

I awoke tired despite having slept for several hours. It was to be expected, but I could still move and fight if necessary. Complaining wasn't on my agenda today; I'll do it later. Fortunately, mana was doing an excellent job of healing my wounds.

My injuries were all healed, but my stamina hadn't fully recovered. I just lay there motionless, Rachel in my arms, stringing at the cave ceiling. The only thing I could hear was her snoring. In all honesty, it was kind of peaceful, and I wished I could stay like this for a while longer.

Rachel shifted above me, and I felt her grip on my sleeves tighten. I didn't move or say anything; I just stared at her, waiting to see what she'd do next. Rachel was not a morning person at all. Unless I'm present, when she wakes up, she usually goes right back to sleep.

She also doesn't drink coffee, so she doesn't get much energy in the morning. She just wanders around aimlessly, sipping tea. Rachel groaned as she sat up, her eyes half-open as she looked around.

Me? I was trying to keep my hands away while repeating the alphabet over and over again. What is it with beautiful women and their morning faces, not to mention the fact that she's sitting on me with her hands pressed against my stomach.

I just want the court to know that if anything bad happens to this girl, it is entirely her fault. Wait, do I really look that good? After all, we have similar appearances.


I may be a tomboy at times, but I'm still a girl, and my appearance is only my second priority in life. Call me basic and I'd say you are half right. The first is to spoil Rachel though.

"Shi?" My train of very child-friendly thoughts was shattered when I heard her call me. Yes, PG-13 is a favorite in this house.

"Good morning. I'm not sure if it's morning or not, but let's go with it."

"Morning, hehe. Did you get enough sleep?" She leaned down, her face pressed against my neck. I stiffened as she kissed my collarbone. I literally froze on the spot.

My immediate thought was, "Is this even legal?" And, no, it most likely isn't. But who cares about the law when I've killed two people already.

My second thought was, "Will I go to hell for this?" And, once again, most likely. I killed my parents, and I'm going to kill a lot of people in the future. But, yes! If I'm going to hell, I might as well enjoy heaven, don't you think?

Rachel wrapped her legs around me and leaned in closer as I moved over to the wall. I let her do whatever she wanted because I had just done the same thing a few hours before.


"Yes, Love."

"Can we go now? I long for the comfort of a bed."

With a nod of my head, I chuckled. Rachel stood up, and I did as well. I was desperate to get out of here as well; sleeping in a cave was a nightmare.

*Third Person*

Jinx and Rachel exited the cave, making their way as quickly as possible to the obelisk. Jinx reasoned that it would be far better for them to avoid the ants in order to conserve energy. She was well aware of how difficult it was to fight the ants. They may be extremely weak, but they would easily outnumber them.

"Shi, do you truly love me?"

Jinx then tripped over an imaginary rock, landing face first on the ground. She was at a loss for words; why on earth would she ask such a question in a freaking dungeon?! She is well aware of Rachel's innocence and obliviousness; the girl isn't even aware of the dark secret behind 69!

To be fair, it was mostly because Jinx had done everything she could to keep that kind of information away from Rachel. It would taint her innocence, okay Jinx is allowed to do so.

Jinx groaned as she stood up, cleaned herself, and returned her gaze to the girl who had stolen everything from her, including her heart and soul. Jinx approached her and kneeled in front of her. Jinx embraced Rachel while looking up at her.

"Doll, I adore you with all my heart. It's why I won't die before you; I'll never leave you alone in this world. Only you have the right to die before me." Jinx smiled and hugged her even tighter. "I promise to marry you in nine days, on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in whatever city we end up in. You have my word on it."

Sometime Later

Jinx and Rachel had returned to the clearing where the obelisk was located. Jinx sat on the ground with her legs crossed, and Rachel sat next to her, juggling rocks, which she failed at several times. Jinx wasn't paying much attention to her, instead focusing her attention on the field in front of them.

She noticed no entrances to the obelisk. Ants were swarming all over it, each of them at least level sixteen. This was going to be more difficult than she had anticipated. They'd been sitting there for a few minutes, but nothing had happened.

Some of the ants would move around, but none of them ever left the field. Jinx had hoped there wouldn't be as many as the previous time, but there were. Maybe this was their punishment for what happened; guess the world doesn't like taboo. She sighed, trying to come up with a plan.

"All right, Doll, here's the plan." Jinx mentioned attracting Rachel's attention.

Two minutes Later

'Shi, take a look at me." Jinx opened her closed eyes after explaining her brilliant plan. This plan was so brilliant that not even the GODS could come up with a better one. Her brilliance is limitless! Rachel cupped both of her hands around Jinx's face, drawing her closer. Jinx's face was blushing a tiny bit, but not much.

"Shi, I truly adore you. And because I love you so much, I'll be honest: that was the worst plan I've ever heard. There were more holes in that plan than a century centipede had legs."

Jinx's chest was pierced by a word bubble, and she looked at her sister, completely hurt by her words. That plan had taken her fifty seconds to come up with. Jinx's eyes welled up as she gazed up at Rachel with puppy eyes.

"Do you really believe that, Doll?"

"Well, uh, ah-" Rachel was taken aback by this; she hadn't expected to see such a reaction. Rachel didn't see through Jinx's ruse because she wasn't on guard, but she would have if she was.

Jinx grinned as he realized he had won this one. She kissed Rachel on the cheek. Jinx rose and dusted herself.

"Doll, come on! We're getting out of this filthy dungeon!"

"Wait, now!?"


"Are we really not going to fix the plan!?"


Jinx dashed forward, digging her feet into the ground. Rachel jumped to her feet, trailing the girl. Jinx may have acted dramatically, but Rachel was correct. This plan was riddled with flaws.

She just going to wing it, was she being reckless? Absolutely! But what's the fun in planning?

Famous last words.

When Rachel and Jinx were close enough, Jinx trailed Rachel and their speed increased. The ants quickly spotted them and launched a barrage of attacks. From boulders to stone spikes, while others charge straight ahead. Jinx couldn't help but thank Lady Luck, even though she wasn't sure if the ants collaborated or not.

You never know if she read the story. If they worked together, Jinx and Rachel wouldn't be able to leave for a long time. They are extremely weak, and unlike others, they cannot simply kill things to become stronger. Jinx was confident that with the system she had, they would be weak at first but skyrocket later on.

She wasn't sure; once again, she had to hope.

Rachel dodged a few of the attacks before turning slightly. Jinx, on the other hand, simply jumped over it. She was physically stronger than Rachel and could withstand a few blows. Rachel was in the lead because she possessed more mana than Jinx and could use it to fortify her body.

When Jinx discovered this, she was at a loss for words. They haven't even been here a day, and Rachel is capable of doing so. Even if it's only for a few minutes before her mana is completely depleted.

Jinx was barely able to use mana to strengthen her arm. Her control over mana was complete shit.

"Shi! I warned you that this was a shit plan!"

"It's working, isn't it!?"

Jinx laughed as she rolled on the ground beneath an ant. She drew her sword and slashed upwards, decapitating the ant and stealing its body for later. She was a greedy girl, and the extra second it took to take the body would be worth it.

Rachel was dodging a lot of ants; she was hurt, but not as badly as her sister. Rachel cursed as she realized they were getting close to the obelisk.

'Is Shi's shit plan going to work?! If it does, I'll never again question her plans!'

After that, they say it. The leader class ant stands directly in front of the obelisk. Rachel blinked but continued running, believing in Jinx's plan. Jinx trailed behind her, keeping a close eye on her.

The ant towered well over two meters (6.6 feet). Certainly the largest one they've seen so far. The stone gathered in front of the ant and began to compress into a glowing green stone pebble. Rachel folded her brows, but was unable to react when it shot towards them.

She couldn't avoid it, but she didn't have to. Jinx pushed her out of the way, but it grazed her face and drew blood. Jinx scowled.

'She'd be dead if that had it for her. I really need to train her. Her body is far too frail, but she outmaneuvers me in mana control and, most likely, magic as well.'

A stone wall rasing between the ant and the twins prevented it from charging up another. They ran forward arriving at the obelisk. Rachel used the panel while hold Jinx's hand. The ant slashed through the wall destroying it and slashed towards the two with its claw once again. The sisters vanished just as it was about to hit. Leaving the dungeon for good.