
Otome Game: Hidden Capture Target

After a whole afternoon of failed playthroughs of various games, a semi-famous indie streamer known for his harsh criticisms finds himself diving headfirst into a new genre of Otome-Styled games. Finding himself quickly hooked, he rated one of such to be superior to the others when it came to his own personal tastes, a game centered around the capture of multiple male leads and gaining power like in typical rpg fashion. His ability to quickly familiarize himself with the mechanics, and even point out various writing flaws within the game garnered him quite a lot of attention. Enough so that the creator themselves reached out to get into contact with him. After a few back and forth talks with them they revealed that as a thank you, they would include him as a character in the sequel of the game. Exited he immediately decided to celebrate with a nice cold beer, unbeknownst to him that it would be his last. Later finding himself in a foreign body with nothing but a series of random notifications ringing in his head, his life having changed forever. (PS: This is my second work so please bear with me if my storytelling is off. I hope you enjoy what I've written)

Ahren · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Royal Dinner

Blah blah blah that's all my innocent and poor ears are plagued with hearing honestly, my new "roomies" really deserve the title royal family as all they ever talk about is either politics, recent news or events, and even stuff like what one accomplished today.

Yeah they're sort of interesting but like cmon, can't we just have a nice dinner and talk about normal things, like "hey Lucifer had a glow up recently?"

It's not like we always have to talk about such boring topics, if anything I'd be more interested in getting to know Marielle..just imagining her-


Before I can't imagine any further the sound of the queens interrupts my delusions.

'Oh boy..I hope she didn't hear me'

Her voice rang out admits the clattering and murmurs of the dining hall, enrapturing me in her soft yet commanding tone.

"Y-Yes mother..?"

"You seem to be in deep thought, do you mind telling us what exactly it is your thinking about."

'Do I really have to..'

I don't think it's exactly appropriate sharing such thoughts with my new family.

"Why are you spacing out."

That authoritative figure loomed overhead as a intimidating presence enveloped the hall. The queens voice akin to a sirens song luring poor defenseless seamen to their dooms.

'Whyy..just let me eat in peace..'

"I-I was just thinking about…t-training?"

I managed to squeeze out a random excuse from the rapid churning of my brain, though It wasn't exactly a lie, to live in this world freely one must be strong after all.

"Training, you say?"

Before my mother could comment any further the condescending and snobbish tone of Lucas, Michael's father chimed in.

"Pfft! As is a harlots son like you-"


Oh my..she's as intimidating as I remember, it's no wonder she was Lucas's first crush. A funny thing about incubus is that they're eerily similar to succubus in the sense that they absolutely love strong women, the same way succubus love strong men.

Call it an instinctive attraction but as long as they seem good enough to last a session with them, incubus would flock to that woman within a heartbeat.

She even shut up that Lucas so easily for me, perhaps I should maybe..

'No! What am I thinking, even if there aren't any biological problems with it she still this body's mother! No matter how attractive she is to cross that line..'

Just imagining the taboo relationship between me and the queen..the look on Lucas's face when his own wife is-

"Lucifer, answer me."

"H-Huh? O-Oh right..it's because I umm.."

'Damn it! What do I say? To get stronger? Because I'm weak? Or maybe..should I just be honest?'

A few ideas came up but to be honest none of them felt particularly true, although this is a fantasy world and I do in fact wish to grow stronger it's not like It's my main goal, what I really want… it's probably-

"I-I just want to live peacefully.."

The hall silenced abruptly at my words, not before the scornful chuckles of Lucas filled the air, a contemptuous glean hiding within the confines of his smile.

"HAHAHA, to think this lowly born would say such outlandish ideas! Truly deserving of being that skanks son!"

However it's not like it was unexpected, if I were to utter this to anyone else they would have had the same reaction, reason being of course..

'Being royalty sucks..'

Although the lifestyle from Lucifer's memories appeared lush and luxurious it had its own fair share of struggles, however even that paled in comparison to his fate as a royal.

That was of course being either a bargaining chip against lower houses in order to unite them in marriage. Or to serve as a commandeer in the army against potential enemy forces.

'Arghh, why can I just laze around and enjoy the riches..don't I at least deserve that..'

All the lush luxury comes at a price however, though in the game his end was even more tragic than simply marrying some girl he didn't like or dying in a meaningless feud.

"Father, please be mindful. It's understandable why the third prince would desire such a life."

The prolonged silence being unexpectedly swept away by Morgan, Michaels sister and minor antagonist.

'I guess shes uncomfortable with someone in the same position as her brother being laughed at.'

