
Orcs Slayer

A gifted and diligent young warrior dedicating his all life to hunt orcs as a revenge for what they did to him in the past but along the way of his difficult journey he will find out that there are better things in life then seeking revenge. First time writing please be gentle with me and I appreciate criticism but only the respectful one.

Khamzat · Fantasie
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7 Chs

New Hope

"Oh fuck."

Snapping out of my thoughts still in a tug of war with the "orc" over my silver sword. 

At the edge of my vision, I see the machete coming speeding at me, realizing the danger that I put myself in.

Reacting faster than I had ever done before in my lifetime, letting go of my sword I used the leverage afforded to me by being more agile than the "orc" Since I lost my 25 kg sword my feet managed to keep on solid ground.

Then as quickly as possible I drew my black curved dagger to blunt the machete-crushing blow – that still felt like it shattered my arms to pieces – and was sent flying backward into a tree. The bark cracked, and so did my armor and my back.

Blood poured from my mouth and looking at my both arms they are trembling from that blow..... and my dagger?.

'It's completely vaporized' I thought after I saw the condition of my dagger or rather only the hilt...the blade is nowhere to be seen. 

I tried to stand and regretted it immediately

Feeling a cold sensation in my abdomen then looking down.


Holding a scream with my face twisting in pain...A piece of my Broken silver armor is implanted inside the left side of my abdomen deeply.....and a copious amount of dark crimson liquid or rather...blood is pouring out of my wounded abdomen.

And all this happened in a minute, remembering my objective and what I am against I decided to.


I again tried to stand while screaming my lungs out and cursing the one who caused me this. It hurt. It hurt so bad. But I could do it. If I could move, then I could make this work, someway or somehow I should endure.

"I don't want to die and I don't want to give up either..so I must fight to survive "

Saying this while walking out of the east side of the forest toward the front of the cave where the orc was supposed to be.

still holding my wound with my left and removing the broken pieces of my armor throwing them to the side with my right twisting my face from the pain.

The movement hurt, but everything did, so I paid it no mind. I walked, forcing my body along, drawing closer to where the orc is.

 standing less than ten meters away from me. Looking at me in disinterest, because why would he? In the state I was in, a normal dog would be enough to finish me off.

"Hey, asshole why you're so strong huh?"

Stopping in my tracks then I brought my right hand to my face wiping my mouth from any traces of blood when I finished I opened my mouth to speak. 

"I fought many orcs and  I killed almost dozens of your kind and iv never meet one like you....why is that... TELL ME WHY ".

Asking those questions to the orc I don't know if it's because I lost so much blood or I just hit my head hard nevertheless I just want to know.

"If you could wield such a power then you must know her right?"

I couldn't stop asking questions even if the chances are zero I need my answer ...so I kept talking.

"the one who m-murdered my father and my mother the one who burned the farm and the village t-that I used to live in w-with all the p -people in said village except m-me"

With trembling lips, I kept talking recalling all of what happened ten years ago my parent's death the villager's death the fire that ate everything my home my village the people I love, and the one who caused all of THIS!!!!.

Looking at the orc who is still standing there with both his machete and my sword in each hand and adorning his ugly face with the same bored and disinterested expression. 


I finally said it was the name of the monster that destroyed my life the one that I swore to hunt down no matter what.

 I said her name putting all my hatred and anger and sorrow on every letter and syllable.

" _ "!!!

And unexpectedly there was finally a change in the orcs' expression after I said the name 

He stiffened and opened his eyes wide.

"So you know her aren't you?"

I said with a cold voice looking at him with a new fire of hope in my black eyes then again I opened my mouth to say something.

I stopped, upon seeing a flying object or rather...my silver sword landing in front of me seeing this odd and unexpected action from the orc.

"What is the meaning of this?".

Turning to the orc I wondered what was going looking at him he picked up his machete with both arms in front of him in a defense stance.

"Is he smiling? "

 Weirded out by the first smile I see on his face but it didn't take me long to understand the meaning of all of this. 

"I see ".

I said with a low voice but determined one 

Then, I picked up my sword. It hurts to move but Like they say the higher the stakes the higher the reward.

"So you want me to beat you up to get what I want "