
Osmosian Sorcerer?!

Maxwell had led a quiet existence, a life not perfect but not terrible either. When he was offered the chance to drastically improve his life, gaining power and fulfilling his every desire, he seized the opportunity without hesitation. Ben10 X Winx X Crossover

Demon_King22 · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter - 2


Chapter - 2: Niflheim


[Magical Dimension - Planet Omega]

I was immersed in darkness and cold, trapped in ice that had held me for I don't know how long. The cold was constant, but suddenly I felt a growing warmth that began to melt the ice around me.

Female voices, new to me, echoed through the ice. I felt the magic breaking the barriers of my prison, and a smile couldn't help but form on my lips.

"It's working, time to wake up, ice man!" exclaimed a determined voice. It sounded very familiar and, I must admit, I liked it.

The ice imprisoning me shattered, and I fell forward, finally free. I breathed deeply, savoring the cool, biting air. I slowly got up, observing three women before me.

Their eyes were fixed on me, but before I could say a word, I felt a sudden push from behind. I staggered forward but managed to stay on my feet, just in time to see three huge serpents made of ice advancing threateningly towards me.

From my position, I could hear a voice behind me say, "I'm sorry, friend, it's you or us."

I wasn't scared; in fact, I felt a hunger stirring inside me, given how starved my body was from its time encased in ice. The only reason I was still standing was the dragon's core continuing to pump its magical power into me.

I prepared to face the gigantic ice serpents, watching them closely as they moved with surprising speed, considering their massive size easily surpassing that of a truck.

Every movement they made was fluid and coordinated, a sign of innate lethality. Their bodies sparkled in the light, covered in ice scales that made me feel they were invulnerable to any attack not of a magical nature.

The air around me grew colder as they approached, and a frigid energy filled the atmosphere with an intense aura of threat. They did not seem like creatures to be underestimated; unfortunately, I was their worst adversary to face.

The serpents wasted no further time and attacked me with their icy breath, clearly wanting to deal with me quickly and turn their attention to the other prisoners causing too much disturbance in their home.

The view around me filled with ice and snow, and the biting cold seeped into my skin. I knew clearly that if I didn't act swiftly, I would be overwhelmed.

So instead of yielding, I used my "gift" to absorb that icy energy, focusing it within me to invigorate my body. I felt the cold transform into a source of power, pure energy flowing through my veins, strengthening me.

"Thanks for the meal," I murmured, feeling the power grow within me. A broad smile appeared on my lips as I affirmed my next intentions. "Let me return the favor."

My initial weakness quickly turned into a sensation of power coursing through every muscle, a feeling of pure euphoria washed over me.

I felt my strength increase as I assimilated their breath into my body, and when I was sufficiently revitalized, focusing all my will, I pushed back the energy I had absorbed, transforming it into destructive force.

The serpents trembled, unable to resist the energy now destroying them from within. Their icy bodies shattered into a rain of sparkling crystals, leaving me standing, invigorated and victorious.

Feat Achieved

[Great starting impression!]

Pull Granted

The three women looked at me with a mix of surprise and admiration for the strength I had shown. I wasn't surprised at all; after all, they were witches who admired power more than anything else in this universe.

In fact, they didn't seem like a threat at all. I had to admit it was rather ridiculous to see them dressed like that in such a cold environment. Their outfits barely covered anything, but at least they were a feast for the eyes.

I didn't even know if their clothes were magical or not. However, it was more likely that it was thanks to their great magical power that they hadn't instantly become ice cubes.

I advanced towards them with a smile on my face, aware of my renewed strength. As I moved, I curiously observed the surroundings. A desolate, icy land stretched before my eyes, shrouded in utter silence.

Every step I took produced a crisp sound on the icy crust covering the ground. The landscape was dominated by jagged ice formations that stood like ancient sentinels, glinting in the faint light.

The air was dense and cold, penetrating my nostrils and lungs sharply. My eyes scanned every detail, seeking any sign of danger or life.

I felt my inner energy pulsating, countering the chill enveloping me, while my senses were alert, ready to react to any threat that might present itself before me.

"Nice work, friend," commented the woman with cloud-like hair, showing clear appreciation for my actions, "whatever you did."

I felt every joint in my body creak as a new vigor slowly invaded me. A sigh of satisfaction escaped my lips.

"Thank you, it's always a pleasure to please beautiful girls," I muttered, letting a confident smile form on my face.

As the sense of renewed energy pervaded me, my attention focused on a girl dressed in brown. Her expression was curious, and with a tone of genuine interest, she asked, "Is your body completely numb? How long have you been here?"

