
In the Early Dawn

After eating a small meal of pork and mead, Xa'Gun flopped onto his normal resting place, his couch in the foyer. While the meat smelt good cooking, it gave him a queasy reaction after the slaughter he performed during the day.

Demze only drank a bit during the dinner time sat on the couch next to Xa'Gun... A bit closer than Xa'Gun cared for her to...

Hellie drunk off her ass staggered in, pushed Demze to the side, and took her place, leaning on the side of Xa'Gun. Jukzuk came in picking his teeth with a metal pick, as he found the antics of his two nieces entertaining. He chuckled as he sat down on the couch opposite to the three.

Xa'Gun wasn't sure where to put his hands with Hellie leaning on him, so he simply put them in his lap, and leaned back on his couch, closing his eyes.

Demze spoke up after readjusting her robes, "I didn't get to ask while we ate, but how was your day, Gun-Gun."

Xa'Gun raised his brows, despite his eyes still being closed with his head leaning back, at the name choice of Demze, but spoke up anyway, "It was... Trying..." He articulated.

Demze looked to Jukzuk, and asked, "You took him to see Gorzoc, right?"

Jukzuk grunted a yes.

"So... What did Gorzoc say?"

"He'll take him as his last true disciple." Jukzuk finished picking his teeth, as he slid the metal pick in his vest pocket.


Jukzuk grunted again to affirm it was true.

"Great. Is he going to teach him cultivation, as well, or only techniques???"

"He didn't make mention of cultivation... So, honestly, I'm not sure, but I can't see him not teaching it as his master. Ole Gorzoc always has a way of doing things, so I'm sure it's something he'll do." Jukzuk thought and proposed.

Demze furrowed her brows, "Wouldn't it be better to guide him to Discover the Qi of the World, and let him start to gather it now than wait...."

"That... Is what I thought, but... It seems that he has some other plan in mind, at least... I hope he does."

Xa'Gun had long become accustomed to being talked about in front of him even before the Orcs, and now appeared to be no different than the fact it was to his benefit for once.

"I could show him if so," Demze spoke low.

"The hell you will!" Hellie seemed to wake up from her stupor just long enough to curse and stake her claim.

Demze watched as Hellie passed back out on Xa'Gun's lap, as Xa'Gun's hands were pinned under Hellie. Demze shook her head, as she got up from the couch, "I'm going to retire for the night," and walked away into the darkness of the burrow's hall leading to the bedrooms, bathroom, and basement.

Xa'Gun lifted his head to watch Demze walk away with fluid-like persuasion. Jukzuk chuckled, "Son, women will be the death of you long before you die to any Orc, Beast, or Human."

Xa'Gun shook his head and grunted thinking he might be right.

"So, are you just going to let Hellie sleep on top of you tonight... Truth be told, she needs to stop getting drunk here in a single Orcs burrow, even if I sleep here, currently."

Xa'Gun lowered his head to look at the sleeping Hellie in his lap that was slowly cutting the circulation to his hands under her body, as he didn't want to disturb her.

[...Why does she like me so much... I really don't understand... Hell... Why do I like her?] In a rare moment of thought, Xa'gun pondered on matters that were not able to trouble him in the past.

"...Are you going to only stare at her, or make a choice here?" Jukzuk got up, and let out a light laugh.

"Can... Can I let her sleep here a bit longer...?" Xa'Gun fixed his eyes on his adopted father and asked.

Jukzuk raised both brows and tilted his head, with a long pause in the glowing flames of the burrow's torches.

"Well... I see no harm... Bonding never hurt any... I merely ask that you don't make her sad, son... Understand what I mean?" Jukzuk warned in a kind tone.

He grunted as Jukzuk went off to his room.

Xa'Gun's eyes wandered back down to the muscular but clearly feminine Orcess in his lap and wondered how he was going to position her so that his hands would stop being asleep... They passed the point of tingling.

Xa'Gun relaxed his hands slightly, as he pulled them from under the resting Orcess. Finally freeing them, the senses in his fingers returned with static tingles. He flexed his hands until they returned to normal.

Now in a position where he could move things, Xa'Gun admired Hellie and decided that she'd sleep better in a nicer position, least her back hurt. He knew all about sleeping in odd places, and the strain on the back from what he would now consider his previous life.

Xa'Gun scooted to the middle of the couch and laid down while bringing Hellie to the top of him. He left her laying on his chest and stomach, as he followed the motion of her head rising and falling to his breaths.

[How nice this would be... If this was every night...] Xa'Gun thought, while he gazed fondly at Hellie until his eyes closed and he went to sleep.


Hellie woke up to an undulating headache.

"Oh, elements... I must have drunk way too much... When did Peon's Sty Mead do this to m-" Hellie talking to herself was interrupted, as she noticed when she lifted herself that she laid on the chest of Xa'Gun.

As she raised herself up, she gazed upon Xa'Gun's face.

[Handsome bastard... Why did I fall for you, so hard...] Hellie thought to herself, as she changed from speaking out loud, as not to wake Xa'Gun.

Her touch became soft, as she attempted to raise herself from her position atop Xa'Gun. As she sat back slightly, she felt Xa'Gun's proof of being a male.

"Uh!" Hellie shuther mouth quickly, as Xa'Gun shifted under her. It seemed that her talks with Demze yesterday were true... He was a large Orc and he possessed hefty equipment.

[Ha... Because some big Orcs are small, doesn't mean my tin-can is... I wonder...] Hellie closed her eyes and reached her hand, ever so slowly, behind her and snaked its way under Xa'Gun's loincloth.

Grabbing the male member that was semi-ridged, it was hot in her hand, as she could almost wrap her hand around it. Astonished by what she felt, as this was more than her previous experience. The rod in her hand grew in size and hardness, as her calloused hand moved along the shaft.

[Oh~ Wait...] Feeling that the member at full strength was impressive, she remembered that this meant one of two things... Either Xa'Gun was aroused by her touching, or... He was waking up.

Hellie opened her eyes and gazed down into the staring face of Xa'Gun. In the twilight of the early morning, one orcess, with a firm grip, and one orc, keenly aware of said grip, were staring at each other.

A period of time that wasn't easy to measure by both parties present continued in this way until Xa'Gun cleared his throat.

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

Standard, "I've been sick, yada, yada..." I swear this mortal form I've taken suuuuucks.

On to real news, I've secured an editor for now and will be going through chapter one of OC over the next few months. Look forward to an increase in chapter quality!!!

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Voidmiragecreators' thoughts