

Taboo_Stranger · sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Almost Done!

After driving for an hour, the bus finally made it to the base. "Everyone, you have all been drafted to serve in the war. You will go through boot camp, those who perform unsatisfactory will go through boot camp again until they can perform properly." The recruiter said. "Alright, Everyone grab your stuff and get off the bus. There will be an officer to bring you all to the barracks." Evan, terrified, got off the bus and followed the officer with everyone else.

Once everyone was at the barracks, they were separated into flights; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot. Evan was in Echo flight. After the separation, they were brought to their bunks. Men were on the 3rd floor, women were on the 2nd. They were told to talk with their bunk mates, And that they will get a wingman tomorrow. Evans' bunkmates were Jamison Fawkes, Stephan Cull, and Ellas Schüll. When it was time for lunch, the sergeants brought them to the "chow hall" which is a name the cadets and even higher-ups call the cafeteria. "Let's see what they got." Even entered through the door and got in line. The food was way better than what he thought it'd be, but then again, it was the airforce.


"We will begin G-force training starting today, you will be doing this 2 times a week every week until the end of boot camp!" The sergeant yelled "Am I Understood!" "YES SERGEANT!" Everyone sounded off in sync. Everyone was brought back to their bunks and were told to get ready for the showers. "Yo," Stephan said to Evan "you excited for the G's" "Yeah s-sure I guess." Evan nervously replied. Evan was alway more of a marines guy, even if he wasn't into the military. The next day at around 4 am, Evan and Ellas along with a few other people from different flights were told to get ready for the first round of G-force training. And then at 4:30 am they were called out of their rooms and followed their flight commanders to the vans that would bus them to the facility. It was eerily quiet as they were walking down the hall, the only sounds being the footsteps of everyone in a line.


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