Finally, after checking my body didn't have any kind of problem, I turned to face her. "I don't know at some point I stopped counting the time that passed, and I don't really know there's really nothing with which to measure the time in this world," I admitted, with a simple shrug.

"Oh," she replied, with a tone of disappointment. "It all seems very boring." She paused, watching the other girls nod in agreement.

Amused, I replied, "Not really had much time to think..." My voice resonated slightly bitter, with a mix of feelings that I could tell belonged to my new body.

After a moment of silence, she asked, "Thinking about what?" She couldn't help but ask, with a curious expression on her face.

"Ah, many things," I said with a distant look. "First of all, how I would regain every crumb of power that was taken from me after being sent to this world to forget about my existence... More importantly, to take back what is rightfully mine, my throne."

The three girls exchanged a knowing smile. Their apparent leader spoke with a tone that clearly implied she had no good intentions. "Well, it seems we have similar goals."

"Maybe... But before we go any further, what about introductions? I'm Maxwell. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" I asked casually.

It was still too early to accept such a statement, but I knew their personalities and things could change very easily with my slightest sign of weakness.




They were exactly the odd names I remembered and fit perfectly, considering the powers each of them used. Also, it seemed my memories of the show had not been distorted in any way.

I clearly remember loving the Trix more than the Winx as a kid, and that's why I think they should have been fired seasons ago; Give them a break and preserve their impact since they deserve better than being kicked in the ass more and more often.

I thought they should have used them less often. Every time there's a new bad guy after the fourth season, they are used as cannon fodder for the Winx, beaten in every episode or two.

I was honestly tired of seeing them as recycled and lackeys, but they had a potential big quality in the right hands, seeing how fierce and never surrendered they are, even after being defeated multiple times. It's a truly remarkable quality.

And do we want to talk about how sexy they are? Their style, always the same, is simply fascinating. Gothic, dark, sexy. The Winx, by comparison, are so excessively accessorized that they almost taste bad.

Icy had silver hair pulled back in a high ponytail, secured by a dark aqua green ribbon. Although the fringe was pulled back, some rebellious curls lazily fell down to her shoulders, gently caressing her skin.

Her blue eyes were made even more intense by the eyeshadow that emphasized their depth. She wore a light blue tank top that touched her navel, showing a hint of skin, paired with a skirt that highlighted her curves and a diamond-studded belt that sparkled with every move.

I couldn't help but remember that she was one of my first crushes as a child together with Shego, I love how truly a boss is and not just because she's the oldest. I think she's really good at managing herself, in terms of fighting, decision-making and the way she behaves.

The middle sister, Darcy, was a young woman with fair and bright skin, with long brown hair that caressed her legs sensually to her knees. The fringe, of a lighter shade, fell gently to her waist, framing her cute face and dark gold eyes.

She wore lilac eyeshadow that accentuated her seductive gaze and purple lipstick that made her lips really good for pleasure. Her outfit included a lilac top that left her navel exposed, paired with a purple choker that emphasized her delicate neck.

The purple elephant's leg pants with small slits above the ankles revealed an intriguing lilac band, while the black pointed heels slendered her figure. A pair of small yellow glasses added a touch of her look.

The youngest sister, Stormy, was a woman with pale and soft skin, with aqua green eyes that sparkled with malice. Her frizzy, dark purple hair, shaped like a cloud, framed her face with a wild aura like a wild animal.

Her lavender lightning bolt bangs fell boldly over her shoulders. She wore a short brown top that showed off her skin, with a black choker around her neck that accentuated her sensuality.

As if that were not enough, the shiny brown miniskirt paired with lavender panties accentuated her long, tapered legs. On her feet she wore brown platform sandals with high heels that gave her a provocative walk.

[Picture ---> Trix]

They were definitely three fascinating women and I could feel my goth fetish beginning to awaken, which honestly didn't bother me at all as I thought of the three of them on their knees worshipping my cock.

It was a very tantalizing thought...

"Maxwell, what do you say we leave this ice cream stand together?" Icy asked, recalling my earlier words. She thought that if I knew an exit, they could benefit from it.

"Sounds like a great idea," I replied, earning a smile from her. I didn't really care either way now that I finally had an escape route.

Without hesitation, I took charge and began moving in a specific direction. The three young witches accompanying me followed alongside, recognizing me as the strongest and most reliable point of reference in that crucial moment.

With determination, I summoned my Fire Grimoire, which started floating beside me, emitting a steady warmth that enveloped us as protection against the biting cold surrounding us.

