
Orlov's Files

Nikolai Orlov did not expect his new year to start with him in another body and drowning in a river after a bullet grazed the side of his skull. Swimming up, he realized that he had now possess the ability to stay in third-person and use the ability of his game character from an open-world crime simulation game he once played. However, in this world where there are augmented humans and crazy crime families aiming for power, his abilities weren't that impressive. Corporations, Crime Families, Augmented Humans, and even mutants, how the hell would he survive without stepping on their toes?

kyneer · Urban
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75 Chs

A City of Crimes

Chapter 7:

There was nothing much to say about the activities of the girls other than they go on expensive dates and get treated to high-class meals. Miss Ingrid was the most active during the past few days. While Miss Philippa has more… interesting clients.

[Health: 100]

[Armor: 100]

[Wanted Level: 0]

[Reputation: Reliable Associate]

[Status: Stable]

Rain doesn't usually find itself in Pacifica. Drizzling rain on concrete creates this smell of wet dust in the air. I covered myself in this black face mask while waiting in the car. The headlight was turned on and the humm of the car engine bouncing on the corralled buildings.

Miss Eloise wore a sparkly party dress with a thin shoulder trap that made it look like it blended with her skin. I held the umbrella and escorted her to the back of the car. Once she was settled in the car. Got in the driver's seat.

Car smelled of air conditioner and freshener. I drove away from the garage and headed to High Garden. Most of the work happens in High Garden while there is biz in Coleman once in a while. It came to me that the girls choose who they date with thoroughly and even though they are called many degrading names. It doesn't change the fact that they are expensive and picky. Just because you have the money, it doesn't mean they'd allow you to pay for the time of the girls.

Of course, the girls are also used to curry favors. Miss Philippa and Ingrid were masters of their craft. They look delicate as a vase but Jon told me that they aren't just a pretty face. There is a reason that a person like Jon was so tamed by them. It also reminded me that this world wasn't exactly normal and them being femme fatales were the least of my concern when the underworld of this fucking city is in a boiling point.

For some time, there was silence as I thought about how things are. Then it came to me that I was feeling a glare and the rear-view mirror had her eyes staring down at me. She was always looking at me like trash, but this time it was quite harsh.

"You've been working with us for the past five weeks, Orlov."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You should know what I think of you."

"I understand, Ma'am."

"Speak freely. I promise I won't make things hard for you if you do."

I stared at her as the car got caught in a red light. "I… truthfully I couldn't care if you dislike me, Madam. I'm in this for the money, like I said to the other Miss's. You do what you do. It's not my fault and I don't intend to cozy up… though I wish you'd at least keep it non-personal."

"You are a rude person. But that's better than pretending that you care about this or any of us other than money."

"I do care. Cause' if I don't then I shouldn't be really getting this kind of job."

"Killed anyone yet?"

"Fortunately, I haven't done any of that. Conscience is still clean."

She gave a mocking 'hah' and sneered on the side. "But you seem to prefer beating them down to the ground and leaving lasting traumatic injuries. Very moral."

"They got broken, but still can heal."

She leaned on the window. She crossed her legs. Elbows on the backrest of the seat. She looks outside.

"This job started for me because I want to get fully educated. Got the looks and the attitude. Could pick any man who I wanted to entertain and I liked him enough. I'd be thankful and drunk."

"I see."

"No, you don't. Then again, you could try to be one. You're tall and you have a decent enough look for some lonely widow or a man who wants to be caressed."

"Rather work back to the docks."

"Cause it's degrading?"

"If I say no would you believe me?"


"Then you know it already, madam. Just felt like it ain't my thing. You do what you do to survive."

"For someone who got shot in the head. You are pretty crazy to go back to this. This job… it ain't long term. Never will be. Associating with this fam alone is painting a target on your back."

"Course' I know that. Ain't got a choice."

"You have. Been digging around. You already have most of your debt paid. You shouldn't be working in this place if you already got your due."

"True. But I am still contracted to this place so it isn't possible to quit now. Also, what I'm being paid is nice. And at least this time I ain't transporting illegal substances. Just dangerous women."

"Hmm, true, you get to chat with beauties like me. Normally you wouldn't even get a chance to be near me."

"It ain't bad."

"For you."

Not for me. I got a feeling she said that under her breath. It was rare for Miss Eloise to talk. Had to know where she was going. Only heard that it was a party and I was the escort until she met her date. Or from what I've heard from the others. The only guy who was paying her well and probably the only person she went to bed with multiple times. The others were mostly dates and her abusing said dates.

"Who are we meeting again, Ma'am?"

"Edward Callahan. He'll be joining us when we arrive. You'll be our umbrella-man and my assistant."

"Ma'am, I'm a driver."

"That you are. But your contract says that you'd be my valet as well. So do your job well, manservant."

