
The Pack

The pack are a large force of thieves that dwell on the asteroid belts of any system. They show no possible background with any known species and rarely ever seen. Accounts from Warsats describe Pack soldiers as "organized, fearless, Mysterious, Deadly, and Clever thieves." In light with this information, all civilians are warned to stay away from possible areas that house Pack dens. During the war they simply appeared and began attacking both sides and in the aftermath they split into many "Dens" and because of this each have different weapons, armor, and culture. Most notable dens include The Den of demons, and the Den of valor who are among the most powerful dens of the pack. Their hierarchy may include the weak, the commoners, the warriors, the healers, the second in command betas, hunters, scouts, and the Alphas. The only known leader to be recorded by battle logs is a beta called "Cepheus" after he was spotted in the battlefield of schovenlied field. The weapons they use are mostly Deadshot rifles, sling pistols, and flak launchers. Special weapons were recovered with names etched in them and after translation of their language include the weapons: sho bra ge or death, bug kli smon or the grave, and the most mysterious yura ser or the weeper. After the pack dispersing campaign of the rebels they became for secluded and dormant. They seem to worship a god called "shi ha gro ba" or the true alpha and offer sacrifices in the form of blood from victims that ventured to far. After a database from an unknown orbit was decoded it was discovered that the pack are called "The smira" and went to our Galaxy in search for something. Something they called "The key" which in their words "would open the doors to infinite pleasure." Due to harder cyphers the database remains in a decoding lab on an unknown base on an unknown planet. They trade with what is called "shinns" a gold square cube with unknown properties. During the war the pack were seen riding on vehicles such as a fast speeder that may emit fire or or electric shocks from the sides and have two turbine repeaters on the front. Another vehicle is seen that resembles a tank and looks similar to a tank from our modern world. Unfortunately this is the only information at the moment and there will be more information regarding the subject.
