
Chapter one

Pines standing tall with its leaves covered in snow and a snowy white field is all that can be seen.


A loud noise came shortly after, the bullet was lunged deep into a tree nearby, sending panic to all the birds nearby making them fly away from their hiding place to look for a new place to hide while trying not to die.

However, one animal stood still in her small hideout, a dead tree laying on the ground with a hole, just enough to hide this small creature and doing it's best to blend in while listing to something walking her way.

"Where is this damn animal? The tracks stop here?" Is all that could be heard in the deadly silent forest and the creature starts to shiver, knowing her end is coming soon.

"Maybe it kept running? It could have used the trunk to jump a future distance?" Footsteps could easily be heard with all the snow covering the land, coming closer to the small creatures hiding place.

The creature does her best to make herself smaller, trying not to reveal her position.

"There's no way I'm letting this damn creature get away again! It will hurt our kids and farm animals, how can you not think of this you  damn idiot" Was said with a stern voice to the point where even she tensed up.

"It haven't done anything yet Paa, I understand that we have to scare it away but we don't have to kill it for no reason." A smaller voice could be heard, it must have been the one who was the further away from her position.

"What do you mean it haven't done anything yet!" The man with the stern voice growled, you could hear his voice almost start to shake

"Are you fucking kidding me Næle! (Neele) it was WATCHING YOUR SISTER! Waiting for a chance to pounce on her and if it weren't for me, she would have been dead!" She could hear the footsteps further away from her hiding spot so she started to calm down again until she heard another loud


"Calm down Paa, don't waste the bullets if you actually want to kill it" the dissatisfied voice complained.

"Fine" then there were two clicking sounds and something fell onto the ground, footsteps could be heard walking further away from her, she finally let out a small breath that she didn't know she had been holding for the longest time.

She could easily still hear them, mumbling about her actions and how they wanted to kill her, yet she didn't understand a single thing they were saying but their actions spoke enough volume so even she knew they were trying to harm her. When they're finally far enough away from her, she crawled out of her trunk, her most used spot that she uses for shelter for when the snow got too bad.

She was on her own, always have been and maybe will be forever but she knew that she wanted her own family, that's why she had been spying on the small family on the outskirts of the town, she wanted one cub so badly but she haven't seen another one like her before. It was always just her.

She shook of the snow and depries that had covered her beautiful grey coat so she could finally attempt to find some food, she spent most of her days just gaze at the small human girl that was playing mostly on her own while her family worked and she often forgot to eat some days when she was watching the small family.

How badly she wanted someone, just anyone but after looking for another one like her for over 20 years, she gave up searching for a family and just settled with her lonely life.

She needed food, she had not had the best luck with finding anything to eat since the snow had hit these lands with such force that even trees had tilted or fallen down and not only that, since the humans have arrived and made a town. Since the town had been made, they had killed almost all animals nearby to keep their own type of animals she had never seen before but she could never get a close enough look since they've put a massive barb wired fench around them and their smaller animals was in cages.

She couldn't understand it and even if she tried to, they would have shot her before they let her anywhere near animals for her to get a closer look.

So while she was hunting for herself she heard another loud noise like the ones with the two humans and she was really curious on what they had found while she hadn't found anything and not only that, hunters often left some of the carcass behind so it could be a easy meal and she haven't eaten for days so after thinking about it for some time she decided to follow them.

They were easy to find with their loud footsteps through the snow, leaving tracks and scents for her to easily find which was surprising but she didn't think too much of it.

"You think it was the right one paa? I don't think it was, this one was too big" she could hear in the distance, she had to be careful, only to move when they move and never get in their point of view, which wasn't easy but she somehow managed even when they kept turning their heads around to find their prey.

"This is what you're worried about? Fucking foo