
Chapter 24:The Purge of the Parasites

Thank you all for your incredible support: Daoist9d5Kbm, DaoistYnQbSm, hamdi_kaya, Saifullah_Pahore, Mustifa_89, mustafa92_6115, Oxsinus, Falken19, and RidwanAhmad. Your encouragement means the world to me and keeps me motivated to continue writing Osman II: Rebirth of a Dynasty!

In a dimly lit wooden mansion in Istanbul, key figures of the state, including Sofu Mehmet Pasha, Sheikh-ul-Islam Esad Efendi, several Janissary aghas, and influential leaders, had gathered. Conversations were carried out in hushed tones, reflecting the gravity of the plans being forged.

Sofu Mehmet Pasha began speaking with a sly grin on his lips:

"The child Sultan Osman has gone too far. His ascension was already a grave mistake. Sultan Mustafa I should have taken the throne. I spoke with Kara Öküz Mehmet Pasha about this, but that fool refused entirely! He was duped by Osman's lies and displayed blind loyalty. But we all know Osman is young, inexperienced, and overly ambitious. I believe Sultan Mustafa I should ascend the throne. Don't you agree, Sheikh-ul-Islam?"

Sheikh-ul-Islam Esad Efendi nodded slightly and spoke his mind without hesitation:

"You are correct, Mehmet Pasha. However, this is not merely a matter of succession. Our duty is not only to govern the state but also to protect the peace and justice of the people. According to Sharia, a mature and mentally sound ruler must lead the state. If a sultan is mentally or spiritually unfit, the safety of the people is endangered. Osman's inexperience is already sowing unrest within the palace. Thus, Sultan Mustafa I's ascension is more appropriate, both for our religious responsibilities and the administration of the state."

Sofu Mehmet Pasha paused briefly before nodding in satisfaction:

"So, it's not just Osman's age but also his mental state that's at stake. Mustafa's rule seems far more suitable."

From a corner of the room, Hasan, driven by old grievances, spoke up with a bitter tone:

"I agree. Osman humiliated me in the Enderun School, and if that wasn't enough, he dragged me around like a dog. But now, the time has come. I've heard that Osman plans to send his guards to the mountains for training. Even Kara Öküz Mehmet Pasha will lead the units. This is our best chance to place Sultan Mustafa on the throne!"

Janissary agha Kara Davut Pasha, slamming his fist on the table, growled:

"He's already meddled in our affairs. We'll take action. The 65th orta is ready for Sultan Mustafa!"

The following morning, Kara Davut Pasha gathered 200 trusted Janissaries and marched toward the Topkapı Palace. At the gates, they were confronted by the palace guards. One of the soldiers shouted:

"What are you doing here with so many men? Disperse immediately!"

Drawing his sword, Kara Davut Pasha threatened:

"We are here to reclaim the throne for the rightful sultan! Step aside if you value your life!"

Unexpectedly, one of the palace guards knocked his comrade unconscious and turned to Kara Davut Pasha, saying in a low voice:

"Hasan sends his regards. Don't worry; all the guards have been removed from the palace."

The group proceeded into the palace. But a creeping suspicion gnawed at Kara Davut Pasha: Isn't this all a bit too easy? Suddenly, the sound of gunfire echoed through the palace courtyard. From the bushes came the cries of young Janissaries:

"Long live Sultan Osman! Kill the traitors!"

Osman turned to his loyal guard Hasan, speaking calmly:

"Shouldn't you be with your troops, Hasan?"

Hasan bowed his head and replied resolutely:

"No, my Sultan. They are fulfilling their duties. My duty is to protect you."

Turning to another trusted man, Yusuf, Osman asked:

"Are the other preparations complete, Yusuf?"

"Everything is ready, my Sultan."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the capital, another Janissary agha, Ali Agha, received the news and acted swiftly. Gathering 150 loyal soldiers, he marched toward Sheikh-ul-Islam Esad Efendi's mansion. Upon arriving, he encountered no resistance, which was peculiar. The Sheikh-ul-Islam and his conspirators were awaiting Kara Davut Pasha, but instead, Ali Agha entered.

Sheikh-ul-Islam, visibly confused, asked:

"Where is Kara Davut Pasha?"

Ali Agha looked at the Sheikh-ul-Islam and the gathered traitors with disdain, as though addressing fools.

"The Sultan sends his regards," he said mockingly.

Drawing his sword, he seized the Sheikh-ul-Islam while his Janissaries opened fire on the mansion's guards. With the conspirators captured, Ali Agha marched them toward the palace.

At the palace gates, they were greeted by Sultan Osman, who stood smiling triumphantly. The sight of the young Sultan broke the spirits of the traitors. Some begged for forgiveness; others claimed innocence. The cleverest among them, seeing Hasan by Osman's side, realized the entire plot had been orchestrated by the Sultan. They remained silent.

Osman raised his hand, gesturing for silence, and spoke:

"Ah, what a beautiful day! You tried to overthrow me, but instead, you buried yourselves. Did you truly think I'd entrust my safety to someone who despised me? Did none of you question how everything unfolded so smoothly? Your incompetence and greed never fail to astound me. Today marks the day the Ottoman Empire purges itself of its parasites."

Turning to Ali Agha, he issued his final command:

"These traitors do not deserve an honorable death. Execute them by firing squad and bury them in a pit."

The air was filled with the cries of the condemned. From his chamber, Osman took a deep breath as the gunfire and screams echoed outside the palace. That day marked the end of an era. Whether history would remember him as a ruthless ruler or a reformist Sultan who rid the empire of its parasites was uncertain. But for now, a new chapter had begun.