
Order Immortal

Growing up, Hade Ronen spent most of his early life confined within the tall walls of Greycastle, their family home, for a reason that was never fully explained to him. At age 16, he awakened, and a year after that, he received an invitation from the prestigious Five Imperial Schools. When he accepted, little did Hade know that his decision would be the catalyst to an epic adventure that would change his life forever. ... If you like dope-ass magic, impressive world-building, an overpowered MC, a budding romance, thick plot, and to top it all off- scintillating academy action... this book promises to be a very entertaining read. Also, feel free to check out my discord. It has character illustrations plus you can engage with me there as well. https://discord.com/invite/ChedJaf9wE

Kush63 · Fantasie
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179 Chs

Growing Stronger

Soon, Professor Miller dismissed the students and as they dispersed, Hade and Quinn tarried behind. There was a lot to go over, after all.

However, instead of talking in public and risking their conversation being spied on, they went to a place nobody else but them knew,

The view on the rooftop of the first years building was just as splendid as the first time Hade beheld it.

The buildings of the Grand Hexagon lay basking under the morning sun like a small colony of seals. Watching them, Hade, too, suddenly felt the urge to lie down and sleep all of his problems away.

'If only…'

Switching his gaze to the barren land that stretched for miles and miles around them, Hade was suddenly struck by a thought:

'Could this... be another barrier as well?'

He had barely had any time to think his hypothesis over when Quinn brought him back to the present: