
Otherworld Pervert in DXD

Yuki, a normal college student who loves to watch anime and video games, died after finishing the Highschool DxD. Darkness embraces him, his urge and desires granted him his wish to be transported into another world. Will Yuki change the courses of the events? Or will he use his powers to fulfill his lustful desires and evil deeds? ... The protagonist is brokenly overpowered but in the first chapters he was still gaining it. If you really admire Issei Hyoudou then probably this is not for you. Issei is a sidekick at best. Also Mc nature and ideology is different from others. He is an abomination of lust, using his knowledge to manipulate, blackmail and abuses his powers to conquer everything. .... As all of you guys, I'm not doing this for power stones but if you are interested in the story or some want to give critique about it. Please my only request is give a review in a very honest opinion. The more harsher the better. I'm just at the beginning of the writing journey so I hope you will help me and I'll be glad if you like it.... I don't own the Highschool Dxd or any other works that I put in the novel. I changed various laws so expect some different powers from the mc. I got the cover on pinterest if you own that just message me and I will drop it. Check the tags for more info. Expect tons of grammatical errors and misspellings. It's my first book in english. Warning - The contents may be offensive and the writing is vulgar, If you have a faint heart please read at your own risk. This consist rape, mindbreak and diffirent kind of immorality. So please if you don't like such a thing maybe you can turn back.

Evil_Peppa · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 15

>>> When it falls <<<<

As Yuki walked with the blue-haired girl towards the corridor, he felt some hostility from her glances.

"What is it?" The girl knitted her brows and asked.

Yuki stopped his tracks and answered in a low monotone voice. "I'm just curious about who you are, why?"

Hearing those words, Her forehead twitched because of annoyance. She is a popular member of the Student Council but this ignorant pretty boy didn't even acknowledge her position.

"Tsubasa…..Tsubasa Yura." She introduced herself as she continued walking without sparing a glance to see his reaction.

Yuki glimpsed her back figure while shaking his head. He knew her personality very well from the canon, she is a tomboyish girl who acts tough but in truth she develops attraction towards Issei in the near future after the battle.

The two went towards their destination, Yura sped up her pace because she felt a little bit uncomfortable walking side by side with the transfer student. Oddly she hates that feeling when she is with a guy, she is quite pessimistic when her friends talk about boys stuff.

"Kaichou we're here" Facing the door, Yura knocked it gently.

The door opened,revealing two silhouettes. A standing woman with long straight black hair, her eye color is unique reflecting a heterochromic inside the thick glasses.

'I can't believe this chick fell for that dickless Kiba' Yuki thought as he hid his sinister smile.

The other one is sitting on a chair, she is a young bespectacled woman with short bob cut hair. Her figure is rather slim but distinguished her because of her indifferent petite charm that stood out compared to other people.

"I'm glad you came." She said as she crossed her legs. "My name is Souna Shitori… the current president of the Student council." 

"I'm Shizuku Yuki, can you please tell me what the Student Council wants from me?" He asked, reading the notes that he wrote a while ago. Yuki acknowledges the young Sitri Intelligence, the best way to get out of her grasp is to know what their intentions are.

Tsubaki on the other side glared intensely. She didn't expect that this transfer student would be this rude.

"Very straightforward are we?"Sona smiles gently while observing the demeanor of the young man in front of her. "Fine, have you ever heard about the strange phenomenon that happened a couple of days ago?"  

'Strange event…don't tell me?' Yuki is shocked realizing that his Sacred gear awakening really affects the people in the town.Surely he heard about this from other people but he didn't mind it that much.

"Strange phenomenon?" Yuki put his hand on his chin. "I was inside my apartment all the time so I didn't notice something like that...but I heard some rumors about that."

"Is that so, Shizuku-kun?" Sona frowned as she heard his plausible statement, her servants also informed her that Yuki mostly spends his time inside the apartment. Nothing could be suspicious based on his movement, the only thing that makes her wary is the fact that he is involved in that event.

"Yes, why are you asking about this?" Yuki asked.

"Ah.. It's nothing" Sona snapped back as she stopped, she dazed after deducting how will she approach him. "By the way, are you interested in joining the Student Council?" 

"Kaicho!" Tsubaki half shouted, she didn't expect the decision of the Heir of the Sitri Family. She knew that their leader is really a smart girl, so how could she invite such a person who acts so suspicious.

Yura on the corner is also dumbfounded, her first impression of Yuki is not good because for some reason her flower felt weird when she looked at him. 

"I refuse…" Before they could rant something, Yuki interrupted with a blatant answer that made them stunned for a moment.

"Excuse me?" Sona asked while tilting her head due to confusion.

"I refuse your offer" He cleared with a straightforward answer.


Yuki put his notes inside his bag and said. "I'm busy studying, I always have a lot to do at home."

"But you can rely on the Student Council, we can help you." Sona declared with a gentle smile. 

"Ara~ I didn't know you had a guest today Kaicho." Suddenly the door opened, Yuki turned around after hearing a familiar voice.

Yuki clearly knows who she is after hearing the word "Ara". He would be stupid if he didn't recognized one of the main cast of the series.

For the first time, Yuki saw the real deal. If he could pick someone out of the blue then she was really his type.

A young woman with a black pony tailed hair, those mesmerizing violet eyes.. and a pair of melons that jiggling every moment she moves her voluptuous body.

"Himejima-san why are you here?" Tsubaki asked.

