
Ordverse Adventure 2.0

Im still new to writing and im bad with english and any form of planning, so low expectations. This is also a Restart/Rewritten version of Ordverse Adventures, so expect something similar but hopefully better. Uploads should be between Once Weekly to Once Bi Weekly, Wednesdays at 12PM/AM depedning on zones and stuff. Hopefully it works out and thanks for reading.

imperial_demon · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Status(Very Slight Spoilers)

This is the status of the MC at the very second he gets into the new world, so things will be unknonw and change depending on how I decide to progress the novel, this also won't be updated according to the current world untill the future when im a good bit in.


Name: James Ford


Age:10 Years, 7 Months








World:Harry Potter








Physical Strength:D


Magical Strength:D+ (Equivalent to a Elementary[MIid])


World History:(TBD)



-(TBD means To be Determined. Pretty much not wanting to spoil future chapters too much, so wish stuff. 5 ish chapters in will be a status update, the update will have his history and bloodine/title stuff, in the future all of his assets will be added here as well, however, that will be changed per world since its not like he is gonna take 5 mansions with him to each world or something)

First chapter should come out this wednesday with the next chapte of Lord Harry Potter in Harry Crow

imperial_demoncreators' thoughts