

Casual romance. Online dating. Profound psychological disorder. Ornithology is all this and more!

strychnineaxolotl · Teenager
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2 Chs

Part 1: Rosanna Tina Fander

Chapter 1:

8.30, Tuesday

"But, like, don't you think that he is just SO right for me? I mean, literally..." Her voice fades to white noise. I disentangle myself from Jess and walk away. "Rosanna! Wait!" I have to get to class. Biology next, but it's the Reproduction topic and I am not excited. Not one little bit. When I get to my locker, my art teacher is waiting. "I know that you don't particularly like art, especially our current topic, so I wondered if you would like to draw some birds?" My art teacher really gets me. Mx Gazer is really nice, and they are non-binary too. I nod, and continue. In biology, Mr Clegg is loading up a diagram with the male reproductive system on it. The human one, to clarify. I unpack my textbooks and listen. "As you all know, we have a test next lesson. I'd like you to take the time to revise." Excited mutters can be heard, showing that clearly not all of us knew of the test. I knew. I have already done 4 hours of revision. Most of the class were at a party. "Ok," the lesson finishes as Mr Clegg speaks. "See you later, for the test, don't forget to revise!" In art, everyone else paints and sticks as I look out of the window and start to sketch the pigeon leisurely standing out there. I love birds. Big ones, little ones, all the ones in between. Hedwig is my favourite character in Harry Potter. When I grow up, I'm gonna be an ornithologist, which is someone who studies birds. Birds are incredible. They have hollow bones.

21.00, Tuesday

That night, I lie in bed and think about the test. The biology lesson is in 2 days, and I remember that some people were saying that we'll be having a new girl in form. I hope she doesn't have to take a test she hasn't revised for. My room is incredible, my bed is a canopy and underneath I have a comfy gaming and chill out area with origami birds hanging from the ceiling. I have a big desk with a PC tower that has rainbow lights on. My walls are spring green with bird murals painted on (courtesy of my artistic sister) and I have a fluffy forest-green rug where she likes to draw. My sister constantly invades my personal space, despite us having separate rooms. She says she 'missed out on the camaraderie of sharing a room as well as sharing a mother'. Sometimes I wish I was adopted. Her name is Arwenna. Because my mother was massively into Lord of the Rings when Arry was born (still is), she had to be named after the elf princess that married Aragorn, but with an extra "na" at the end. Or so the story goes. I wasn't alive back then. What a dark time, hehe. But I'm Rosanna, slightly more normal.

Chapter 2

08.30, Wednesday.

When I arrive in the morning someone is waiting awkwardly in the common room. Her coat is still on, a black rain anorak that probably packs into a tiny bag. "Hi!" Miss Falton, our headmistress, ushers the girl towards me. She blinks shyly. Her eyes are brilliant aquamarine, well, one is. The other one is olive. Her hair is glossy, black and it reaches her waist. "Rosanna, would you like to buddy up with the newest member of our Dayworth High team? Show her the ropes, stuff like that, you know?"

"Uhh.. sure. No problem," Well, I couldn't exactly say no, could I? She pushes the teen toward me. "Hi, I'm Rosanna, but don't call me Anna!" She says nothing. "Hello? Are you deaf?" A shake of the head. "Can you talk? What even is your name? Could you write it down?" This, she does, taking out a small notebook. Black biro. Ink-stained fingers. Right-handed. I look. In loopy cursive, it says: Lavender X. Grey

16.30, Wednesday

I send a text to my sister, who works in a bookshop.

Rosanna F:

Sent 4.30pm, read 4.31pm

new girl, i am her buddy name lavender x grey for real when do u get off work

Arwenna F:

Sent 4.31pm

5 why

Arwenna F:

Sent 4.32pm

wait did she used to go to ashworth academy bcs i think i might have heard of her describe

Rosanna F:

Sent 4.34pm, read 4.34pm

wait wut for real?! long black hair heterochromia doesnt talk writes in notebook

Arwenna F:

Sent 4.35pm

that all u got rnt u her buddy

Rosanna F:

Sent 4.36pm, read 4.36pm

she had an orientation so american lasted all day!

Arwenna F:

Sent 4.37pm


Arwenna F:

Sent 4.37pm

she got kicked out of ashworth

Rosanna F:

Sent 4.38pm, read 4.39 pm

Wth rlly?! for what tell me

Arwenna F:

Sent 4.40pm

shes like a psychopath

also i hv to get off my phone or my boss is gonna fire me c u l8r

17.10, Wednesday

"Spill." I tell Arwenna all about my school day and listen intently to her description of the alleged psychopathy of my "buddy".

Things I have learnt from Arwenna about Lavender X. Grey:

She was admitted to the Academy after coming 1st place in their entrance exam - so mega smart

She lives in a tiny house and her parents don't have much money - so poor

She used to have an older brother who perished in a fire. He was locked in a shed with his hands and feet bound, duct tape across his mouth and covered with kerosene. The fire only took one match - so a murderer

She saw a girl from her primary school was developing breasts and decided to help her keep her innocence - by cutting her breasts off

Chapter 3

04.27, Thursday

I can't sleep, so I send an email to Miss Falton.

From: rosannafandercat@gmail.com

To: misskfalton@gmail.com

CC: arryrulesfander@gmail.com

Good morning Miss Falton, I fear that you have made a mistake in allowing Lavender X. Grey into our law-abiding school. I have heard reports that, I hope, are nothing but false rumours - LXG has mutilated a classmate of hers from Year 6, she killed her 12 year old brother by locking him in a shed and setting it alight when she was nine.

I sincerely hope that you can disprove these tales.

Yours, Rosanna Fander

From: misskfalton@gmail.com

To: rosannafandercat@gmail.com

CC: arryrulesfander@gmail.com

Thank you for your concern Rosanna, but I am well aware of these rumours and, I am afraid, they are indeed true. She is having regular therapy and if you wish, we will ask a member of our local police force to be in school with you if it would settle your mind. Please be aware that she will be spending some time every term at a psychiatric ward to help her.

Thank you, Miss Falton

I'm surprised that she replied this early in the morning but her mind may be stewing over the same dilemma. I know I wouldn't be able to sleep if I had just let a murderer into school. Serious safeguarding issue.

08.30, Thursday

Lavender spots me in the common room and waves. She comes to sit by me. "I know who you are," I say. "I know what you are."


"You killed your brother!"

"I'm sorry... so sorry... he deserved it. He locked me in a shed. So I did it back. I wasn't gonna hurt him, but I remembered that feeling... it was only for an hour. I poured petrol on him. I picked up a match. I lit it, for light. Then I dropped it." She lifts her hair and I see burn marks on her head. Jess is glaring at me across the room, so I text her.

Rosanna F:

Sent 8.34am, read 8.35am

ive found a better friend, but we werent that close. c u around #bye

Jess J:

Sent 8.35am

i am removing u from my contacts #notafriend

Rosanna F:

Sent 8.35am, read 8.35pm

#neverafriendinthefirstplace lol

Jess doesn't even look upset. I turn back to Lavender. "What about the girl in Year 6?"

"Oh. Her. She deserved it too. Her parents were police officers. They were bitter and wanted me gone. They gave her a pair of handcuffs each. That was in Year 3."

"Huh" I murmur "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

"I know!"

We have maths next, and we sit together. Maths is literally my worst subject. I tell Lavender this, and she laughs. "C'mon! I'll help you!" We struggle through teaching me geometry together and at the end of lesson, she says: "Please feel free to ask me for help, in any subject! I know I'm not your favourite person, but...?" And I'm like: "Sure! Ok, see you around! Have fun at therapy!" As I walk down the corridor, I consider the way her voice trailed off at the end, like a question. Then I walk into the biology lab, and I remember last lesson with a jolt. Mr Clegg has written on the wall in large block letters: PLEASE TAKE OUT YOUR PENCIL CASES AND FIND YOUR NAME ON A DESK. DO NOT TAKE OUT YOUR BOOKS/FLASHCARDS/OTHER REVISION ITEMS. DO NOT TURN OVER THE TEST PAPER UNTIL I SAY SO. Crap. Lucky Lavender, getting to go to therapy. I bring out my pencil case and resist the urge to take a quick peek through my flash cards.

12.30, Thursday

LUNCH. LUNCH. LUNCH LUNCH LUNCHITY LUNCH!!!! I am one extremely starving teenager. As I grab a panini (our school food is shockingly excellent) Jess scoots over on my usual table to take up two seats. The last two seats. I find a small, empty table that people aren't even going near, though there's barely any spaces left. I go near - Oh. Not empty. Lavender X. Grey, eating from a packed lunch. I sit next to her. In her packed lunch, there is a tiny bit of dry bread, a rotting apple and a note. The kind parents put in lunches as encouragement and emotional support on a Year 7's first day. I read the note over Lavender's shoulder. "Murderer. Enjoy your lunch."


"I'm sorry?" Lavender looks at me sharply. I answer: "Did your parents write this note?"


"My gosh... I'm so sorry"

"It's ok"

"It's clearly not. End of convo."

I snap my fingers. Got to go to PE. The worst subject ever. I get this close to death, I hate PE more than maths, it's that bad.

18.52, Thursday

I head to Arwenna's room after finishing my poetry homework. Her room is incredible and she gets a balcony. A tiny one... but still. A balcony's a balcony, not matter how small. She's standing in the doorway, hands on the railings, and her auburn hair, streaked with flashes of gold, streams behind her. She turns, and her lime-green eyes flash with anger and dread. "Have you been on the phone with Rich?" Rich is her ex-/not-ex boyfriend who is causing no end of trouble. "Yeah..." Arwenna sighs. "I keep trying to tell him I don't like him, but does he listen?" I wait, sensing this is a rhetorical question. "No!" she continues. I nod companionably. I am unsure of what to say. "So. What. Is. Up."

"Er... I dumped Jess as my friend?"