"Oh, I'm here because Buchou had something to say." Akeno said as she glanced at the other side. "Ohh, you're the transfer student..right?"

Yuki nodded suppressing his urge to pin her and enter inside of her. He had no sex for a couple of days because of the people stalking him everytime.

Akeno walked towards him and extended her hands for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, My name is Himejima Akeno...member of Occult Research Club."

"I'm Shizuku Yuki, a member of the go home early club..nice to meet you." He pressed his hands to connect with her, his hands pressured her a bit.

'W-what?' Akeno just gently smiles, feeling the pain in her hand, as she looks at his icy blue eyes, she can't stare at him directly that makes her head down. She felt a dominating aura from him that she didn't feel before, even Rias couldn't make her submissive by just a simple handshake.

"I didn't know that Shizuku-kun is such a nice guy." Akeno forcefully retracted her hands because she felt her knees weaken by the time she held his hand.

'Is Shizuku Yuki attracted to Himejima-san?' Sona Thought, she is thinking how she can expose the truth.

"It looks like Kaichou have more important things to do." Yuki fixed his bag to his shoulder and faced the door. "It's quite late so I better go out now."

Yuki went outside of the door, the atmosphere became silent seeing the figure disappearing.

"He's really different isn't he?" Akeno chuckled while putting her delicate hands to her mouth. She hid her other hand filled with red marks caused by Yuki.

"He is more dangerous than I expected." Sona commented with a smirk. " Go inform Momo to stop their investigation, I have a better way to know whether he has sacred gear or not."

"Sacred Gear?" Akeno's eyes widened realizing those words.

Yuki is walking on the way home, the students probably left the school already. He wants to join a peerage to boost his natural capabilities, but he can't because of unfair circumstances. 

Saji takes 4 pawn pieces to revive him as a reincarnated devil, despite his Sacred Gear being incomplete it was still a huge number for just a single person. Yuki sacred gear is so strong that it can even compare to (Spear of Destiny) , a spear that stabbed Jesus. 

In other words, Yuki's physical strength and Umbrella are really terrifying to convert as a supernatural. It will most likely take so many mutated pieces just to revive him as a devil which is quite impossible for Rias and Sona. He had a chance to join stronger peerage but higher ups are much harder to control than the two young devils.

If he has to choose between Rias and Sona.He will take side Rias because she is more dumber and reckless than the others. Sona is so intelligent compared to her but Yuki is confident that he can still manage her for the best.

While Yuki was deep in thought , he saw four people on the other side of the road.

They were wearing different school uniforms, The two at the back are Gyaru and a delinquent guy. In front, a beautiful girl with dark purple hair, she is holding the hand of an average short guy walking with her side by side.

Yuki smirked evilly while looking at them from afar.






==== ???? PoV =====

It was a dream huh?

Sitting in front of me, an extremely beautiful girl with an outstanding body, her sexual pheromones attract me the most as I smell her fragrance.

She's Shinomiya Natsuha, my childhood friend who is one year older than me.

"Sheesh," She smiled gently. "It is what it is, I hope you're ready to accept your punishment.. Yamano Yuta-kun."

She moved her face closer to me as I felt deep affection from her. She put her lips towards mine, making me taste her soft delicate tongue that flavored with sweet aroma.

After a couple of seconds, our passionate kiss ended. "When we're alone like this, please call me Natsuha.

"I-I'm just not used to it." I replied nervously.

This was probably my best dream that I don't want to face reality.

As we walk together, I'm holding her hands proudly. Looking around I feel we gather so much attention, most people admire my girlfriend and I sometimes feel jealous when I compare myself to them.

"Well, If isn't Shinomiya?"

I turned my back and saw two people, one was a tanned skin-delinquent looking guy. He is groping the breast of a gyaru girl with a smile.

"Oga-kun" Natsuha bloomed as she looked at the guy.

"You two are so passionate right from morning" Oga cheerfully commented.

"Unlike you two, we're dating in a healthy manner…" Natsuha said in a soft voice and gentle smile.

Natsu-nee seems to have changed a bit.

Oga Masaru, he is  Natsu-nee's classmate and there's rumors that he has had sex with half the girls in the school.

In the past, she would outright ignore him, but now..

"What's up ,Yuu chan?" She worriedly asked me.

"Hehe!" I felt my shoulder become heavy as I turned around and saw Oga patting my back "Are you jealous or worried that I might steal her from you?"

"Nah.." I chuckled fakely seeing him putting his other hand to Natsuha's butt.

But Oga is pinned down immediately by Natsuha. 

"Ouch!! See what I mean!? I submit!" Oga shrieked in pain as his hand was retracted from the other.

This made him kneel from pain, the gyaru supported him.

"You know I'm learning Aikido," Natsuha said.

For some reason she feels more different from the touch.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Nah, It's nothing." She responded with a sweet smile. We continued walking but suddenly a voice called onto us.

"Guys.. can I ask something?" I turned around to the other side and saw a young man with black hair and blue eyes. He is taller than Oga-kun,his distinctive appearance is really good! I feel inferior in front of my girlfriend.

To be continued..

I recommend watching/reading Ajisai no Chiru Koro ni. It will help you grasp the situation better but If not then It's okay.

No edit, I have nothing to do today. Just workout and Cardio lol. The dialogue sucks

As I said, this novel focuses on R-18 a lot and not annoying fighting. So expect a lot of mindbreaks and lewd stuffs.

Evil_Peppacreators' thoughts