
Origins of the Shadow Realm

It's a co-lead type of story, about a girl and her "shadow" I should warn you now, this is NOT a book of kisses and rainbows...

CozmicCatto · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 2- Our First Encounter!

*3 hours later*

Yami: Ugh, we've been walking for days!

Kori: Hasn't it only been a few hours?

Yami: And yet it feels like forever

*A peculiar scent enters Kori's nose*

Kori: *sniff sniff*

Yami: What, do you smell something?

Kori: I smell blood, come-on!

*Kori grabs Yami's arm, and starts sprinting, Yami's keeping up with him, thankfully*

*He then suddenly stops, and hides in a bush, bringing down Yami with him*

Kori: *whispering* Keep it low, there they are

*Yami turns to look, and focuses her eyes*

Soldier: Keep them away! They must NOT have the crystal!

Oni: ROOOOOOAR! *Do not let them take the master! Hold them here! Give your lives!*

*Think of something like a bear, but with the horns of a ram instead of ears, sharp and pointed, as well as four eyes and twice the size of a brown bear*

Yami: *whispering* Do we help them?

Kori: *whispering* Hell no, we're more in tuned with the beasts, as we are beasts now. So even if we DID want to help, we'd only be betrayed by them later

Yami: *whispering* But we look human right now, how would they tell the difference?

Kori: *whispering* No excuses! Either way we're not helping them for free!

Yami: *whispering* But-

Kori: *whispering* We have no allies, no background, and *strains his voice instead of yelling* NO RESOURCES! We cannot afford it right now.

Yami: Fine

*They continue to watch in silence, until*

Soldier: The caravan! They're breaking it apart!

Bear Oni: ROOOOOOOOOOAR! *Take back the crystal! Do what you must!*

Yami: *whispering* Are we really going to sit here and watch?

Kori: Fine, I'll show you what will happen. I have an idea, follow my lead!

*Kori then leaps out the bushes, between the two forces, that are already dwindled. Yami follows suit, and stands right next to him*

Soldier: Who are you two? Explain yourselves!

Bear Oni: Grrrrrr, ur? Roar! *Who are you humans, wait you smell like us, if you help us, we will let you live!*

Kori: *whispering* I told you, who would be stupid enough to just accept the help of two random strangers, there would be consequences!

Yami: *whispering* Ok fine, you've made your point, should we help the Oni then?

Kori: *whispering* Since you so DESPARATELY wanted to get involved, we will help who I say we help

Yami: *whispering* Ugh, fine! Choose a side!

Kori: *loudly* Soldiers! What is in the carriage!?

Soldier: Why should we tell you?!

*Kori then uses the blood within the fallen to hold the humans at bay*

Kori: *in Oni tongue, because I'm not degrading our MCs with their barbaric language* We will help you, but it will be US who let YOU live, for a price of course

Bear Oni: Groooooooooooowl *Impudent wench, you will help us because we are ordering you to!*

*Kori then uses the liquids to solidify crystals out of the Oni's fallen to hold THEM back, by the legs and throat*

Kori: *Oni tongue* I think it is WE who hold your lives! Now tell us what's in their cart!

Soldier: Wait, they speak the savages, they are traitors! You foul humans! Let us go and help us and your punishment will be light for siding with the enemy!

*Yami pokes the blood spears closer to their throats, grazing their skin ever so lightly*

Yami: I don't think you understand the position you are in! Tell us what's in your cart and we'll let YOU live, then MAYBE YOUR punishments for trying to threatening US will be light!

Yo, it's been awhile! Things been hectic. Now, could yall leave reviews? I've figured out why I have 3 thousand views,but no readers; because without reviews, I have ZERO stars, no one's gonna read something with 0 stars! So I beg you to leave your thoughts!

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