
Order Immortal

Growing up, Hade Ronen spent most of his early life confined within the tall walls of Greycastle, their family home, for a reason that was never fully explained to him. At age 16, he awakened, and a year after that, he received an invitation from the prestigious Five Imperial Schools. When he accepted, little did Hade know that his decision would be the catalyst to an epic adventure that would change his life forever. ... If you like dope-ass magic, impressive world-building, an overpowered MC, a budding romance, thick plot, and to top it all off- scintillating academy action... this book promises to be a very entertaining read. Also, feel free to check out my discord. It has character illustrations plus you can engage with me there as well. https://discord.com/invite/ChedJaf9wE

Kush63 · Fantasie
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179 Chs

Up and Away

Though Hade already knew that Space magic was the optimal way of transporting people -and cargo- across vast distances, a not-so-small part of him had hoped that leaving the First Imperial School, the cohort would employ more… 'traditional' means…

Like walking, for example.

Whatever happened to walking?

Or even horseriding?

Really, humanity was so obsessed with efficiency and constantly improving stuff that some genuinely wholesome experiences were quickly thrown out the window the instant they were considered 'backward.'

New generations will never get to experience the exhilaration of riding a mount, of your heart racing and feeling the wind whipping through your hair.

Now, for the sake of complete transparency, Hade couldn't care less about such trivialities.

He had just hoped that by walking, he would be able to gather some form of intel about the school's location. Or, at the very least, gain some clues about where they were.