Yes, Michael was in a position similar to Lucifer which was an event planned for the protagonist of course, though I didn't think anyone would intervene, it's nice to have someone other than my mother to stick up for me.

'Even the queen stayed silent, though I don't know if it was from anger or acknowledgment..'

Either way it wasn't long for the later to retort.

"Silence Morgan! i understand your feelings however his position is different from your brothers! His blood hasn't been stained with that of a filthy who-"

"Lucas, you will be silent at once or I will no longer be lenient against any of your further transgressions."

And the queen once again intervened, like a knight in shining armor she came to save this poor damsel. At least that's what it looks like through Lucifer's eyes.

'Ahhh..mother, I really did charm her huh, I guess I should remember to treat her better from now on.'

"And you Lucifer, don't make such idiotic comments again, though mostly in name you are still of royal blood, I will not have a descendant of mine have such childish dreams."

As if a cold bucket of water had just been poured on my tiny embers of gratitude, they were just snuffed out by the queens cold remarks.

'Wow, so much for that. I guess it's expected, even if my charms now over the top it's not like she'll just openly protect me, especially from her now husband.'

Though it is slightly disappointing it's not enough to ruin my mood, I won't let this newfound status limit my future, I will make my own decisions, I'll build my own success.

'And the key to that is an overwhelming amount of power..enough to where even the queen can't do much to me..'

Thankfully I was born into this body, as I've mentioned before Lucifer was the main antagonist and possessed an overwhelming amount of natural talent, enough to be capable of going toe to toe with the protagonist despite her massive "cheat".

'I just need enough time now, once this dinners over I'll go back to my room and sort out the details.. it's like what they say, work now, rest later.'

The rest of the evening continued on without much conversation, a few comments made by Michael and Lucy but nothing I bothered listening to, he's supposed to be by enemy after all.

Finally after we all finished eating i excused myself as I attempted to leave the hall.

"Lucifer, wait."


The voice of the queen stopped me before I could take another step toward the large framed door.

'What is it now..'

"Y-Yes mother?"

Her eyes rested on mine for a few eerily long seconds before relaxing and giving an sense of affirmation.

"Get yourself cleaned up and meet me in my workspace, understood?"

A brief silence enveloped us as a certain question popped into my mind at that very second.

'Am I in danger?'

I looked her in the eyes as if to asking to reiterate what she just said, the sudden sock of such words causing certain, unholy fantasies to whisk in my mind.

"I-Is something the matter?."

I managed to utter such words under the frequent mental attacks, images of the queen commanding me with a certain level of desire as we undress each other..our bodies moving closer and closer ever so slowly as-

"Mmm, good..don't keep me waiting understood?"

Her poker face was absolutely impeccable as not even a quiver could be seen of her stone cold face, I turned away once more as I exited the hall in a hastened fashion.

Once arriving at my quarters I collapse onto my damp mattress sheets as I go over the events that just took place again in my head once more.

'The dinner went more or less as expected.. ignoring Michael should have been the way to go, it's not like we could ever grow close in this life anyways, Lucas was an absolute d*ick.. my mother however..'

Her figure reappears in my mind as I recall her alluring choice of words, her seductive and lustful body ingrained deep within my psyche.

"Don't be late.."

Though I know deep in my rational thoughts that such fantasies most likely wouldn't happen right away, it doesn't stop my mind from imagining different scenarios involving us together, about the possibility such powerful words hold.

'It should be "that" right? I mean the queen shouldn't have developed feelings right away but she should at least be attracted to me by now..'

A few devilish ideas pop up, sneaking in from the deepest pits of this body's desires, schemes and alike forming at an uncouth rate as the incubus blood within churns with a certain passion.

"No! Bad thoughts! What am I thinking..she's my mother for crying out loud! No matter how tempting the thoughts might be I can't just assume things!"

My heart palpitating at a newfound goal sneaking its way into my heart, right at the moment of escaping these uncouth thoughts I turn away as I hide myself in my pillow, a desperate measure to retain my morality.

Looking over from my shoulder at the middle wall of my room I see a clock ticking away, the seconds counting down slowly a single flick at a time.

'I should probably get ready..'

Lifting myself from the moistened fabric sticking on my skin I make my way towards the shower, making a note to myself to take extra time into cleaning a "certain" place.

'Just in case..hehe, nothing wrong with being prepared'

Drowning in my illusions I make sure to prepare thoroughly for mother, our "meeting" marking the beginning of a newly prohibited relationship between mother and son.

Though I didn't quite know at the time, it was the beginning of my slow and "peaceful" life.

Money~ Money~ Money~ give me all your money~

Ahrencreators' thoughts