
Order Immortal

Growing up, Hade Ronen spent most of his early life confined within the tall walls of Greycastle, their family home, for a reason that was never fully explained to him. At age 16, he awakened, and a year after that, he received an invitation from the prestigious Five Imperial Schools. When he accepted, little did Hade know that his decision would be the catalyst to an epic adventure that would change his life forever. ... If you like dope-ass magic, impressive world-building, an overpowered MC, a budding romance, thick plot, and to top it all off- scintillating academy action... this book promises to be a very entertaining read. Also, feel free to check out my discord. It has character illustrations plus you can engage with me there as well. https://discord.com/invite/ChedJaf9wE

Kush63 · Fantasie
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179 Chs

Everything Everywhere

The night wind was cold and chilly.

All three moons shone brightly in the valley, each with a unique light that differed from the others but not in a way that made it any less brilliant than the others.

You could even say, the three complimented each other. The scene was harmonious, serene, and beautiful.

The sixty-something-year-old man hiding in the ravine could argue otherwise.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He kept swearing in pain.

Cuts of all depths and sizes crisscrossed all over the man's body like a hideous decoration.

His clothes were all bloody; partly because of the cuts but mostly due to the bleeding cavity where his right arm was supposed to be.

All that remained of the man's right hand was a short stump starting from the bicep going up!

Whatever had cut off his arm had done it so immaculately, straight and clean through the bone and everything!