She snorts. "Good! What a soulless conformist she was! Wait - so are you now friendless?!"

"No, no!.. I am true buddies with my buddy! Remember, Lavender?"

"What the - ?! She practically explodes in my face. "Do you remember our f- our conversation?!" She comes this close to swearing. "I- sorry!" I try to pacify her. She storms downstairs, leaving me alone on the balcony.

Chapter 4

07.00, Friday

It's a bank holiday today. My plan: sleep. Avoid Arwenna.

I reach for my phone. New notification.

<Unknown Number>

Sent 6.23am

hi rosanna its lavender x grey u gave me ur number so i thought id text u bcs its a bank hol so we wont see each oter at school

<Unknown Number>

Sent 6.25am

*other not oter XD

I add Lavender to my contacts list.

Add contact:

Name: Lavender X. G

Phone: 07856 427843

Notes: <none>

Email: <none>


After adding her, I text back hi and my email address.

Rosanna F:

Sent 6.37am, read 6.38am

hi lavender my email is rosannafandercat@gmail.com c u on mon. how r u

Lavender X. G:

Sent 6.38am

im good. u?

my email is lavendergdragon@gmail.com

Rosanna F:

Sent 6.38am, read 6.38am

still in bed so so sleeepyyy

I add her email address to the contact.

Edit Contact:

Name: Lavender X. G

Phone: 07856 427843

Notes: New friend??

Email: lavendergdragon@gmail.com


After clicking save, I switch back to Whatsapp messenger and text her again.

Lavender X. G:

Sent 6.38am

wish I could stay in bed...

Rosanna F:

Sent 6.41am, read 6.42am

sadness :>(((

Hmmm... maybe time to watch more YouTube videos of goats.

12.50, Friday

"Rosanna! Come down, it's lunchtime already!" Wait. What? I rush downstairs, sheepishly taking my place as a plate of tagliatelle and delicious tomato-y sauce is placed in front of me. "Still in your pyjamas?" my mum tuts at me. "Well, where's Arry?" I question sulkily. "She's out with a friend," my mum snaps "She was up at half-past seven!" I dig in to my pasta and attempt to pacify my angry mother. "Mmm... this pasta is mega good. I bet you made it yourself, Mum."

"As a matter of fact, I did!" she replies. It's working. "How are you doing?" I ask. "Hope the clients aren't being too stuffy." My mum works as an interior designer and sometimes clients get a bit miffed about her ideas. "Er... the young couple aren't being too bad. But, they want the floor of every room to be a massive lesbian flag." I snort. "And I the ceilings to be pride flags?" I question, half-jokingly. "Don't put ideas into their heads!" my mum laughs along with me. "Ok, go and get dressed. Arwenna's asked us to meet her at the pizza place." Pizza? Not fair. But I have another concern. "What, even me?"

"Did you girls have a row?" my intuitive mum asks gently. So Arwenna didn't tell her. "Yes." I storm, "she's angry about my new friend Lavender. It's ridiculous, she doesn't get to control who I'm friends with!"

13.26, Friday

I have put on a grey t-shirt and light denim overalls with long black socks and Levi's. I tie my hair up and twirl it into a bun. When I head to the front door, my phone buzzes from my room so I rush back to grab it and my mum shouts: "Hurry!". We make it to the pizza place and I gape at the name: Domino's. "What- what- Domino's!" But then, all my indignation at Arwenna's eatery of choice dissipates as I spot a bird wheeling in the sky. It's a.. buzzard! I watch the buzzard until a massive group of girls piles out of Domino's. Stepping forward, I utilise my good eyes to locate Arwenna. She's not there. "Arwenna!" we shout, Mum and I. "Arry! Arwenna Fander!" The other girls snicker and I hear one of them hiss: "Poor We-We, no wonder she escaped out the back! Ha ha ha!" She continues laughing, but I pull my mum toward me and yell at her. "What! Round the back! Ungrateful little... !" She storms ahead to the rubbish-filled alley behind Domino's pizza. I can only follow.

14.03, Friday

We-We? Arry's friends call her We-We? Oh my god. I text her on Whatsapp.

Rosanna F:

Sent 2.04pm, read 6.38pm

ur friends srsly call u we we? for real

they do not sound like good friends.

Arwenna F:

Sent 6.39pm

says u ur friends w/ a lit. psychopath

any ways what do u know? ur just a lil sister get off of my back

Rosanna F:

Sent 6.40pm, read 6.42pm

u r such a hypocrite do u know that

Arwenna F:

Sent 6.43pm

i know sorry ill try to b a better sis ok :)

Rosanna F:

Sent 6.44pm, read 6.44pm

ok i forgive u hey ur friends r soulless conformist :D

Rosanna F:

Sent 6.45pm, read 6.46pm

too soon?

Arwenna F:

Sent 6.47pm

too soon


Ok, guys, Lavender's situation is not realistic, but she has a back story. Her parents are actually homophobic and she's a les- Oh no! Spoilers! Sorry guys. This is a weird story.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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