Besides providing immediate safety, this action also allowed me to tap into the skills and powers I had acquired from the memories in my mind.


Result: Common Magic Tome

[Tome of Cleaning spell]

Source: Harry Potter

Nothing extraordinary...

But magic is magic, and every new Tome added to the Wayfarer's library certainly had its value for me over time. Even if it wasn't offensive magic, but rather spells designed to simplify everyday life.

For instance, spells to make objects self-cleaning or to repair simple things. It's not groundbreaking, but it's not without its uses. Such conveniences save me precious time that I can dedicate to more important matters.

"What's this?" Icy asked with interest, approaching to get a better look at the grimoire. Her curiosity didn't surprise me; I remembered well how much of a nerd she was for ancient things.

"One of my grimoires," I replied. "It might help since you have a clear magical affinity with ice; we might be more susceptible to this environment, so I'd like to avoid unpleasant situations."

"It looks incredible," observed Stormy, with a hint of awe in her voice. "But I don't understand, how did it appear next to you? I didn't see you perform any action to summon it, yet here it is."

"I summoned it from my personal dimension," I explained calmly. "It's a place parallel to the dimension that holds all my grimoires. That's why I only need a thought to access it."

"So it's really powerful..." added Darcy, a hint of excitement in her voice. She moved closer to me with sinuous motions, her eyes sparkling with desire.

"Easy there, girl, now's not the time to try and get into his pants," Icy interjected with mild irritation, trying to bring Daicy back to reality.

Darcy pouted cutely, disappointed at being interrupted in her moment of seduction.

I ignored their playful banter. "Stay close to me, this way the heat from the Fire Grimoire will keep you safe," I said, trying to maintain focus.

The chill around us was relentless, but the magical warmth from the grimoire created a protective area. Stormy and Darcy immediately moved closer, following my advice.

Darcy still seemed fascinated by me, and Stormy appeared somewhat more relaxed despite the situation.

"How does it generate so much heat?" asked Stormy, observing the book with a curious look. "As far as I know, magical tomes from the magical dimension shouldn't have that kind of power."

"It's because a grimoire is made entirely of magical energy (mana)," I explained. "This grimoire is a tool that greatly enhances my magical abilities, allowing me to use more complex magics."

"You seem to have quite impressive power," noted Icy, with a slight smile. "No wonder they threw you into this dimension to rot."

Her comment stirred a mix of emotions in me. "Well, ambition and power aren't always warmly received," I replied with a chuckle. Icy, Stormy, and Darcy echoed my joke with cute smiles.

During my journey through this land of ice, I strengthened my magical power by absorbing the energy of people frozen in blocks of ice.

I didn't hesitate to do so, given the time I spent in this place and after discovering that all those prisoners were the worst criminals in the universe.

The plaques listing their names and crimes were a clear indication that was enough for me to act in my own interest. I was far from a saint, but even for me, some things were simply unforgivable.

All this absorption of magical power transformed my old weakened body into one that was undoubtedly at the peak of human prowess, which wasn't bad at all for someone who had just woken up from their imprisonment.

Feat Achieved

[You are a Hero]

Pull Granted

Well, it wasn't so surprising to achieve such a result, considering all the work I had done to clean up most of the criminals in this dimension.

These criminals had spread terror across different worlds, leaving behind a trail of destruction and fear.

Without my intervention, they would surely have found a way to escape their prisons and resume their nefarious activities, threatening the peace and security of many other dimensions.


Result: Minor Curse

[World Devourer] (Minor Greed)

Source: Marvel

[You need to absorb more power to return to your old strength, you crave any kind of power much more easily and you are never satisfied by the power you absorb. If ignored, your hunger will keep increasing until it is appeased, making you unable to resist the temptation to consume any source of power you encounter, regardless of the potential consequences.]

"Really?" A small sigh escaped my lips. After all, Gacha will always be a bad road.

Reflecting on the memories of this body, I realize I've spent a lot of time trying to rid myself of the flaws of my race, constantly fighting not to be consumed by the inherent arrogance that distinguishes us.

"It must be here somewhere," I muttered impatiently. I scanned around, ever vigilant of my surroundings, searching to locate the magical power I was keen to find in this land of ice.

"What are you looking for?" Darcy asked, her voice sweet and seductive as she walked beside me. Unlike her sisters, she seemed to have opted for a more assertive approach towards me.

I had no reason to lie; after all, I wanted a lasting relationship with them since they could prove much more useful than one might expect.

