
Explain this...

As the Orcs in the room rose from their kneeling position, the Blacktongue Chieftain shouted, "Can anyone tell me what the hell that was?"

Uloth rose and spoke, "For whatever divine reason... The Black duo, generals to the Deamon Sultan, came upon our call."

The Blacktongue Chieftain had returned to his Blackstone throne and sat back down, "I don't know anything about spirits. Uvog, explain this where I can understand."

"Of course, Chieftain." Uvog gave a meaningful look to Uloth. She, in turn, helped Midka rise from her kneeling position.

Taking in a few deep breaths to calm his nerves, he spoke to the Chieftain, and of course through within the room, "One may not know it if one isn't a shaman... But, two key points."

The Chieftain furrowed his brows, as he turned to look at the newly named thrall, Xa'Gun.

"The Deamon Sultan is thought to be the creator... Of everything. Some debate if that's true or not, but what we do know is that his other name, he who sleeps within chaos, makes his home in the center of all things. His court is one that lulls him to sleep and calms his nerves, lest he wakes in a bad mood... And we are all destroyed without knowing why... Think of him as the Chieftain of all Spirits."

Many Orcs mouthed the words, "Chieftain of all Spirits," including the Blacktongue Chieftain.

"And he sent those two? Why...?" The Blackton Chieftain asked, but with a bit more fear laced inside his voice this time when he spoke.

Uvog looked to Uloth again, and she mouthed a few words. Uvog nodded, as he addressed the throne room again, "We can not know for certain the reasons for the spirits. To predict them is to predict the stars, why the rain falls, or the sun rises, it is too hard for us to know."

The Chieftain sat on his throne as he brooded for a few moments. The Orcs in the room took up their former places, and only Jukzuk and Phillip, now known as Xa'Gun stood where they were before.

After his brooding period, the Blacktongue Chieftain spoke again, "Has this happened before?"

"We only know of one, but only spirits know if they have done it before... We know of the Great Warrior that made the name of the Batslammer tribe known to all." Uvog said slowly.

"Tell me more." The Chieftain sat up straighter.

"A hundred years ago... It was said that the Great Shaman of the Batslammer Clan, Lugrub the Lunatic performed an evil ritual through blood rites... And summoned the spirit of the Pain-Drenched Bat. The Pain-Drenched Bat favored an Orc Warrior of their Tribe, whom you may have heard of named Balp'Wot. I believe I do not have to speak further about the tales of Balp'Wot."

The Blacktongue Chieftain nodded, and the way he looked upon the newly named thrall, Xa'Gun changed. His look that once contained mistrust, now contained the same look at a craftsman would look at his tools.

His voice took on a more merry note, as he called to the room, "So his name shall be Xa'Gun as given by the Spirits!"

Many nodded within the room. The left side of the room that held the shamans all had a look on their faces. This look spoke, that it was already decided, so why did you open your mouth?' But none of them dared to breathe this aloud.

"Come forward and kneel again, Xa'Gun." The Chieftain called out.

Phillip, now Xa'Gun, rose and lumbered back to the position he was previously, though now there was no longer any pressure. Phillip, no... Xa'Gun liked his new name... He spoke it a few times in his mind pronouncing it... 'Za-Gun.'

It felt so good to be rid of that Human name... All it ever had done for him was to bring him pain.

"Jukzuk spoke earlier that the humans removed your tusks. We can replace those. They lied to you about cultivation, We have it. They wasted your talents. We will not, but as the saying goes... There is no free feast! We bought you as a slave, and you are still a slave, but you are an ORC slave! My deal still stands the same as the day you arrived. Win the slave pits league, and you may gain your freedom."

Xa'Gun then thought about Hellie... About the Ghostberries, as he then grunted in a questioning way.

"You disagree?" The Chieftain furrowed his brows. Jukzuk glared at Xa'Gun from behind, wondering why he would speak out.

"This one agrees with your deal." Xa'Gun nodded, "But... Is it possible to request some Ghostberries?"

Hellie smiled widely seeing that her Tin-Can listened to her words.

The Chieftain's face eased up greatly hearing this, and even chuckled, "Haha, Ghostberries? Slaves are not supplied Ghostberries, but I'll give you further incentive to win the slave pits and assist you in winning. How about this! For each slave you kill. I will grant you one Ghostberry. Since you already killed one this morning. I will give you one Ghostberry. What says you?"

"This one is most appreciative." Xa'Gun gave an orcish salute pounding his chest from his kneeling position.

"Good. Very good. If there is nothing more, you may leave Xa'Gun." The Chieftain finished, with a slight smile hanging over his tusks.

Jukzuk finally spoke out, now that the major business was taken care of, "I have something that I wish to ask Xa'Gun before the Blacktongue Chieftain and the Tribe if you will allow."


The Chieftain furrowed his brows... Just what did Jukzuk want at this time? He felt that Jukzuk would be spoiling his mood of potentially acquiring a new warrior that could expand his region...

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

What is Jukzuk going to ask???

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts