
This is...

Phillip was led by a pair of guards out of the underground prison to above ground level. Phillip for the first time saw a true Orc clan settlement. The Blacktongue structures were square with rounded edges. Made of stone and wood, some were low, while others were towering.

Led by the guards Phillip came upon what would be known as his dwelling. It was a large home looking place. At the entrance were two large thick pillars of wood made from solid tree trunks. Phillip didn't know the wood type at the moment but would later know it as ironwood. These pillars held up the archway also made of thick timber. On both sides of this arch were two rounded stone walls. That had slots cut for lookout, windows Phillip thought. Various square stone slaves pierced the ground with Orcish writing.

Phillip knew how to speak Orcish, but had no idea how to write it, so these cravings remained unknown to him. He looked to the roof of the building and seen it was, from his view, covered in straw in the main section down the middle, with leather on the sides stretched taut by more timber attached to the roof.

These were certainly a far cry from the human homes he had seen before, with their perfect right angles, cut stone, and processed wood. This home, like all the others in the settlement, was made with a more... earthy? feel... Again, Phillip would find that this building style was considered more primal in nature.

The guards walked to the front of the open hall of this home, though it would be closer to call it a small mansion. They grunted to indicate to Phillip to go in...

Phillip wasn't sure who he was going to meet here, considering that he just meet the chieftain of the Blacktongues. He felt that the chief would stay someone larger. Maybe he was more humble than he expected. Maybe this was the place of the shaman that Jukzuk told him about.

The guards took their place by the doors, as Phillip entered into the dwelling. He didn't see any other Orcs or servants. He went from room to room in search of the boss of this dwelling. There were two bedrooms, a cooking area, a basement, two accesses to the roof, a large hall in the middle for guests, a bathroom, and a small area out back that led to a small barren plot of land that was fenced in with large spikey timber, creating a barrier.

After coming back in, Phillip attempted to scratch his head but met his helmet instead. Shrugging, he went back to the guards.

"Ummmm, Brothers... Where is the boss of this dwelling?" Phillip asked in the orcish tongue.

Both guards looked at each other with a bit of laughter in their eyes, as the guard on the right spoke, "You are, for now."

Phillip, gave a questioning grunt, as the guard went on, "The chieftain has given you this dwelling for now, and until you either die or, haha, become the champion of the slave pits."

Phillip gave an acknowledging grunt and walked back in... As he stood in the main hall in a daze.

This was... This was... This was amazing! This place was easily ten times bigger than his shack in Chadia, and it didn't smell of rotting boards! It had the odor of earth and a clean smell of nature... How great this was. Phillip went straight to the bathroom. He attempted to pull off his armor but found that the most he could get were the gauntlets off... He could get his helmet off, as this was his tenth attempt... It just wouldn't come off.

Phillip shrugged, as his armor clanked, as he found some wash clothes. As he explored the bathroom, he found... WATER! There was a water pump inside, INSIDE, the bathroom of this dwelling. He just... It... WOW!

He pumped the water into the tub below and used the water to wipe down his body. While he was doing this, he found that there was some type of soft rock-like substance. He grabbed it from the side and looked it over. It crumbled in his hand at a squeeze, but it had an earthy husky smell. It smelled good, though. Like steel and trees...

Phillip felt that this must be what the nobles called... Soap.

Thinking a bit more and with some testing. Phillip walked out of the bathroom, while still armored on his chest and head, like a million gold coins.

He walked casually to a large couch made of leather inside the main hall and laid on it while letting out a long sigh.

[This is it...] Phillip thought, [This is the feeling I want.]

While thinking that this was the life he wanted, Phillip slipped into the best sleep he had since his sister passed.

The next day Phillip was awoken by chatter at the front doors. Finally, he heard a loud bang and sat up wondering what was going on...

With a large stride, Phillip stood up preparing to receive the guest, unknown on what or who it was... But what came into his field of vision shocked him.

For the first time, in the flesh, he observed a jade green female Orc.

She was tall... Taller than any woman he had met in his lift, but only a head shorter than himself. While she clearly had the figure of a woman, with the peaks where they should and the valleys in place, she was also packed with muscle.

Her exposed arms and legs even showed some vascularity showing her veins over muscles. Wide shoulders with wide hips giving her a savage hourglass figure. She had sharp eyes, with a simple smile hanging on her lips with two small petite tusks showing.

She was decked in armor, but not a full bodysuit. She had pauldrons on each shoulder that were spiky, and a mouthguard at the top of her chest armor. The armor for her chest stopped there to reveal her bosom that was wrapped in leather and descended down to where it exposed her green belly.

Around her waist was a type of armored belt that had a simple cloth hanging from it with Orcish runes. she didn't have leg armor, but two spiky armored shin guards that looked evil. She came to a stop in front of Phillip, as she stood in front of him with bare feet. No armored shoes.

Phillip looked her up and down a few times, and to his surprise... He liked her. He liked to look at her.

"So, this is the human that can break an Orc's leg?" The female Orc laughed.

Phillip still gawked, as he eye licked her.

The female Orc's brows furrowed, as she felt his gaze on her lusty places.

"Just because I can't see your eyes doesn't mean I can't feel them on my body. You're a large lustful human... To lust after an Orc." This female Orc knew that only the most perverted and perverse of humans lusted after Orcs, male or female. The sense of aesthetics between the two races was large, but there were those that bridged that gap.

"Oh, I..." Phillip wasn't sure what to say. He really did like this Orc looking woman but after a moment, he thought it was the only female Orc he had seen... Did they all look this good, or was she the beauty of their race? He had no point of reference, so he kept his mouth shut.

[Maybe I am a pervert... How come I never knew...?] Phillip thought but kept those thoughts to himself.

"What? Got something to say, then say it!" The Orc put her hands on her wide hips, as she narrowed her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Phillip heeded the words of Jukzuk. He pounded his chest, and spoke, "Hello, my beautiful sister. I am known as Phillip. It is good to meet you."

It was her turn to be speechless. Her hands fell from her hips, as she felt slightly muddle-headed, as she finally spoke, "I knew you could speak Orcish, but... I didn't know you could speak so well."

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!


It seems that Phillip likes them thick and muscle type women!

What green got to do, got to do with it!

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts