
Ordverse Adventure 2.0

Im still new to writing and im bad with english and any form of planning, so low expectations. This is also a Restart/Rewritten version of Ordverse Adventures, so expect something similar but hopefully better. Uploads should be between Once Weekly to Once Bi Weekly, Wednesdays at 12PM/AM depedning on zones and stuff. Hopefully it works out and thanks for reading.

imperial_demon · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Bobby Flay

( "Speaking", *System, 'Thoughts', [Skill/Title names/other], **World Voice, (Author Shit) )




On a platform surrounded by void we can see a orb floating across of a of a pillar coming out of the platform, the pillar and platform are a warm gold color, the pillar itself is squared and a smaller square on the pillar facing the orb is glowing in a soft blue light


'Man, I feel like a otaku teen again, sitting in front of a screen for years on end playing some idle clicker game, you would think a magical gold pillar in the void would have like, Doom or Left 4 Dead, but no, just this cookie clicker rip off. Sitting here for centuries really tempers one mind, after all THE GOD DAMN GAME HAS A TIMER ON IT, craps probably put their so I can't forget time, its like watching one of the googol counters ticking for all eternity.'


The orb having lost itself to insanity long ago, continues absentmindedly pressing a button with its tendril, watching as the USD counter continues to rise, to infinity and beyond. Suddenly a calm mechanical voice resounds throughout the entire void, somehow, and says


**Notice. Player 2,495,848,294,482 is the first to reach the end of the game.


**Notice. All other Players have been erased and their progress transferred.


'What? Over 2 trillion people were going insane in a black void too?'


**Notice Player 2,495,848,294,482 has been gifted a System, and 5 Wishes [Restricted]


Suddenly the blue screen on the pillar in front of the orb flashes before turning into a small blue ball which is absorbed by the orb, while the orb is wondering whats happening, a screen appears before the orb which says


-Progress Deleted-




(Thanks for reading, we will truly get the show on the road in the next chap, Just wanted their to be a chapter other than the Aux chaps)

AYYYY, the chapter is 333 words! LETS GOOOO!

imperial_demoncreators' thoughts