
Otome Game: Hidden Capture Target

After a whole afternoon of failed playthroughs of various games, a semi-famous indie streamer known for his harsh criticisms finds himself diving headfirst into a new genre of Otome-Styled games. Finding himself quickly hooked, he rated one of such to be superior to the others when it came to his own personal tastes, a game centered around the capture of multiple male leads and gaining power like in typical rpg fashion. His ability to quickly familiarize himself with the mechanics, and even point out various writing flaws within the game garnered him quite a lot of attention. Enough so that the creator themselves reached out to get into contact with him. After a few back and forth talks with them they revealed that as a thank you, they would include him as a character in the sequel of the game. Exited he immediately decided to celebrate with a nice cold beer, unbeknownst to him that it would be his last. Later finding himself in a foreign body with nothing but a series of random notifications ringing in his head, his life having changed forever. (PS: This is my second work so please bear with me if my storytelling is off. I hope you enjoy what I've written)

Ahren · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Seed of Obscurity

Lying pathetically on the floor the body of the one named Lucifer, was briefly enshrouded in a purple luminescence as a small seed, imperceptible by anyone, including the so called queen was planted on her lower abdomen.

"Let's go Michael, the maids will treat that one, we have to go meet your fiancé."

At the mention of his soon the be lover the smirk on his face from the deep humiliation he enforced on lucifer quickly evaporated, his displeasure at the situation was plain to see as a deep self centered scowl adorned his face.

"Yes mother."

His words were brief yet full of venom as his eyes glazed the unconscious body of the victim of his malice sprawl on the floor, his radiant beauty seemed to spark another devilish idea, unbecoming of his angelic appearance.


He whispered, his voice soft and coquettish towards his mother as she turned towards him, her eyes disinterested.

"Why don't we allow Lucifer to meet her instead, after all he should be able to serve some sort of use to us."

He sneered at the thought, in this manner he would be able to avoid his arranged marriage at the cost of troubling his so very beloved brother.


The queen stood there silent, in deep contemplation of his words as she turned to face the subject of their discussion. Though what she had uttered to him had held some sort of truth a sort of displeasure at the thought of losing such a valuable piece of art seemed distasteful for her.

'He sure would be more than enough to convince that annoying brat to keep to herself..'

She could not bring herself to finish the thought as a sudden urge engulfed her lower abdomen.


[The 'Seed of obscurity' has grown in power over character 'Marielle Astéri'.]

Her body grew hot at the sight of her unconscious yet, perfectly embellished son, his sleek black hair coupled with his lush and healthy skin, her desires and feeling growing like a raging inferno.

"Mother? Are you alright?"

Seeing his mom, who previously held a contemptuous glare whenever she lay her eyes on Lucifer suddenly shift in demeanor gave him an eerie feeling.

"Y-Yes..I'm alright."

She struggled to regain her bearings as the ember sprouted within her found its way comfortably settled in her loins.

Her expression returning to its previously cold and aloof nature as she began walking towards her study, signaling for Michael to follow her.

"We should not bother with such frivolous ideas…it would be an insult to have such a devoted member of our kingdom to wed…that 'man'."

She quickly but elegantly made her way as Michael was left to ponder on her choice of words.

'That man?'

Her words were left for him to comprehend as he obediently followed after her begrudgingly, unaware of the looming threat slowly beginning to encapsulate on his blissful and ignorant lifestyle.


On the other hand, still unconscious from his vicious beating at the hand of his new parental figure, Lucifer who had been the object of their discussion was now being dragged away by two women dressed up in maid outfits.

"Geez, she didn't have to hit em that hard, he's surprisingly heavy for such a handsome fella, ain't that right Lucy?.."

One of the maids muttered in an annoyed tone, unlike the queen her body wasn't as bountiful nor was she as graceful, however she was still a beauty in her own right with her muscular build and towering height.

Sleek auburn hair that seemed to be cascading down her back in a straightforward manner, and dazzling green eyes that highlighted her chiseled features.

"Stop complaining and start hauling, you know what her highness would do if she found you talking behind her back like that."

The other maid interjected, although she wasn't nearly as built as the former and frankly quite small for a maid, her large bust and bright cherry colored hair seemed to garner attention.

Her eyes were a similar color along with a small and cute face fitting of someone so short.

"Yeah yeah…I still remember what happened to Mira…gods bless her soul.."

The women stayed silent in mourning at the mention of their now incapacitated friend, the queens wrath was not something one wanted to face, after-all even her own kin was subjected to such a harsh beating.

"Still..I can't say I hate this job, is it just me or did little prince here get more handsome recently.."

The large and robust maid muttered as her hands slowly began to clasp on the edges of his waist as she hoisted him over her broad shoulders.

"Now that you mention it yeah, he seemed less…depressed and more vibrant."

The two maids began conversing with one another, mostly about the queen and her now ailing son, completely ignorant of the changes occurring within.


Within a familiar endless void, completely cut off from and external interruptions there say two eerily similar individuals, both facing each other, one with a grin and confused expression full of concern while the other was apathetic to the changes happening around them.

The scenery of stars collapsing in on themselves as they remained unaffected from their shockwaves, sending ripples of space echoing through the cosmos.

~So uhh…you're me?~

The boy with a concerned face spoke up, by now he had already somewhat figured out what had dragged him into this place.

~I thought you died?~

A brief silence enshrouded the two as the latter spoke up for the first time, his voice was hoarse and grin just like his expression.

-I wanted that too.-

His tone was sincere yet melancholic, as if his disappearance was the only remaining desire he had left.

-It seems it wasn't that easy, once your consciousness overtook my own during the switch my memories began fading-

~Oh! So you're dying?~


Another brief and awkward silence enfolded as the two stared at each other, the concerned faced boy shrunk.

~Sorry..it just slipped out..~

-It's of no concern…it's true anyways, it seems that two consciousness cannot coexist with one another, and because of that my memories are fading and are now being discarded.-

~A-And that means…~


-Just know that once you wake up I'll no longer be here, my body, along with its memories will be yours to live out-

~Huh? Why would you do that? Don't you wanna live?~

The two boys sat in contemplation with one another as a deep sense of loneliness could be felt, the boy who so willingly gave up his life to another sat in peace, accepting his imminent demise.

-in truth, I've grown tired of it…you'll know too once you awake, the true viscous spirit of this world.-


As if to confirm his theory the boys body became illuminated, and a continuous amount of fractures began appearing in each and every crevice of his body.

~What's happening!~

-It's time for you to awake, I hope you manage to survive, even if my body becomes fatigued I hope you find the strength to persevere, unlike me, unlike 'him'-

~The hell are ya talking about!~

Just as the vast stars in space eventually dissipate, so did too the boy, as his body fragmented into clusters of luminescent light, only the faint reassurance of his incomprehensible smile.

The boy accepted his demise into the vast nothingness as his light faded into the void.

Lucifer Astéri had died.

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