She smiled evilly. I turned my attention back to the road. The high-rise apartment where this Mr. Callahan was living. It was certainly luxurious. Could identify the guy just by the expensive rain jacket. He spotted the car and waited. I got out of the car and then deployed my umbrella.

We were about the same height. He looked me in the eyes. "So you're my rose's new driver. Advice. Don't try anything and we'd get along fine. I like that woman. She's sweet. And seeing her hurt rouses my feelings."

A small warning for nobodies like me.


The two of them entered the backseat of the car. Closing the car's partition wall, I drove to the location where they were heading. Got curious so didn't let them get all too private. Heard that they were going to participate in a party and an auction. Once I drove to the party I was about to take a step when in the bottom left of my view appeared a radar indicator. I 'tapped' on the radar with a thought and there was a 'scan' that was happening.

Dots and blinks but from the looks of it everyone here was blue. There were red marked individuals while my allies were green. Funny how the waiters were the only 'allies' that I have. Even the Miss was blue like everyone. I was only allowed the lobby so I bid them goodbye and went back to somewhat figuring out this radar that I have.

Honestly, it's one of the useful abilities that I have. There are even marks around which I think pops out when I see them. Everything valuable is highlighted and the most valuable glows brighter than the rest. Still ain't that useful other than when I need to fuck off when there are enemies around.

There were a lot of cars. Lots of folks who are dressed neatly. Got to chat with this driver named Jose. Told me that he saw carats and bullions of metal being delivered. Which made the awful passage here make sense.

A high society event with the highest and richest folk to come around and boast about their superior wealth and the women they have on their sides as their mistresses. Don't know what the fuck happened. But after four hours there were gunshots and screams alongside trucks with masked men. Could tell that it was a damn robbery with serious gunmen trapping most of the block. It was a fucking private army. No one gets in and out without permission.

The gunmen started by using the cars to block the path. I wasn't dumb as rock and seeing how some were gunned down. I took off. Climbed on the side of the building and embraced the shadows while watching from afar. With my third-person senses and my radar making it easy to tell where their view range was. I was invisible to the gunmen who had surrounded the building, harvesting the items in the auction. Thought I'd sleep since it's going to take a while, but my employer called me. I was wearing an earpiece so no one other than ghosts heard me.


"Can you help us?"

"Depends on what help you want, Madam," I said, leaning on the edge. "Cause' I ain't a fighter and there are a lot of folk here that'd kill everyone who tries to leave the bloc. Could probably escape myself."

There was hesitation behind the call.


"I don't suppose you have learned how to pilot a helicopter?"

"Got a plan of escape, Ma'am?"

"Yes. But we lack a suitable pilot."

"I can," I let out a sigh. "Where are you folks at?"

"In one of the rooms. Please, come and get us."

"I should get a raise. Asking a lot for a driver. Oh well."

I wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't for the radar on my view.

I really need to remember that this city isn't normal.


It was questionable.

Relying on a driver to somewhat reach them.

"Are you sure?"

"What choice do we have?"

She placed her phone back in her purse. Edward held on to this small pistol that was hidden in his sleeves. It was the only protection that they have.

"Looks like we were fortunate enough this time. And you told me that my loins can't save us."

"For once. Well, if he is all talk then we'll be dead in the next few minutes. Who are they?"

"Mafioso obviously. Serious gunmen. Must be willing to gamble seeing that the gov just fucked them over. Only your faction's not affected by the raids lately."

"I see. You think they can get away?"

"Who knows? City government has been releasing mechanized infantry to the fray. Augmented Police Officers and even the Mutants are getting involved with them."

She folded her arms and looked warily at the entrance of the doorway. Then she looked down on the floor.

"How long do I have to stay in that tower?"

"Not too long. This event was a formality in the place. Have no thought of the auction. Doesn't seem to be the place where I can get what I want. Also, will that driver come?"

"I don't know."

It was a grim situation. She never thought that she would ask for help like this. She was about to reply to Edward when he spotted a familiar face coming out of the shadow. He knocked lightly on the divider. Edward turned with a shaking hand.

"Ma'am, Sir."

"You managed to get here?"

His eyes remained impassive. "I was told to. We can't escape below so we might be able to escape. I'll take the lead."

"Do you have a piece?" Edward said to Nik.

"I have. No plan on using it. Unless you want to gather all the gunmen outside of this building to our place. So where is it?"

Edward told Nik where the helicopter was. They followed the staircase and watched their steps. There were guards leading up to the rooftop. What he didn't account for was that there were also guards in the landing pad.

But Nik knocked the first guard out without being seen and then subdued the second one with a neck lock quickly before tackling the third man who saw Nik knocking the guard unconscious with a punch to the jaw. Edward threw the keys to Nik and to Eloise's surprise. He really did know how to pilot an aerial vehicle.

"They'll be firing at us or worse. So hold on!"