
Otaku to Speedster

Don’t mind me just putting a piece of my mind in here for the first time. Reincarnation of an otaku into the flash CW series as a speedster. PS: Fan of Kakashi Please support me by add The story to the library Keep the power stones coming my dear patrons. Pic is from Pinterest pls leave a review after reading

prithvi109 · TV
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25 Chs


Josh POV :

Even though I know it is a bad time to skip grades and leave Barry behind , I figured I had no choice .


I went to my parents and said " I want to skip as many grades as possible by studying extra this summer." My parents didn't understand me given the conditions circumstances that normally I would like to spend more time with my friends.

"why the sudden thought ? Normally , knowing you , I don't think you'd like to leave Barry behind ,especially now." Said my father.

"yes, I thought you would like to spend more time with your friends in school ." added my mom.

" I know , it's not that I don't want to stay with my friends . I just want a head-start and only because I know it is within my capabilities." I replied.

"How far ahead are you going to skip?" Dad asked me

" Entire middle and high school and have an early graduation." I replied


We look at each other and say ' we saw this coming a mile away but still it hits different'

Ever since he was five , his intelligence bloomed and could be called a genius anywhere. We didn't want to limit him but being our only child we are quite reluctant to have him grow up too fast.


Josh POV:

My parents agreed on letting me skip grades. And I dove deep into my studies to prepare for my exams.


I prepared enough to be the best student to graduate in all time.

The exams went like a breeze . Just by looking at my score on would say I have been preparing all my life for the exams.

With my score it was easy to get into the best college that specialises in physics. My plan has always been to take a physics and math double major with few minors like economics and culinary studies. One can never have learnt enough in his life. As soon as I finished with these I would be old enough to be a med student.

In any case I should be prepared for anything this world throws at me. At the same time I should avoid attracting too much attention from Eobard Thawne .

End of this volume.

Basically I am giving Josh enough foundation to protect himself and those around him. This volume is followed by a huge time skip to the beginning of cannon. Basically he is a doctor in medical and physics.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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