank you, Mrs. Liew." I decide to walk up the stairs before Cynthia could say a word to me.

I hear her behind me. Opening her bedroom door, the first thing I notice is her bookshelves. There are two. They are filled with novels and books. I take a look.

"You have no manners. Coming into my room just like that."

"You read a lot," I utter in awe.

"Yeah," she answers.

I notice that she reads many different types of books; romance, comedy, historical, thriller, fantasy and mystery. My favourite genres have always been thriller and mystery.

I spend the night getting to know her and her preferences. I guess she's a normal girl, despite being perfect, from what I've heard.

"It's time for me to go," I tell Cynthia.

I get up from the couch she has in the bedroom and manage to steal a kiss on her right cheek. She flinches a little. She's warming up to me, at least.