"There's a prisoner in this world who has something I absolutely need. That thing is crucial for me as it will give me the best chance to regain the strength I had in the past."

"Is it really that important to you? You already seem very powerful, given how you dealt with those ice serpents despite just emerging from your imprisonment," Darcy asked, a mix of curiosity and interest in her voice.

I responded firmly, locking eyes with her. "Without it, I highly doubt I stand even a remote chance of returning to my original state anytime soon. Even though I may seem powerful now, what you've seen is just a fraction of what I was."

Darcy nodded slowly, her gaze reflecting understanding of the gravity of my situation. She didn't ask any more questions as we continued to scout the surrounding area together.

"Hey, look at this!" exclaimed Icy, pointing towards something not too far from our position.

Stormy noticed something glittering and picked up the plaque from the ground, reading aloud, "Valtor?" She read it again. "Wow, that guy's been sentenced to eternity. He must have done something really bad."

My typical luck never abandoned me. It didn't take long for me to find the man. He was frozen in a block of ice like most others, but even weakened, I could sense a smoldering ember within him that would never extinguish.

Valtor turned out to be a very pale, tall man, appearing to be physically in his thirties or forties. He had long light brown, almost strawberry blonde hair that fell waist-length, thin grey eyes with dark purple eyeshadow and particularly high cheekbones.

He wore peculiar attire, not out of place for a wizard, considering their tastes: a long brown coat with a lavender inner layer and gold pins on the folded cuffs, a purple vest over a ruffled white shirt, elegant purple trousers, and grey-indigo knee-high boots.

"Yeah, he must have been someone important in this universe... Unfortunately, he has something I need," I said, stepping forward. The idea of trying to put him under my service crossed my mind.

But after attempting alliances in the past, I had learned not to trust others. People were always ready to stab you in the back without remorse. It was better for me to swiftly obtain what I desired and close the deal without compromises or unnecessary risks.

"Sorry, friend. But I'm too hungry not to," I said to the immobilized man, placing my hand on the ice to absorb his powers.

Moments later, a dark blue flame flew out from the man's body and entered mine, further empowering me beyond any limit that the fools of this universe could conceive.

Feats Achieved: You have absorbed a fragment of the Great Dragon's power, the creator of the entire Magical Dimension. As if that weren't enough, fortune has favored you, granting you all of Valtor's magical knowledge.

Two rolls granted:

Perhaps because his soul was forged from a fragment of the dragon's flame, I had managed to absorb all of his immense magical knowledge accumulated over time.


Result: Uncommon Item

[Luck Potion]

Source: Terraria

Honestly, the result far exceeded my expectations. The potion not only had a surprising effect on my luck, temporarily increasing it by about 10%, but it also seemed to promise great benefits for my upcoming rolls.

This news presented itself as an incredibly useful resource on my journey, offering me a significant advantage, especially in contexts or situations where its effect could be maximized, bringing not just luck but extraordinary opportunities.

However, I couldn't help but consider that there might be an even more interesting way to leverage the potential of this potion...


Result: Major Rune


Source: Bloodborne

[The Beast Rune is one of Caryll's first runes, and one of the first to be considered forbidden. This mark enhances the bearer's transformation and adaptation capabilities]

I couldn't help but emit a fierce growl through my clenched lips, as if hundreds of ants were nibbling at my soul. But despite the intense pain coursing through me, I maintained my composure, aware that I certainly wasn't a child unable to endure a bit of pain.

With steadfast eyes and a focused mind, I saw a claw-shaped symbol emerge on the left side of my chest, with six monstrous fingers representing the horrors of the deep cosmos.

A fleeting wave of euphoria washed over me, filling me with overwhelming energy, before I managed to calm down and regain control, not losing myself in my deepest instincts.

From the information provided, the bearer of the "Beast" rune had the power to amplify the effects of my transformation process—it was finally something that could understand and enhance the nature of my gift, something I had sincerely wanted to achieve from the beginning.

Meanwhile, the block of ice imprisoning Valtor shattered into a thousand pieces, dropping his lifeless body to the ground. The impact with the floor produced a dull thud, and for a moment, everything remained still.

Then, slowly, Valtor's body began to crumble, turning into fine dust. After a few seconds, all that remained was ash, scattered around like a memory of his existence.


Osmosian Sorcerer?: 3 advanced chapters:


Chapter - 3: Take and Give

Chapter - 4: True Osmonian

Chapter - 5: Ice King

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Osmosian Sorcerer?: 3 advanced chapters:


Chapter - 3: Take and Give

Chapter - 4: True Osmonian

Chapter - 5: Ice King

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