
The Mystery of Sakura and the Roots of Memory

"... What if we did something special on holidays every day, we could eat together with father, mother Isabella, mother Stella, uncle Kazuyu and Hito."

"Why don't we just do it every meal time? Have breakfast in the morning, sit at the same dinner table in the afternoon and at night?"

That would be something difficult to grant because all of them, important people for the country were busy and just to make time to go home early Eliana would not be able to.

"You're right... But father's work is also for us and this country depends on his company and well you know Professor Jeck, he will be very angry with father even though father himself is the one who made him work at his place."

Professor Jeck is one of the leading scientists, he studied various anatomies of the human and demonic bodies. He also entered the professorship as a researcher of magic, medicine or potions. In his history he scored 18 awards.

Eliana was silent for a few minutes, thinking about what Shiori had said.

"...Now it's my turn. I want a father to do what a father should do, namely teach his child about everything in this world, I want to know some of his life journey. Does he have anything that makes his inspiration explode? During life's journey to get to this point."

"Oh... That's very glamorous. Maybe there will be the most embarrassing story about him, but also the most glamorous thing is that when he was young, he became a rival for the king of the Baalthi country and got the title of a swordsman. You really like swords."

"Isn't that right? I want to see him enthusiastically telling us everything. Buying clothes for us that show that we are beautiful and beautiful princesses."

"Ughh.. Wait a minute, you said a princess dress? I want it. I remember dad would buy flowers for us and make the plants we have been caring for have more types of flowers.. Are you going to ask for it? Well... I think I have enough to see it more beautiful."

They start thinking about what is most appropriate for a flower garden, what kind of flowers are most suitable to decorate and where should they be located?

"Isn't the most effective thing the size of the park? We will be able to do everything if it is expanded."

Like her most beautiful nickname, "Sakuragi Shiori", she really understands all the most beautiful things.

And a funny story when she was little, Shiori once stopped gardening just because of the insects she encountered at that time, but she started planting a tree that no one knew about its type or seeds and Shiori took great care of it, she took great care of it until it grew beautiful in the middle -middle of the flower garden.

When the tree happened, they asked because the leaves were starting to bloom, and asked what the name of the plant was.

Shiori calls it a Sakura tree but Shiori doesn't say anything or give an explanation to those who ask to get a cherry tree or even the seeds, so Shiori's cherry tree seems to grow mysteriously.

"Father needs to expand the land. After that we can think about the most beautiful things."

In this conversation, Shiori only thought about beauty and gave Eliana many references about the things she was most proud of.

"Yes, you can ask for it. Flowers are an image for yourself, Shiori. You are another form of beauty in the garden" Eliana praised...

He was just stating the truth about Shiori's existence, she was the empress who had been determined and had been chosen as the lover of the prince of Belfast, he had seen the truth before his lover (Hito) was born, in a dream a revelation from God came down to him but no one knew about it except only Shiori herself and the mystery behind the growth of cherry blossoms in this world.

"And you represent the sharpest sword of Belfast Eliana, you have extraordinary knowledge."

"No, well not as complex as you who master medicine."

"Hahahaa... it's not medicine but agriculture isn't that great either. Maybe I'll study it too. Are we going to school?"

"Hah! Considering that we are 6 years old, we should be old enough or maybe mother is waiting for our wishes, Shiori?"

"When is the registration time? Can it be in the middle of the semester, I'm not sure... too much of a rush."

"It doesn't matter Shiori as long as you can catch up on the material and things you are studying."

"No !"

"What do we want to do if that's the case, right? Why use our family name as royal descendants. Our ancestors fought for this name and lineage, but why should we be the ones to enjoy it? Why be proud of our descendants and things like that?"

"That's right. But I'm grateful because our life process has been made easier, even though it's always our job to see and give kindness to people who otherwise might not be able to afford it."

It is realized that there is no good in being proud of one's surname.

The ancestors carved their own names so that they smelled good so that their descendants were viewed favorably by the community and became their hope for good things too.

We are respected because the name we bear has influenced them in the past or a service we have performed in the past.

Enjoying it will only destroy your good name in a short time, which you have built with sweat and tears.

The sound of knocking on the door began to be heard by the two of them who were discussing what their father wanted to do.

"You heard father calling, are our clothes going to stay like this?"

"It doesn't matter that our clothes aren't revealing either."

What assets do 6 year olds need to show off, oh my... They don't even have a body that stands out yet.

"Wait father" Shiori responded from inside the room

"Can we go now?"

"Of course dad. So where do you want to take us?"

"I think I'll buy ice cream at the restaurant you want the most, but I also know a place you'll definitely like."

"Sweet snacks? Show us the tastiest and most famous place, daddy." (Shiori)

"I like your smiles, okay let's go to that place."

As they started ordering, a waiter approached them asking what they should order.

"Are you renting this place?"

Her conversation wasn't like a child would have with her father, Eliana was too intense with Shin.

"Of course for you. Give me the best menu from Loely's dessert restaurant, I see."

"Oh come on Sis Eliana can we enjoy this moment..."

"After we eat it"

"Okay, wait for your order, we will immediately deliver it to your table."

"How about the place do you like? This is a nice and popular place."

"The decoration is very good, using bright colors that match the theme of the food on the menu, even the little things they pay attention to but I think if this restaurant is the best it should have awards that can be displayed on the walls."

"But you don't need to doubt the menu, Shiori."

"I hope so," after waiting several minutes since we ordered the food, they finally arrived at our table.

"Please enjoy the food."

Both of their eyes sparkled brightly seeing the sweet food in front of their eyes.

As expected, girls wouldn't possibly be able to resist sweet foods and this time they were frozen.

Satisfied and adorable expressions were shown to them. "Melts in the mouth, Shiori try this."

"You're right. Is it called Stracciatella?"

"You try this too. The egg waffles are delicious, fruity and have a soft sensation."

They tasted each other together, exchanging delicious tastes, feeding each other and seeing that their lives were only for dessert while their father could only see their excitement and he was ignored.

For a few moment...

"Dad, try this."

"Oh... try it, daddy, taste it" Aaa...

"This is delicious, thank you."

When they finished they left Leoly's restaurant to another place that Shin wanted to show his two daughters, a place to design the best clothes, dresses and various kinds of clothing for nobles.

"Welcome king Shin and the beautiful princess Eliana-sama, Shiori-sama."

All the servants were gathered by the owner and greeted us at the door.

"Come here, I will show you some beautiful and expensive clothes whose sparkles are made of the finest diamonds."

"I didn't expect father to take us all the way to Showell's country."

This is their first time visiting the designer when previously we only invited him to come to the land of Belfast.

"How much does this cost?"

Eliana doesn't really like clothes that are a bit revealing or formal, she only likes clothes that can move freely, she often even arranges her clothes even though she is doing sword training.

“18 Platinum pieces,” very expensive!

Shock Row……….

"You can also use it to see the suitability of the size and the things that make it fit you. Want to try it?"

"Yes, please prepare."

When the two of them looked in the mirror wearing the best clothes from this place, they were very impressed with themselves.

"How ?"

"This is good Miyua," "You're right Sis Eliana"

The clothes they wore were full of sparkling red jewels.