
Orion:The Journey To Godhood

If being reborn in a 10-year-old body is not bad enough doing so without any cheats in a world way more massive and dangerous than it has any right to be certainly is. Mature, Determined SI-OC.

ghjggxcfx · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs


The darkness was overwhelming, suffocating. The last thing he remembered was going to bed after a long night of studying for his final exams at college. And yet, here he was, disoriented and confused, with no idea where he was.

He tried to sit up, but his body was stiff and unresponsive as if it was not his body, He groaned, feeling a wave of pain and discomfort wash over him. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realized he was lying on a hard, uncomfortable bed, covered by a thin blanket that did little to shield him from the cold. The room he found himself in was small and dingy, with peeling paint on the walls and a musty odour that hung heavily in the air. He struggled to piece together what had happened, but the memories were hazy and fragmented, like shards of glass scattered across his mind.

It was then that he heard it - a low hooting sound coming from outside the window. He stumbled to his feet, his body still protesting with every movement, and made his way to the window. What he saw there took his breath away.

Perched on the windowsill was a magnificent owl, its golden eyes fixed on him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. It was unlike any bird he had ever seen before, with feathers that shimmered in the pale light and talons that glinted like knives.

For a moment, he just stood there, staring at the bird in disbelief. But then, as if on cue, the owl stretched out its wing, revealing a letter clutched tightly in its claws. He reached out to take it, but the bird flinched away, as if wary of his touch.

He opened the letter with trembling hands, his heart racing with anticipation. As he read the words scrawled across the parchment, his mind struggled to comprehend the truth of what was happening.

He was no longer in his world. He had somehow been transported to a place that was both familiar and strange - a world of magic and wonder, of danger and adventure.

As the reality of his situation began to sink in, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the absurdity of it all. He had always been a fan of Harry Potter fanfictions, but never in his wildest dreams had he thought that he would end up in one. He tried to recall the various fanfictions he had read, hoping to glean some clues about his current predicament.

Firstly, he needed to determine which timeline he was in. Was he in the canon universe or an alternate universe? The thought alone made his head spin. He hoped that it was the former, as the latter would mean that he had to start from scratch in terms of learning the ins and outs of the magical world.

Secondly, he needed to figure out his background. From his dingy room and hazy memories, he guessed that he was an orphan at least in the muggle world. But seeing as no professor came with the letter, which they should have if he was a muggle-born, at least in the canon universe, he began to question his assumptions.

Lastly, he wondered if it was easy to use accidental wandless magic as shown in multiple fanfictions. He had always wondered how much of it was just the author's creative license, and how much was actual canon. He made a mental note to test this out later, but for now, he needed to focus on the task at hand - getting to grips with his new reality.

As more memories flooded into his mind, he realized that the body he now inhabited belonged to a boy named Orion. He was an introverted loner with almost no friends in the orphanage. These details proved convenient for our protagonist, as no one should notice a change in his demeanour or personality.

Despite the odd circumstances of his situation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of exploring this new world. However, he knew that he needed to be cautious and tread carefully, for he was a stranger in a strange land.

He tried to recall all the information he had gleaned from the Harry Potter fanfictions he had read, hoping to find any clues that could help him navigate this new reality. He wondered if the magic in this world was as unpredictable and dangerous as it was portrayed in the stories, or if it was more controlled and structured.

The weight of his new responsibility began to sink in. He knew that he needed to be cautious and smart in this world of magic and wonder, for every action had consequences, and every misstep could be fatal.

As he stared out the window, watching the magnificent owl fly away into the early dawn, he knew that he had a long and challenging road ahead of him.

Orion glanced down at the letter once again, taking note of his surname, "Eveningshade". It was a strange name, and he couldn't help but wonder if it meant something significant in the wizarding world. He made a mental note to ask around and see if anyone knew more about it.

As he read through the letter, he also noticed a reference to Gringotts bank, which he recognized as the main wizarding bank. He wondered if he had an account there, and if so, how much money was in it. He decided to investigate further once he had made his way to Diagon Alley and could find out more information about his financial situation.

Orion's excitement at discovering the world of magic was quickly tempered as he read the letter addressed to him. It became clear that he was not in the same universe as the Harry Potter books he had read, and he would have to figure out the differences in this alternate reality.

The letter informed him that he had magical potential and was eligible to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, it also stated that as a half-blood, no professor would be sent to take him to Diagon Alley, the wizarding shopping district.

The letter instructed Orion to drop a drop of blood onto the paper to reveal further instructions on how to access Diagon Alley and acquire his school supplies. After following the instructions and dropping his blood onto the letter, Orion was overwhelmed with new information. He now knew how to reach Diagon Alley, how to call the Knight Bus, and received a special message tailored specifically for him. The message informed him that if he could get the matron of the orphanage to touch the letter, she would be immune to any supernatural phenomena she may encounter. The books he needed were different from the ones in canon. There were three books that surprised him the most one on mechanics, another on atoms and molecules, and the last one on maths.

Orion was amazed at the letter's capabilities. In the canon universe, the letter was just a letter, but in this world, it was capable of directly downloading customized information into his brain. This was certainly not what he had expected, and he realized that he had a lot more to learn about this magical world.

Orion took a deep breath and prepared to convince the matron to let him go to Diagon Alley. He knew it wouldn't be easy, as the matron was notoriously strict and overprotective of the children in her care. However, he had a plan.

He approached her cautiously, holding out the letter and explaining that he had received an invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At first, the matron was sceptical, but as soon as she touched the letter, her expression softened, and she nodded her approval.

Relieved, Orion thanked her and quickly made his way to the dining hall for breakfast. As he ate, he tried to recall all the details of the letter and the instructions for getting to Diagon Alley.

After finishing his meal, he made his way to a nearby phone booth and dialled the number for the Knight Bus. The bus arrived shortly after, and Orion boarded, taking a seat in the back.

The journey to Diagon Alley was a wild and bumpy ride, with the bus swerving and dodging obstacles in its path. Orion held on tightly, trying not to lose his breakfast.

When the bus finally screeched to a halt in front of a cobbled street, Orion stumbled out, feeling slightly disoriented. He looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of Diagon Alley for the first time. It was a bustling and lively place, with people of all ages and races milling about, shopping for their magical supplies.

As Orion made his way to Gringotts bank, he couldn't help but marvel at the bustling and lively street that was Diagon Alley. Everywhere he looked, he saw the incredible sights of a magical world he had never experienced before. From the moving portraits on the walls to the colourful storefronts of shops selling magical wares, it was a feast for his eyes.

As he walked, he saw witches and wizards of all ages and sizes hurrying about their business, some with armfuls of shopping bags and others with mysterious objects tucked under their arms. He couldn't help but wonder what each of them was up to and what kind of magical powers they possessed.

Orion paused in front of Flourish and Blotts, the bookstore that sold everything from spell books to quills. He gazed longingly at the shelves, eager to explore the vast collection of magical knowledge within. He made a mental note to return to the bookstore later.

As he approached Gringotts, he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the sheer size of the imposing white building. The goblin guards standing sentry outside only added to the intimidating atmosphere. However, the letter in his pocket gave him a sense of confidence, and he walked up to the entrance at a steady pace.

Once inside, he marvelled at the cavernous hall, with high ceilings and walls lined with countless vaults, each with its unique key and lock. He was excited to learn more about the workings of the wizarding bank and the vast wealth of knowledge and treasure that lay hidden within its walls.

My first fanfic give it a review and powerstones pweese

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