
Organized Crime At It's Finest

Follow Joseph as he takes one step at a time from a young school kid bored at home to a gang lord that runs the city in the dark stretching his hand all over the world. --Work in progress-- First Story ill be writing mostly doing it on my down time but ill try to update daily.

Renny_Hacks · realistisch
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3 Chs

The Beginning

Joseph was a typical, smart kid growing up in the ghetto. He was 15 years old had one brother that he wasn't that close with from his dads side of the family. Joseph had a better start than most in the hood, a mother with a decent job and dad with a good hussle. He's parents wasn't together but it all worked out they didn't need to be together to parent. One day Joseph and his mother, Shelby got into a argument that led to him moving out of the house to live with his father and his girlfriend. That's when it all began.

"Haah" said Joseph sighing to himself,

"School is so pointless its not even teaching me anything I can use in everyday life besides math some science and english" as Joseph played on his laptop messing with bitcoin to make some online money.

"Maybe I should work with my dad to get a little extra spending money..." Joseph Thought.

As he was thinking this he got a phone call from his father "Gee".

"Hello?" said Joseph.

"Whats up son, you busy? Want to come work on this house with me we got to put up some dry wall." Though it sound like Gee was asking he was really telling him that he has to come.

"Sure" with no reason to decline Joseph starts getting dressed for a day of work.

-He probably won't be here for a while I should finish looking for some quick hussles-

70 minutes later his dad pulls up in the work truck and Joseph hops in the passenger seat.

Joseph wasn't surprised his dad came a whole hour late, whenever he says he'll come its always late. in fact its weird if he's actually on time.

"Sup pops why you so late?" Joseph ask while trying to put on his seat belt.

"As I was doing floors the mop bucket spilled over, I had to clean it up before it made the floor buckle and that would of been a pain in the ass if..." Gee rambles on about the hassle of working on a house.

Joseph was just about put on his seat belt when...

"Hey son, when you going to learn how to drive?" asked Gee.

"Eh?" Joseph secretly rolled his eyes at his dad

-He only wants me to learn how to drive to be his 'Do-Boy'- Joseph Thought to himself.

"Anytime you want to teach me or something? I understand the basics also, I read the book" Said Joseph.

"Good, we can start now then" Gee said with a grin on his face. He hopped out and walked to the other side of the truck.

-As I thought- Joseph Nervously got behind the wheel.

"Haha, whats the problem I thought you understood the basics?" Gee said chuckling to himself. "Just relax were only going up the street and its still early in the day shouldn't be too many cars out right now." Said Gee.

-Thats true- Joseph thought. Though he kept quiet in reality.

It wasn't that he didn't like talking to his dad its just it wasn't much to say and he would rather keep their relationship more business than personal. after all he grew up with his mom for 15 years and only visited his dad sometimes.

As they talked for a few minutes in the driveway their day finally began and Joseph drove on the empty street for the first time.