
Opposites Attract My Love

Story is for you to relax... "Marriage? Hahahaha very funny, if you want to fight come to the ground hmph!!!" "You know me very well my friend I will never destroy my soo cool life with marriage, even if you sell me off hmph!! Get away I don't wanna talk to you" Few months later "Marriage bureau!? Okay! We will marry, as long as you promise me that we will never have sex..." 'Definitely, I only want to be with you, my love nothing more or less' he thought inwardly and said "As you wish" he smiled dotingly "Hehehe Good... Let's sign the marriage contract then... By the way where is that paper I want, I would like to sign those first. This story? Aaaaa... Let me think A strong female lead - Definitely A strong Male lead - Obviously What is not obvious!? Maybe a female lead in itself... Soo this story is about a women who works for government who is free spirit, dominating, clumsy and talkative... As being their only sister her three considered brother or friend always pamper her a lot plus she is very spoiled too but never wanted to be depend on anyone anymore... And about a man who's only goal in his life was to be at top which he succeeded in 8 years of his career from bottom to top... Now after being forced by his family he needs to get married to a GIRL...!!!! Even though he is straight but what he hates the most is hypocritic girls... Abhijeet met a girl who is not hypocrite but totally opposite of him. The interaction was small but left a deep impression on him. Impression led to craving, craving to meet her again. For him she was the golden fleece of his life. It was not a love at first sight. But one of them wanted to believe it. Because with one sight of her make him believe she is the only one for him. It is said that if you want something from your heart, then the whole work takes place in an attempt to match it with you. I don't know if you're gonna like this novel or not but I would like to tell you to try this at least for 10 to 15 chapters might you like it then. At last I would like to tell you this story is not that messed but my English can be!! Because it's not my first language... I hope you will be able to stop yourself from criticizing me.... hehehe... Best of luck to me... # I am writing another book too... WHY AM I HOLDING ON YOU... COVER doesn't relate to me...

P_A_S · Urban
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216 Chs

He saw her

This morning from Abhijeet side---

Today he was in his office when he got a call from his cousin Priya to have a lunch with him. But he denied it because today after so many days finally he is free to meet his love. But his cousin convinced him eventually.

He was done with his lunch with her when she started talking about his marriage

"Brother what do you have thought regarding your marriage" Priya asked him. Today his aunt especially called her so that she will convince her elder brother to go on a date with Supriya alone. She told her how others, Tanya Ankit and Virat denied to do anything relate to this. Furthermore Priya also wanted Supriya to be her sister in law. Supriya was always a good friend to her. Supriya's being in Rai mansion would definitely help her too.

"Come to the point priya" He understands her very well, know what she wants and why she called him today.

Priya got flustered by his question "What do you mean by this brother" Why does he have to be so arrogant all the time with me. Since childhood this brother of her was always haughty and overbearing towards her!

"Just tell me why did you asked me to come here today" Abhijeet wiped his mouth with tissue elegantly.

Priya took Abhijeet's hand in his. Abhijeet tried to get her hands off but Priya didn't let him do that and not to embarrass his sister in public he didn't forcefully did that either. "Brother, okay, i don't want to beat around the bush either. You are thinking about getting married in few months right? And the best choice right now for the place of Mrs. Rai is only one person Miss Supriya. Even aunt greatly support her. She is good to kids too. Why don't you have a date with her at the least. It's not such a big deal. We are family friends after all."

Abhijeet removed her hand from his with his other hand "Are you done?" He looked towards waiter "Bill please" He don't have anything to talk to her anymore.

Priya felt humiliated again by him. She knew it's impossible for her to convince her brother but her aunt forced her to come here with the thought that her relation with him is great. Unknown to the fact that it's her first time to even spend this much time alone with Abhijeet.

Abhijeet don't hate Priya. But her continuous i'll mannered behaviour with everyone and that greedy eyes made him feel detest towards her. Right now even she is thinking about her profit.

Abhijeet was looking out of the mirror when he saw her!

He was shocked at first. It's been few weeks, he didn't had any contact with her because of his busy schedule. Today he wanted to ask her out but his cousin came in. Without thinking about his sister he stood up and walk towards his girl. He impatiently paid the bill and went out, he was about to call her when he notice that she wasn't alone a guy was there too with her.

He advanced to them in hope to greet her. But was stunned when he heard the contents of their conversation unintentionally. "But you need to think about it Anna." "Either you marry or loose whatever your brother hard earned till now for Reddy enterprises." "Are you gonna let someone robbed it from your family? "You need to get married within this month and you already have my marriage proposal. Why would you waste time."

Abhijeet track stopped with all this sudden information 'What marriage within a month? What Marriage proposal? What does he mean by all this? And who is he?' He was still processing all this when he saw him holding her hand forcefully. He could feel the burning rage inside him when he saw that. And with instinct he took away her hand from that man grasp in his.

"And who are you to tell her what to do and what not." Abhijeet said


Anna got startled by his sudden intervention. Even though earlier she was angry on him but now having him beside her holding her hand made her feel content.

Sahil confusedly looked up to see who intervene "Excuse me? Who are you?"

"None of your business." Abhijeet didn't felt like he is that important to talk. He turned towards his girl "Are you done? Shall we leave?" It wasn't just a question but a overbearing question.

Anna didn't knew what to say, why is he looking angry all of the sudden, when it should be her.

"Anna?" Abhijeet asked again, he didn't want to waste anymore time. He needs to know what is happening with her. It's already been two months since they met and were really great friends from last one and half month. They used to talk a lot about even small things but just because of few days she didn't even bother to talk to him about her matters. Why?